Chapter 13

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"What exactly are you doing, headmaster?" McGonagall asked, her wand in hand, hidden by a fold in her robes, her voice cold as she fixed Dumbledore that would root even Voldemort to the spot.

"Ah, Professor McGonagall, how nice of you to stop by." Dumbledore said, hiding his wand behind his back as he smiled at the woman, although the smile didn't reach his eyes, an evil gleam still visible.

"What were you doing to Mr Potter? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're no healer." McGonagall said, gesturing for Draco to get behind her, which he did, his eyes never leaving Harry.

"Minnie, what are you implying?" Dumbledore asked, laughing slightly.

"What I've known for years, you're no saint, Dumbledore. I've had my suspicions since seeing Hagrid this year, but your anger at Harry's house only confirmed that, as far as you're concerned, he's only a pawn." McGonagall said, her eyes cold as she observed the older wizard, the man who had been her mentor since she first attended Hogwarts.

"A pawn, Minerva, surely you know me better than that, he's a child." Dumbledore said, although there was something lacking from his voice that stopped it from being convincing.

"I know you're not above that, Albus, you left him in an abusive household for most of his life, preventing those who cared about him from seeing him, including me." McGonagall said, nostrils flaring in anger. "You just wanted him to be willing to do anything you told him, except he was taken in by the Malfoys before you could get to him."

"Well done, Minnie. You know, you probably are the smartest witch I know." Dumbledore said, dropping his pretences and clapping sarcastically. "But how, exactly, do you plan on stopping me?"

McGonagall put her left hand on Draco's shoulder, making sure she knew where he was, before she let off a silent curse at Dumbledore, who blocked it more easily than she would have liked.

"Mr Malfoy, go and fetch Professor Snape, I'll deal with Albus." McGonagall said, pushing Draco towards the doors, keeping her eyes fixed on Dumbledore, blocking his attacks and sending her own in response.

"What about Harry?" Draco asked, sheltering behind the door, but not about to leave him in a dangerous situation.

"Neither of us want to kill him, he'll be fine. Go and get Severus." McGonagall snapped as an imperius curse passed uncomfortably close to her right ear.

With one last look at the smaller boy laying stiff in the hospital bed, Draco ran. He ignored the calls of other students as he sprinted towards the dungeons, he was still able to hear the sounds of McGonagall and Dumbledore fighting in the Entrance Hall.

Draco didn't notice who he was running past until George grabbed his arm, causing him to almost fall over from the continued momentum. The only reason he didn't was because of the strong grip George had on his arm.

"What happened?" George asked, giving Draco a searching look.

"That sounds like it's coming from the Hospital Wing." Fred said, looking at Draco in an identical way.

Draco hadn't realised how out of breath he was until he tried to speak, only for him to have no air in his lungs to do so. "Dumbledore... McGonagall... No time." He gasped out, pulling his arm away and continuing to run to the dungeons, Fred and George running after him, hoping for an explanation.

Draco burst into Snape's office, not bothering to knock, his hair all over the place. Snape looked up at him with an unimpressed glare before he noticed how panicked Draco looked. He knew his godson well, and it took a lot to make Draco look worried in a situation where anyone could see him.

"What is the reason fr you bursting into my office? It had better be a good explanation or you'll be in detention with me for a week." Snape said in his usual icy drawl as he stood from his desk where he was marking 5th year homework.

"Professor McGonagall... Told me to get you... Hospital Wing... Fight... Dumbledore." Draco gasped out, making sure he said the important parts.

Snape let out a long suffering sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he grabbed his bag of emergency potions. "What are you waiting for, let's go."

Snape swept through the halls, easily getting past the swarm of students that had formed outside the Hospital Wing, afraid to open the door to see what was happening in there. There was still crashes audible and a mixture of verbal and non-verbal spells being used.

Snape pulled open the doors, his robes billowing, just in time to see McGonagall hit Dumbledore with a stunner. He looked rather crazed as he fell to the floor, a maniacal smile plastered to his face, his eyes crazed and gleaming with a sinister edge.

"You asked for me, McGonagall?" Snape said, not letting his shock at the situation show in his voice, but he was surprised to say the least, in the Hospital Wing.

"Yes, I did. I'll revive Poppy, I need you to check what he did to Mr Potter." McGonagall said, brushing the dirt off her clothes, waving her wand to close the doors with a snap to stop the student that were standing around from seeing what was going or on, or get in the way.

"What exactly happened to him?" Snape asked as he swept over to Harry, who was laying on the bed with his eyes open, stiff as a board

"Something happened with accidental magic so he had to be brought here, then Albus cast some spells on him while I was talking to Mr Malfoy, so I have no idea what he cast." McGonagall said as she revived Mme Pomfrey.

"Dumbledore! Where is that man? Oh, when I get my hands on him- Coming in here and using illegal spells on my patients!" Mme Pomfrey said, rage seeming to pour from her in waves as she awoke, Draco standing in the corner felt the need to pull away from her.

"I'm afraid you're a little late for that." McGonagall said with a smile, gesturing to the man laying crumpled on the floor by Harry's bed that Snape had kicked roughly aside to properly examine Harry.

"That good for nothing-" Pomfrey grumbled, walking over to Harry as well, already casting diagnostic spells on Harry.

"I'll contact the Ministry, he has to be punished for this." McGonagall said, once again retreating into Pomfrey's office.

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