Chapter 12

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"Mr Potter, hiding away in there isn't going to help anything, come out and we can discuss what happened." McGonagall said, not that Harry gave her a response.

"He's scared professor, I don't think he's just going to come out." George said, looking between the pale, trembling Harry and McGonagall.

McGonagall let out a short sigh, crouching down so she could see Harry. She hadn't known what she was expecting, but whatever it was, it wasn't what she saw. Harry was pale, and still trembling in fear of his own accidental magic, the fear probably made worse by an authority figure being there. 

"Harry, you're not in any trouble, but you can't stay in there forever. Come out and we can find out what happened so it doesn't happen again." She said, trying to sound as kind as she could, although it wasn't normal for her, as caring as she may be, her stern reputation didn't come without reason.

Harry shook his head at the suggestion, raising his hands to sign his answer, his inkwell having been broken in his last encounter with Ron, most of his parchment now stained black from his ink. 'I should be in trouble, I almost killed D-R-A-C-O.'

"I still think it would be best to find out what happened somewhere more comfortable for all of us. We can decide then if there is the need for punishment, and if so what kind." McGonagall said, starting to get tired of what she realised was an unwinnable game.

When Harry once again refused her, she sent a silent stunner, hoping it would get through his shields as they seemed to only stop physical beings from getting through, only for it to ricochet off and hit Draco, knocking him out instantly. Needless to say, seeing Draco fall limp to the floor, hair a mess, did not make Harry more likely to leave the alcove.

"Mr Weasley, would one of you please go to the kitchens and bring a house elf?" McGonagall asked, knowing her magic wouldn't help the situation anymore. She had been hoping that stunning Harry would take down his shields, allowing them to bring him somewhere better, probably the Hospital Wing.

Harry looked even more scared than before, not noticing that he had set another shield around Draco, not wanting him to get hurt. The panic was really starting to set into Harry, no longer being able to breathe properly as all his brain would do was tell him that he had hurt and possibly killed Draco.

Harry didn't hear McGonagall give the house elf that had shown up almost instantly a command, in fact, he hardly registered the darkness around him consume his vision as he fell to the side, shields lowering.

"Enervate" McGonagall said, pointing her wand at Draco who instantly jumped awake.

"Harry." Draco said, crawling into the alcove and pulling the sleeping boy out. His robes had gotten dirty from the dust and grime in the alcove he was in, spiderwebs in his hair, but colour was coming back to his cheeks.

"Does mistress still needs Dinky, or should Dinky be goings?" The house elf asked, their voice high pitched and annoying, wearing a pillowcase.

"You can go back to what you were doing before, Dinky." McGonagall said, waving her hand in dismissal, Dinky disappearing back to the kitchens with a loud crack. "Fred, George, I'm sure you have better things to be doing than standing around here all day."

"What did the house elf do to him, professor?" Draco asked, looking down at Harry who lay limp in his arms.

"Just made him sleep, he'll wake up before too long, but I think this is a conversation to have elsewhere Mr Malfoy." McGonagall said, levitating harry out of Draco's arms and striding towards the Hospital Wing, hoping that due to it being Saturday, it wouldn't be too full.

Draco had to almost run to keep up with McGonagall's fast pace, that in accumulation to her tall stature made it difficult for 11 year olds to keep up with her. Draco managed it, though, seeing the discomfort in Harry's eyes and being incredibly glad he always carried one of the plushies in his bag.

Once Harry was placed on one of the empty beds of the hospital wing, Draco put the Dragon next to him, Harry instantly burying his face into it, looking even smaller than he really was compared to the giant plush dragon. Mme Pomfrey started fussing around him, making sure there was nothing wrong with him, while McGonagall pulled Draco into a private room to talk.

"What exactly happened back there to make Potter react in such a way?" McGonagall, a firm, but motherly glint in her eyes as she looked down at Draco.

"I had been on a fire call with my mother discussing  gift for Harry, so I wasn't with him. He was going to the library, so after I finished the call I went to find him, but I scared him because he didn't realise it was me. Ron Weasley keeps telling people they're friends and that he's being forced to make people believe he's mute, because of that people keep on cornering him, trying to get him to talk or spend time with Weasley." Draco explained, looking down at his shoes.

"I am aware of those rumours Mr Weasley is spreading, rest assured I am doing my best to stop them, however we can keep a closer eye on Mr Potter so it happens less." McGonagall said, taking a sip of tea that had been brought at some point by a house elf.

"So because of that, he's really jumpy, and when I scared him he let out a burst of accidental magic, it didn't touch me, but it damaged the walls pretty badly, so he got scared he would hurt me and ran away." Draco said, playing with a loose thread on his robes, not meeting McGonagall's eyes, all of this was his fault.

"I'll have to speak to Mr Potter about this, but it would be possible for him to get wearable magic dampeners he can wear in school so he doesn't have to worry about hurting others, but he can take it off if the situation calls for it." McGonagall said, standing up and banishing her tea, exiting the private room.

Hovering above Harry wasn't Mme Pomfrey, though, who lay crumpled in one of the chairs for visitors, it was Dumbledore, his wand out, mid spell. It didn't sound like a healing spell.

"What exactly are you doing, headmaster?" McGonagall asked, her wand in hand, hidden by a fold in her robes, her voice cold as she fixed Dumbledore with a look that would root even Voldemort to the spot.

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