Chapter 17

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"Minister, we just got a letter from Hogwarts." Samantha Timmons, a young witch who had just started at the Ministry said, standing by the door, holding said letter. They had their long, dark hair done up in a large bun.

"What did Dumbledore want to tell us? Surely he knows that we aren't about to give Sirius Black a trial, he's told us not to about a thousand times." Fudge said with a sigh. He appreciated Dumbledore's help, goodness only knows how often he'd write to ask for help, but he really didn't trust them when it came to Sirius Black or the treatment of half breeds.

"It's not from Dumbledore, it's about Dumbledore." Samantha said, handing the opened letter to Fudge, who paled as his eyes skimmed the letter.

"Arrange a trial for Mr Black." Fudge whispered, covering his face with a hand as the words sank in.

"Right away, sir." Samantha said, leaving the room immediately.


"Sirius?" Remus gasped, opening the door to see the skinny man who had been in Azkaban for the last 10 years. He had always known Sirius was innocent, but seeing the man in front of him made him sure.

"Hey Moony, been a while." Sirius said, his signature grin making him look 16 again, the lines and hollowness of his face almost fading away.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Azkaban?" Remus asked, pulling the other man inside and closing the door.

"I was released, Moony, I'm free." Sirius said, a laugh forming in the back of his throat. He was looking around the house, the one the two of them had bought together after Hogwarts, it was almost the same as it had been before, only some of the more shabby cushions had been replaced.

"They gave you a trial? Why did it take so long?" Remus asked, biting back the lump that had risen in the back of his throat. He always knew Sirius was innocent.

"I don't know, but we should go see Harry. My innocence should be published soon, so I'm sure Dumbledore will let us see our godson." Sirius said, his eyes mre alive than they had been for a long time.

"Sirius... I'd love to see Harry, but Dumbledore's the one who prevented me from visiting him since he was put with Lily's sister." Remus said gently, he had to tell Sirius soon, it would do no good for that man to get his hopes up, but he didn't want to crush him.

Sirius froze, eyes widening. "Harry's staying with Lily's sister?" He asked, his voice dangerously quiet, it was the same tone he had always used talking about his mother. Lily had well and truly become a marauder before they left Hogwarts, and each of them knew different secrets relating to her, but she and Sirius had bonded over bad family stories when they couldn't sleep or got letters from them.

"I take it that's not good." Remus said, a sense of dread filling him.

"Petunia hates magic, she married a man who might even hate it more than she does. If Harry lived with them..." Sirius said, unusually serious.

"We need to tell someone, Sirius. Probably someone in the Ministry, who can we trust?" Remus said, starting to feel frantic. Their godson had lived with muggles who hate magic for 10 years, Magic only knew what they had done to him.


"Take a seat." McGonagall said, gesturing for Harry and Draco to sit in the more comfortable of the chairs in front of her desk, which they did, sitting as close together as they could. "Biscuit?"

"What did you want to talk to us about, Professor?" Draco asked, taking a gingersnap while Harry sat back in his chair, too short to sit at the back and have his legs not stick out at an awkward angle against the desk.

"It's about Dumbledore." McGonagall said, looking over at the two boys with a motherly concern. "I know neither of you really want to talk about this, but we need evidence for his trial."

"Why is he getting a trial!?" Draco yelled, on his feet so fast that his chair fell over and Harry didn't even see him move. "He tried to use the unforgivables, you have proof of that, he should automatically be in Azkaban!"

"I agree with you, Mr Malfoy, but Albus has a great deal of power and people won't be likely to accept it if he is just sent to Azkaban." McGonagall said, sounding tired, as if she had explained this countless times already, which she probably had. "What I was going to ask was for the two of you to provide your memories as evidence for the trial."

'Provide our memories?' Harry asked, not knowing what McGonagall was talking about.

"Yes, there's a spell that allows the caster to take memories and view them. What I am asking is that you allow me to cast that on the pair of you so we will be able to see what happened without either of you having to attend the trial." McGonagall said, meeting the two boys' eyes.

Harry and Draco looked at each other, each wanting the other's opinion. After a brief nod from Harry, Draco turned back to McGonagall with their answer.

"We'll do it." Draco said, although his eyes held a coldness towards McGonagall, which she couldn't really fault him for, she had given him no reason to trust her.

"Thank you." McGonagall said, standing up herself and walking around her desk so they were all on the same side. "This shouldn't hurt."

"Wait!" Draco said, his eyes widening again. "You're doing it now?"

"Yes, Mr Malfoy, Albus' trial is this evening and we need to have the evidence before then." McGonagall said, turning away from Harry to face Draco.

"Fine..." Draco mumbled, sitting back down and letting McGonagall take a copy of Harry's memory of the events.

Harry didn't even flinch, although the process was uncomfortable, especially if it was someone else taking the memories. Once all of his relevant memories were in the glass vial she was carrying, she moved onto Draco, a much smaller glass vial in her hands this time, as he had fewer relevant memories.

"Thank you again, boys, you can go back to your common room now." McGonagall said, stashing both vials in her cloak as she readied herself to leave. "Take care."

"Make sure he rots in Azkaban." Draco hissed quietly as he followed Harry out of her office. He was never going to forgive Dumbledore for what he had done to Harry. But if he had done it to Harry, the saviour of the wizarding world, how many others had he done it to?

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