Chapter 15

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Harry didn't eat very much lunch, even though he had both Draco and Mme Pomfrey breathing down his neck, it just wouldn't stay down. When they were both satisfied, not happy, but satisfied, both Harry and Draco were given a dreamless sleep potion. Although Draco was supposed to have his own bed to sleep in, the two ended up sleeping in each others' arms.

"Did you get anything on why Harry is so powerful?" McGonagall asked once they were sure the two boys were asleep, Harry's head only reaching Draco's chest, but that meant he looked like he was being protected by Draco, who was holding him close.

"It seems he has a creature inheritance, or, rather, 2. We both know that the Malfoys are a long line of veelas, but I had not been aware of the Potters line." Pomfrey explained, looking at Harry with fondness in her eyes.

"Two creature inheritances?" McGonagall asked, shocked, it was possible, of course, but extremely rare for a half blood to have one, let alone two inheritances.

"Yes, I believe he's a phoenix and thestral, which could explain how he's mute." Mme Pomfrey said, looking down. A thestral inheritance is actually pretty common, but unlike other inheritances, it isn't one that you come into at 16. A thestral inheritance can only come into place when first, the person has seen death, and second, they need to face a great deal of pain and undernourishment, before feeling safe again when they would actually go through their inheritance. That would be unless they had another inheritance as well, when they would come together.

"That would explain why he's so powerful, and if his thestral is released, which it probably will be, he could well be one of the most powerful wizards to date, no wonder Albus was trying to force Harry to serve him." McGonagall said, her eyes wide, although she spat out Albus as though it had a horrible taste in her mouth.

"He will need to go to extra classes in order to control his extra power, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to send Mr Malfoy as well, not just for Harry, but so he's best prepared for his own inheritance." Pomfrey said, looking fondly at the two boys. "I'm sure his parents have figured it out, but I doubt they know."

"At least, they're unlikely to really understand what that means." McGonagall agreed, seeing how close the two boys lay.


Draco was the first to wake up, feeling the warmth close to his body he looked down, smiling when he saw Harry's sleeping face. He looked so cute, his cheek bones no longer as prominent as they were when they had first met, and he didn't have the scared or stressed expression he usually wore walking around Hogwarts, clinging close to Draco as though he was some kind of shield.

Harry snuggled slightly closer to Draco as he started to wake up, his face wrinkling slightly, looking cute as his nose wrinkled as he woke up, trying to stay asleep. His black hair was messily over his face and the pillow, framing the slight blush on his cheeks.

Harry was slow to open his eyes, and Draco could feel the breath catch in his throat as he saw the brilliant green in his eyes which seemed to be even brighter than they were last time he had seen them. Harry looked a little lost, before he noticed Draco, when he smiled up at him.

'Morning D-R-A-C-O.' Harry signed, sitting up and pushing his hair out of his face.

"Morning Harry." Draco said, smiling down at Harry, before realising how bright it was in the room. "Is it morning?"

"I see you're both awake." Mme Pomfrey said, bustling into the room with a pair of trays following her behind her with a lot of food on them. "And yes, it's morning, you two slept for rather a long time."

Mme Pomfrey placed a tray in front of each boy, Draco having to move to a different bed as there wasn't enough room for both trays on one bed. It was a simple breakfast compiled of porridge and some fruit, a glass of milk and a mug of milky tea each. 

"Eat up, what are you waiting for?" Pomfrey said, walking back to the two after smoothing out the sheets one one of the bed and seeing neither of them eating, even though it had only taken her a few seconds.

Immediately responding to the mild irritation in her voice in the same way he did the unequivocal rage in Vernon's, and immediately did as he was told, almost choking on the grape he had eaten as quickly as he could. He slowed slightly as he started to eat the slightly salty porridge, it was still hot after all and he didn't want to burn his tongue. 

Draco gave Harry a look of concern, which he shook off, before returning to his own breakfast. Unlike Harry, who had no particular opinions on what he ate, just glad to have food, Draco was far more particular about what he ate. Because of this, he didn't have a typical Scottish porridge, but a more southern one with a sprinkle of sugar on the top. He was much slower than Harry at eating, looking elegant as he did so, until a small bit of porridge dropped off the bottom of the spoon, causing him to jump and almost send his tray to the floor.

'Are you alright D-R-A-C-O?' Harry asked, looking over at him.

"I'm fine, just didn't realise there was some on the bottom of the spoon." Draco said, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Less talking, eat up and then you can get going." Pomfrey said, marching over to the two, levitating the tray back into its original position over Draco's lap.

"Sorry Mme Pomfrey." Draco said, going back to eating.

"Mr Potter, slow down or you'll choke." Mme Pomfrey said, turning around to see Harry stuffing his mouth with the fruit and spoonfuls of his porridge as fast as he could.

Harry looked at her with wide eyes, immediately slowing down. He didn't seem to notice the concerned looks the other two sent towards him.

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