Chapter 19

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It didn't go unnoticed by the students when Hagrid disappeared from around Hogwarts, Hermione taking it especially hard as the two of them would meet up for tea regularly, but it was a week after his disappearance along with Dumbledore's arrest that they got an explanation.

"As I am sure you have all been made aware by now, Albus Dumbledore, the previous headmaster of Hogwarts, was recently arrested for breaking magical law. Due to this, a new headmaster has been hired, as well as that, we have hired a new gate keeper as well, as unfortunately Dumbledore had tricked Hagrid, as well as others, into making the unbreakable vow. He is currently staying in St Mungo's under constant supervision in order to prevent him from being harmed by the rules of the unbreakable vow." McGonagall announced, standing in front of her regular seat beside the headmaster's.

A woman with dark skin and hair walked in through a door towards the back of the hall, she looked to be maybe two or three years younger than McGonagall, and she was wearing a warm, flowing green tartan set of robes that matched McGonagall.

"It's nice to meet all of you." The woman said, standing in front of the headmaster's seat. She looked kind, but strict. "I am going to be your new headmistress, I hope we can get along well, and I will try to keep your old rules in mind as I change those which I feel can be damaging. My name is Natasha McGonagall."

There was a hushed whisper that spread around the younger students as they realised the two teachers had the same surname. The older students had occasional people grumble while handing the other a small bundle of galleons as they had their loss of the bet confirmed.

"I hope to work with you to improve this school." The new professor McGonagall said, before taking her seat and allowing everyone to eat their dinners.


"Mr Potter?" Natasha asked from the door, Minerva standing beside her. She was beckoning the small, dark haired boy to come over to them.

"Yes, headmistress?" Draco asked, walking up to the pair of teachers, Harry beside him, standing slightly behind him.

"That's Draco Malfoy, he should come too, he and Potter are close and it would probably help him feel safe." Minerva murmured into Natasha's ear as she was giving Draco a slightly suspicious look.

"Right, Mr Malfoy, you can come too, follow me please." Natasha beckoned the two to follow them as they left the room.

"Where are we going professors?" Draco asked, the two young boys hurrying to keep up with the fast pace of the two professors.

"Mr Potter has some people who want to visit him." Minerva told the two as they continued to sweep through the halls before reaching an empty classroom by the Gryffindor classroom.

'山卄ㄖ   山卂几ㄒ丂   ㄒㄖ   爪乇乇ㄒ   爪乇?' Harry wrote using his air pen, after he had finished writing, it spun around so that the professors could read it.

"Yeah, my parents only visited two days ago, who else would visit him?" Draco asked, feeling somewhat suspicious of the unknown visitors here for Harry. If it was reporters, he swore he would have both professors' jobs.

"I think it would be best if they introduced themselves." Minerva said, a slightly unsettling knowing smile playing on her lips as she looked down at the two boys. She made brief eye contact with Natasha before opening the door.

Inside were two men, one tall, with pale, soft, curly hair, his face covered with scars which didn't seem to match his otherwise welcoming and cosy demeanour. He wore battered, faded jeans, a few patches visible in places, with an oversized, v-neck jumper that showed his collared white shirt underneath. 

The smaller man looked to be his complete opposite, and not just in height. His long hair was matted with dirt and what almost looked like blood and unkempt, although it definitely looked like he was trying to look after himself again. His face looked hollow, but his eyes looked filled with life, he had a deep, curve necked top which was a light grey, a dark tan leather jacket fitting him almost perfectly, looking slightly loose. He had dark jeans that looked almost new from lack of fading.

They looked up as the door opened, but Harry saw them before they saw him. He didn't remember their names, but he knew he had met them before, and not in the way he knew the Dursleys and their friends. His eyes lit up as he remembered a few moments between the three of them.

Grabbing the wolf and dog from Draco's school bag, Harry rushed into the room. Both men's faces lit up when they saw the small boy.

Pointing at Remus, Harry gestured to the wolf plush, gesturing to the dog for Sirius. Draco came in the room, not sure what Harry was getting at with the gesturing to the pets, but knowing he was trying to tell them something.

"Harry?" Draco asked, the boy in question turning to face him, looking annoyed about the fact that nobody understood him. "Want me to hold them so you can write?"

Harry nodded, gently handing the plushies over to Draco as he took out the pen, the box and pen looking almost better than brand new. Remus and Sirius looked confused about why Harry had to write what he was trying to say, why wasn't he talking?

'ㄚㄖㄩ'尺乇   ㄒ卄乇   ᗪㄖᎶ,   卂几ᗪ   ㄚㄖㄩ'尺乇   ㄒ卄乇   山ㄖㄥ千.' Harry said, pointing to Sirius then Remus.

"You remember us?" Sirius asked, his throat almost choked up with happiness at the idea.

After a pause in which Harry tried to decide if his sense of familiarity could be classed as remembering them, but the fact he knew which one was which animal made him think that he could say that he did. Harry nodded, although he was a lot less enthusiastic with his movements than he was when he was trying to identify them with their animal counterpart.

"Harry, is there a reason why you're not talking?" Remus asked, kneeling down to be as close to Harry's height as he could, but he was still taller than the small 11 year old.

"He's mute." Draco answered for Harry, nobody except Harry noticing as Predawn slithered into the room.

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