Chapter 14

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'𝒩𝑒𝓌𝓁𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓈:
𝒫𝑒𝓉𝓇𝒾𝒻𝒾𝒸𝓊𝓈 𝒯𝑜𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓊𝓈
𝒮𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒶 (Trust)
𝒬𝓊𝑜𝒹 𝒞𝑜𝒶𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓂 (Compulsion)

𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉:
𝒪𝒷𝓁𝒾𝓋𝒾𝑜 (𝐼𝓃𝑒𝒻𝒻𝑒𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝒶𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒸𝒶𝓈𝓉)'

Pomfrey let in a sharp breath of air as she saw the list of spells cast on Harry, to use unforgivables? Had Dumbledore really stooped that low?

Harry was still looking up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes, as stiff as if he had been petrified, but Snape was working on removing the compulsion and trust hexes that had been placed on him.

About three minutes later, McGonagall came out of Pomfrey's office, letter in hand. Pomfrey wordlessly handed her the list of spells Dumbledore cast on Harry, which McGonagall gave a brief scan and intake of breath, before putting it in the envelope and marching off to the owlery to deliver it.

Draco wasn't sure if they even remembered he was in the room, but he wasn't about to alert them and be kicked out. He had to be there for Harry when all the spells were removed, very few if any of the teachers knew sign language due to it being uncommon for wizards to be mute, and if they were they never usually stayed at wizarding schools for long, unable to cast spells and keep up with their classmates.

McGonagall wasn't gone for long, however she entered just as Snape swore loudly. She fixed him with a less firm glare than she had sent to wards Dumbledore mere moments before.

"Was that really necessary, Severus?" McGonagall said in place of a greeting.

"I felt it was appropriate." Snap said coolly, hardly turning his head to look at the stern, but more motherly woman. "He's lucky he's mute, it seems Dumbledore tried to force him into the unbreakable vow."

"Thank goodness he didn't spea- Hagrid!" Pomfrey said, cutting herself off, her eyes wide.

"What about Hagrid, Poppy?" McGonagall asked, knowing Pomfrey to be a very logical and collected woman most of the time.

"Of course, you wouldn't remember, you weren't teaching then. When he was in his third year Hagrid was expelled, but he was allowed to stay at Hogwarts provided he made the unbreakable vow with Dumbledore." Pomfrey explained, the two other teachers going pale.

Draco only knew the basics on the unbreakable vow, you can's break it or you'll die, but he knew that doing it with a minor was a criminal offence unless the child was, themselves, a dangerous criminal. He may not like the gatekeeper, but he knew as well as anyone that he wasn't a criminal. Irresponsible? Yes. Criminal? No.

"But then, what will the Ministry do with him?" McGonagall asked. "He hasn't done anything illegal, at least by choice, but he could die if he doesn't do what Dumbledore tells him."

"That's a problem the Ministry will have to deal with, Potter still isn't out of the woods yet." Snape said, feeling glad that he hadn't made the suggested unbreakable vow with Dumbledore when he had the chance.

It was another 20 minutes before Harry sat up with a gasp, shrinking in on himself as he saw all the teachers around him. He hardly remembered anything before being put under the imperius curse, which had only dampened his understanding of what was going on around him, he hadn't understood what the white haired man was saying, but he had felt the excruciating pain. Surely these teachers would want to punish him too, if not for the hall and near manslaughter of Draco, for whatever had made the other teacher so angry.

"Harry!" Draco called, rushing over, Pomfrey giving him a sceptical look, but they allowed him to get to Harry.

Harry looked at Draco with wide eyes, shocked that Draco still wants to talk to him after everything he had done to him that day. A lot had happened, and it was hardly even the afternoon.

"I'm sorry." Draco said, Harry shaking his head at those words, although Draco ignored it. "I'm sorry that I scared you, I should have made sure you knew I was coming."

'It was my fault, I shouldn't have exploded.' Harry signed, tears starting to form in his eyes, Draco reaching forward to hug him.

"It's not your fault, you're stressed at the moment, and I should have made sure you knew I was coming." Draco told him, hugging him so there was no way for Harry to communicate with him, but he returned the hug.

"Mr Potter, do you remember what Dumbledore was trying to get you to do?" McGonagall asked.

"A little." Draco said, knowing that none of the surrounding teachers understood sign language, so translating for Harry. Admittedly, he didn't know about Mme Pomfrey, but he could assume she didn't either, even if she was the most likely out of the whole staff.

"Can you, well, both of you, tell us what that was?" McGonagall asked, although Snape was already leaving. He had never cared about the boy, only as much as he was Lily's son, but he was also James' son, the man he had hated for years. Now that Dumbledore had been revealed to be a fraud, he had no reason to care about the Potter boy at all.

"He was trying to make Harry swear to do as Dumbledore told him, and to kill..." Draco translated, Harry pausing, unsure how to spell the name of the person Dumbledore was trying to get him to kill.

"V- Voldemort?" McGonagall asked, seeming to fight herself to get the name out, knowing that Dumbledore would have used the real name, rather than the many ways everyone would avoid saying his name, which Harry wouldn't know.

Harry nodded, continuing to sign. "When he couldn't speak, Dumbledore got angry and stopped him from moving before making him feel more pain than..." Draco cut off, not wanting to say what Harry had just signed, although he knew it to be true all he wanted to do was stop it from ever having happened in the first place.

"More pain than what, Draco? He finished signing, so what did he say?" Mme Pomfrey asked, her tone caring, although firm. As not only a qualified teacher, but also the school healer, she had to know what had been ailing the students under her care.

"More painful than when his uncle beat him." Draco said, crawling closer to Harry, pulling him into a hug, never wanting to let go. Harry seemed to share his sentiment, snuggling closer into Draco's arms.

McGonagall and Pomfrey looked at the two boys, eyes wide with shock. They had known something had happened to Harry to make him stop talking, both having been to at least one celebration at the Potter home and heard him "talking" as a baby, but they had assumed it was an ill effect of surviving the killing curse. If Harry was being abused at the muggles' then it was no wonder his magic wasn't under control, although unusually powerful, and of course he would want to be near Draco as much as he could.

"He'll never go back there." McGonagall said, softly.

"I know, I wouldn't have allowed that to happen either way. He's staying with us at the manor." Draco said, his attention still on Harry, who had increased weight a lot since leaving the Dursleys, but he was still underweight, especially because of Ron and his group of friends.

"For now, you both need rest." Mme Pomfrey said, starting to bustle around again, no longer needing to give Harry her full attention, but still in her usual healer mind set. "Today has been stressful for both of you, I'll send for lunch, and then you will sleep."

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