Chapter 21

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Harry couldn't remember a time he had been happier.

Walking around Hogsmeade with his new family, because they already felt like his family, made him feel pure bliss. With a small boiled sweet on his mouth, Draco on one side of him as Remus and Sirius lead the way to the Three Broomsticks so they could take a break and chat a little, Harry couldn't imagine ever having problems, it was as if everything that normally bothered him had been gently brushed away.

Harry was feeling so safe and happy, glad Draco was finally opening up to Remus and Sirius that he didn't realise as his feet started to turn to walk the wrong way.

"𝒞𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒." A quiet, welcoming voice said in the back of his mind, seeming to echo in a way very similar to the sorting hat. The voice seemed to be familiar as Harry followed it, but he couldn't quite place it, it sounded deeper than the only person he knew who sounded like that.

"Harry!" Sirius' voice cut through the fog in Harry's mind, making him come to, realising he was no longer with the others, but standing in front of two people wearing long muggle coats. It would be almost fine, if it wasn't for the fact that neither of them seemed to have heads, at least Harry couldn't see them.

"Shit, I forgot they noticed so quickly." The pasty white one hissed from somewhere above the neck and ends of hair Harry could see.

"Well there was no way I could've, you can't blame this on me." The black one in the high necked coat said. Both of them had voices Harry recognised, making him think of the Slytherin common room, but he couldn't place who was who.

He was trying to go back to Sirius, Remus, and Draco, but his body wasn't listening to him, making him stay where he was no matter what he did. He didn't have time to look to see who had grabbed him before a blue light filled his sight, everything else fading slowly away.


"Where's Harry?" Draco asked, a forced calm overcoming his voice as though he was trying to not let the fear he was really feeling be heard. The urgency with which he framed the question was not lost on the adults, though who immediately started looking for the tiny first year.

"I thought you were keeping an eye on him." Remus said, turning around immediately seeing that Harry had indeed disappeared.

"Harry!" Sirius called, gesturing the other two to look over to the right where Harry was just visible at the corner of a shop a little way off. Until Sirius had called out to him, which seemed to have roused him, he seemed to be in some kind of trance, unaware of what was going on around him.

The three rushed over to where Harry was, seeing the fear in his eyes as he looked over at them. Before they could reach him, however, a pale hand gripped his wrist and cast a spell they didn't recognise, a blast of bright blue light hitting Harry in the stomach, making him fall limp, before turning, pulling Harry out of sight.

By the time they reached the small gap Harry's kidnappers had been hiding, nothing was there except for the sweet Harry had been eating earlier.

"They must have apparated." Remus said, a curse on the tip of his tongue, keeping it in due to Draco being there. He was kicking himself inside, how could he not realise people would want to kidnap Harry? He's the boy who lived!

"What do we do?" Draco asked, turning from the empty alley to the two men behind him.

"We need to tell McGonagall and make a plan." Remus said, turning to march back to the castle, Draco and Sirius hot on his tail.

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