Chapter 16

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After they finished eating, Harry and Draco were kicked out of the hospital wing and told to go to their dorm where Professor McGonagall would come to get them after she had finished with some important business.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Draco asked, noticing how Harry was staying very close to his side, his jaw set and often looking around them.

Harry nodded quickly, his hair bobbing up and down, almost getting in his eyes, although he didn't loose the tension he was carrying with his whole being. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was making him so on edge: Ron and his goons.

"You'll be fine Harry, I'm here." Draco said, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder that was furthest as both an act of reassurance and a protective stance, showing anyone who wanted to get to Harry, they would have to get through him first.

"Massssssster." Predawn hissed, slithering up to the two, winding their way up to Harry's shoulder, helping Harry to relax. "Isssss massssster alright? I ssssssssaw the sssssssstrict teacher talking about you."

"I'm fine, Predawn." Harry replied, trying to figure out which teacher they were talking about, almost all of them were strict, the only one who was specifically not was Professor Quirrell, who always made chills go down Harry's spine. "What did they ssssssssay?"

"Sssshhhhe was talking to the Nusssscenccee, telling him off for the thingsss he ssssaysssss about you." Predawn hissed, Draco steering harry towards the common room, as he almost walked into 5 walls, concentrating on Predawn.

"What's Predawn telling you?" Draco asked when the hissing finally stopped, seeing as that's one of the only sounds Harry could make, and even then it was extremely quiet.

'R-O-N got in trouble, and something to do with me.' Harry signed, looking confused, what did those two things have in common?

"If it has something to do with you, you'll probably know about the details eventually." Draco said, turning to the blank stretch of wall that was the entrance to the Slytherin common room.

There had been multiple occasions when harry had been stuck outside as he can't say the password, so they got some of the 7th years to help. Now an alert would go off inside if Harry's magical signature is outside and unable to get in, so someone will open it.

"What's the password again?" Draco asked, before the hole opened to reveal a very worried Melissa, an angry looking Ven right behind her.

"And where exactly have you two been?" Ven demanded, looming over the two first years, only to be lightly smacked over the head by Melissa. 

"Ven, you don't know what happened, don't start with anger." Melissa reprimanded, in part because she noticed Harry flinch closer to Draco when Ven yelled. "What happened, you weren't at the feast yesterday at lunch or dinner. You weren't there for breakfast this morning either." 

"We were at the Hospital Wing, sorry for worrying you." Draco said, giving Harry a reassuring squeeze.

"You were in the Hospital Wing? What happened?" Melissa asked, pulling the two boys into the green common room, lit by the light streaming in from the lake, an occasional merperson or other water life swimming past the window, sometimes stopping to have a conversation with the Slytherins.

"Lots of stuff, we're fine, but a lot happened." Draco said, taking a seat on the leather sofa closest to him, still holding Harry close.

"If you were in the Hospital Wing yesterday, do you know what was going on? It sounded like there was a fight." Ven said, it had irked them since yesterday, just what had happened?

"We know alright." Draco said, slightly bitterly, wishing that they didn't know, that it hadn't involved harry and, thus, him. "Dumbledore was trying to force Harry into the unbreakable vow, he used the unforgivables."

"So much for being the leader of the light." Ven scoffed, although internally they were furious. The Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore would use the unforgivables on a child? And to force them into the unbreakable vow no less?

"Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry." Melissa said, pulling Harry into a hug, practically ripping Draco's arm off with how forcefully she hugged the smallest student to her chest.

"Ow." Draco said, rubbing his shoulder that almost felt like it had been pulled out.

"Sorry, Draco." Melissa said with a sheepish grin. "But what was the fighting about?"

"Professor McGonagall and I walked out as Dumbledore was about to wipe Harry's memory. She told me to go get Professor Snape and started duelling Dumbledore." Draco explained, Melissa and Ven nodding to show their understanding.

"Yikes, you two have already had more happen in the first term than we've had in our whole time at Hogwarts. Then again, you do have the Boy Who Lived, so I guess that's only to be expected." Ven said, sagging back onto one of the chairs opposite the rest of the group.

"Hopefully things settle down now." Melissa said, before realising, "Who's going to be our new headmaster? And if it's professor McGonagall, who's going to take her old position?"

"I don't know, but isn't that a job for the teachers? It'll probably be someone new." Draco said as Harry snuggled into his side, receiving a one armed hug in response.

That was when the entrance to the common room opened. Standing there was Professor McGonagall with an annoyed, embarrassed Ron Weasley beside her. Seeing the red head, Harry pulled closer to Draco, not wanting to be forced to talk again.

"Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy, we need to talk." Professor McGonagall called, waving them over.

Harry walked over, holding Draco's arm tight, as Draco gave him a reassuring squeeze. They stopped in front of McGonagall, Harry slightly behind Draco. Ron gave them both a sour look, until McGonagall glared at him, making him stop.

"Mr Weasley has something to tell you both." McGonagall said, pushing him forwards with a glare.

"I'm sorry." He spat, glaring at the floor as though it had insulted his family. "For trying to make you talk. And for trying to get other people to make you talk and separate you two."

"Go back to your common room and make sure all the people you've lied to know you were lying." McGonagall said, gesturing to the door which Ron immediately running out. "Mr Potter, Mr Malfoy, Please follow me to my office, we need to talk."

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