Chapter 20

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"He's mute?" Remus asked, sounding shocked.

"That's what I said." Draco said, not feeling entirely trusting towards the two men, especially their reactions to finding out that Harry was mute, both having moved back slightly.

"I'm so sorry Harry." Remus said, turning his attention to Harry again, reaching forward as though he was about to ruffle the youth's head, but he drew his hand back quickly when he saw Harry flinch. "I hadn't meant to offend, and I promise you I will never hurt you."

Harry nodded, but he moved slightly closer to the safety of Draco. Sirius gestured for the others to sit down, Natasha and Minerva leaving the room, both having a lot of work to get back to. Harry and Draco sat closest to the door, Draco wanting to make sure they could get out quickly if Harry needed it.

"I know you probably don't know this, but Sirius is actually your godfather." Remus said after a moment of awkward silence. Harry's eyes lit up both with excitement and confusion. "Do you know what that means?"

Harry shook his head, Remus started opening his mouth to explain, until Sirius sent him a look and started talking himself. "A godfather is someone who knows your parents and they trust, it's their job to look after the kids if something happens to the parents. I was your dad's best friend, and it should have been my job to look after you after... What happened. I'm sorry I couldn't look after you."

Harry looked super excited at the idea, although Draco felt disheartened at the light in Harry's eyes. He knew he shouldn't feel jealous of Harry being happy at the idea of family, but he had thought Harry had been fitting in well with them. He just hoped that it wasn't because of anything he had done.

"Would you like to live with us?" Remus asked, about to reassure Harry that he didn't have to agree to it, but before he could Harry was already nodding fervently

'ᗪㄖ乇丂    ㄒ卄卂ㄒ    爪乇卂几   丨   匚卂几   ㄥ丨ᐯ乇    山丨ㄒ卄   ㄚㄖㄩ?' Harry wrote, looking thrilled at the idea. Draco's sliver of jealousy only grew as he read Harry's words and saw the excitement on his face.

"If that's what you want we'd love you to live with us?" Sirius said with a large smile, not sure how much happier he could get then James' son wanting to live with him, he would do everything he could to help him through everything he knew he would have gone through with Lily's sister. They were also going to force their way into seeing the Potters' wills. He was sure that Lily would have made sure Harry was never going to be with Petunia.

'Did you not like living with us?' Draco signed, looking at Harry sadly, but not wanting the other two to hear him.

'I did, I loved staying with you, but I don't want to become a pain for you.' Harry signed, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

'You're never to be a pain for us.' Draco signed, not sure if he was feeling bad because he was guilty for making Harry look at him like that, or because he was hurt that Harry didn't seem to want to be living with him. 'Besides, are you sure you'll be okay sleeping alone?'

'I'm sorry.' Harry sad, looking away from Draco, feeling guilty for probably disturbing Draco's sleep every night. He hadn't been able to sleep on his own without getting constant nightmares, and he would still get some nightmares when with Draco too. More than once he had been woken up to Draco with a bloody nose.

'It's fine, I'm just worried about you.' Draco signed, repeating it aloud when he realised Harry wasn't looking at him. Sirius and Remus looked at each other in confusion, silently agreeing that they needed to learn sign language, Harry shouldn't be expected to write everything when he wanted to talk to them.

"What are you two talking about?" Sirius asked, wanting to make sure that he knew everything he had to to look after Harry.

"None of your business." Draco said coldly, making Harry look up and lay a gentle hand on his arm and look at him in a way to try to ask him to be nicer.

"Why don't we go to Hogsmeade?" Remus suggested, looking out at the clear sky. "Some fresh air could help, and we could stop by Honeydukes."

Draco looked at Harry, who looked back at him with wide eyes. He had never heard of Hogsmeade or Honeydukes before, but Draco seemed to recognise them and by the look in his eyes the idea he liked the idea. Harry gave a non-committal shrug to Draco, meaning that it was the pale boy's choice.

"That sounds good, but don't we need to be in third year to go to Hogsmeade?" Draco asked the two men in front of them. He still didn't completely trust them, but he was willing to give them a chance, especially if he got sweets out of it.

"Only if everyone in your year is going, as we're going to have the same number of adults to children, we don't have to wait two years." Remus said, an almost mischievous smirk playing on his lips. "We should probably still let Professors McGonagall know where we're going though."

"It's agreed then?" Sirius asked, looking at Harry and Draco with childish excitement.

Harry gave a slight nod with a shy smile, but his eyes showed how excited he really was. He loved the Malfoys, but he always had a feeling of otherness whenever he was with them, as if he didn't really belong no matter how much they tried to include him. He hoped he would feel that less when he was with Remus, Sirius and Draco. None of them looked the same, so he wouldn't be so obviously different.

Draco was a lot more noticeable with his nodding, looking forward to seeing Hogsmeade for the first time, his parents always telling him that it would mean more if his first time going there was with everyone else. It was a privilege to go to the village, so it made sense for the are to be as new to him as it would be for everyone else so he could explore with his friends.

"Great, you three wait here, I'll go talk to whichever McGonagall I find first." Remus said, sweeping past the others in a way that almost reminded Harry of Snape, but he wasn't anywhere near as threatening.

As Remus reached the door, Draco moved a fraction closer to Harry, clearly not ready to trust them yet, even if he was getting chocolate.

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