Chapter 22

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 "You said we were going to have more time!" The black wizard said as they landed under a silver birch on a cloaked island in one of the lakes in the Lake District.

"I thought we were!" The pale one said, Harry still hanging limply in his arms, mouth hanging open as he breathed slowly. "But that's not what matters right now, we need to make sure Harry gets to his parents."

"And this has to happen now because..?" Blaise said, pulling a vibrant pink hat off his head, both the hat and his head suddenly becoming visible, an almost annoyed expression on his face.

"It has to be now because this is when it happened for us, fixed loop, remember?" Draco said, pulling his own garish orange hat off his head, allowing it to fall onto the stump a few yards away. While his tone was verging on furious, having already repeated himself multiple times, he held the small, 11 year old Harry with extreme care.

((A/N: People don't seem to know what I'm talking about, this video explains the time travel part, skip to about 5:24 to 5:25 to get what I mean, stop at about 6:18, unless of course you're interested in different kinds of time travel. They don't call it the same thing I do, but I couldn't find a decent description using the same term.))

"Well at least the hats worked, who would've thought the Weasley twins would actually help us?" Blaise said, quickly changing the subject as the two 17 year old wizards walked towards the house just a small walk away in a clearing.

In the 6 years since they had last been in this time, the two boys had filled out rather a lot, as well as having rather drastic growth spurts, but they were still almost exactly the same height. They were both more muscular, but not as muscular as they would be if they went to muggle school, there's only so much exercise you get riding on a broom, as strenuous as it is on one's magic to play Quidditch, it's not the most active thing.

"This is the place, right?" Blaise asked, the two standing outside a small log cabin with a small puff of smoke billowing from the chimney. The walls were a darkened wood, moss growing in every crack and bind week starting to wind its way around it, large green leaves almost hiding the small collection of lavender growing in a pot at the windows.

"No, it's the other house on this tiny island Dumbledore blocked practically everyone from." Draco said, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

"Haha, I just want to make sure we're not putting your mate in more danger." Blaise said, rolling his eyes and walking up to the front door.

"Thanks, but I can tell that for myself, trust me, I wouldn't be able to put him in danger." Draco said, gently placing Harry on the door step as Blaise cast disillusionment charms on the two of them. Draco rapped on the door to attract the attention of those inside, hoping that not both of them were out.

From inside there was a clatter of pots and pans and a loud gasp. The door creaked open slightly, just enough for the green eyes so similar to the boy presently sleeping on the door step. When Lily realised that Dumbledore wasn't there, she opened the door fully, looking around confused until she looked down, seeing Harry.

"Oh my god, Harry?" Lilly gasped, immediately falling to her knees, picking up the unconscious boy on the step with gentle hands. "How did you get here?"

"Lily, who is it?" James called from inside, realising that her not having come back meant it wasn't Dumbledore.

"James! Come here, now!" Lily yelled back, looking around to see what got her son to their door, there was no way he got there himself, he would have an injury from the fall.

"Lily? What's wrong?" James asked, standing right beside her, Lily's admittedly thin frame was blocking Harry from his view. "Are you okay?"

"James, it's Harry, he's here." Lily said, turning to James with tears in her eyes as she smiled, James finally able to see the small, frail boy who lay limp in Lily's arms.

"Bring him to the living room." James said after a moment of shock. His son was actually there, the first human interaction they had had since Dumbledore had sealed them away there 11 years ago.

"Right." Lily said, almost falling over after overcompensating for Harry's weight, following James to their small but comfortable living room.

After Harry had been born, they had found out about the prophecy surrounding their child they had wanted to go into hiding at the Potter manor, the ancient protective spells there being far stronger than what even Dumbledore could cast. Unfortunately, after Dumbledore learnt of their plan, he banished them to this island, making Harry their secret keeper as he would be too young to tell anyone or remember where they were.

After staling their child, Dumbledore made it impossible for the two of them to leave the island without Harry's permission. After that they had been kept separate from the real world, left to mourn the loss of their child who they didn't even know was alive. Dumbledore did come to "check up" on them, although it more seemed like he was gloating.

It was with the upmost caution that Lily lay Harry on the sofa, his head lolling to the side slightly after she moved her hands away.

"Enervate." James said, pointing his wand at Harry, nothing happened. "He's not stunned then, so how did he get here?"

"How would he get here if he was stunned, James? He's the secret keeper." Lily said, rolling her eyes, outside the future Draco and Blaise using their time turner to return to their own time.

"There were two sets of footprints out front, both too large to be his, not to mention that he would be injured if he just collapsed." James said, joining his wife at his son's side.

"I guess you're right." Lily said with a sigh. "But all that matters right now is that our son is home and safe."

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