Chapter 23

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"He's still not awake yet?"

"No, it won't be long though, I hope."

"He's our son, he'll be fine."

Harry could hear vaguely familiar voices talking somewhere far above him, their voices reminding him of warmth and the sound of a cat's purrs. He couldn't place how far above him they were, nor faces to go along with them, but he knew they were kind, like Sirius and Remus.

"Did you see that!?"

"See what James?"

"I saw him move, I swear!"

"He's moving?"

Harry pushed through the darkness around him, breaking into the light, two people he felt like he knew above him. Feeling unsafe in spite of the slight feeling of familiarity, Harry sat up immediately, pulling himself away from the two people who were standing over him, one looking significantly like him, and the other having the same eyes as him.

"Harry? You feeling okay?" The man who looked almost exactly like him asked

'How do you know my name?' Harry signed, looking at the two people standing above him.

"We named you, Harry, we're your parents." The woman said, approaching him slowly and carefully, Harry moving further back to avoid her.

'My parents died when I was 1.' Harry signed, still looking at them with suspicion.

"We weren't killed 10 years ago, Dumbledore locked us away here shortly after you were born, you stayed with two people who were tricked into thinking they were us and trusted him completely. If we had been able to keep you with us we would have stayed in the Potter manor where the old spells would have properly kept us all safe." Lily said, trying to get closer to her son.

'If you were alive why was I not with you?' Harry asked, signing with trembling hands.

"Because he wanted to have a pawn and you fit that bill." Lily said, wanting to hug her trembling son who was still trying to get away from them.

"Can you not speak?" James asked as Lily moved back towards him, giving Harry more space.

"You were raised by my sister, Petunia, right?" Lily asked, feeling too guilty to meet the eyes of either of the other people in the room.

Harry nodded, James understanding, knowing what his brother and sister in law were like. They knew that Harry would have scars they could never undo, and they mourned the time they lost with him, but what was most important, now that he knew where they were, was to get him back to the people he really trusted.

"It's getting late, you should stay here for tonight and we'll take you as far as we can tomorrow. People will obviously be looking for you, they'll find you pretty easily. If it doesn't look like people are coming for you hold your wand out to call the knight bus." James said, tuning to go back to their small kitchen so that he could finish preparing their dinner.

"I- I'm sorry about Tunie." Lily said, unable to meet her son's eyes. "We used to be very close, but Severus and Hogwarts came between us and she became cold and hateful. I guess it wasn't entirely her fault, Severus was always excluding her and making jokes at her expense. I was so excited knowing that I wasn't alone that I basically let him do anything. That was until our 5th year, although I had been trying to distance myself from him before that too."

Harry was shocked, he'd had no idea that his mother was connected to the teachers, Snape always seemed so cold he thought he must be much older than the 31 year old his parents would have been, no, are. He also couldn't imagine a time when Petunia had ever cared for anyone but the Dursleys, if his mother had never been friends with Snape, would she have loved him too? No, that wasn't worth thinking about, it wasn't his mother's fault how Petunia turned out, and it's not like he could change anything if that would have helped.

"I'm sorry, Harry, if we had only been better parents you would have been spared so much pain. I hope we will be able to make amends some day." Lily said, shocking Harry. Nobody had ever said anything like that to him before, sure, the Malfoys had apologised occasionally if they made him flinch, but nobody had ever been so sincere with an apology before, he didn't quite know how to respond.

'You don't need to apologise.' Harry signed out clumsily, still slightly surprised about the whole situation with both his mother knowing Snape, and the apology.

"Harry, you're too forgiving." Lily said with wet eyes, looking at her son. "You can always come to us whenever you need help, even if we never get off this island, we're always behind you."

"Dead right!" James called from the kitchen, making Lily laugh slightly, not expecting him to listen in, and laughing at herself for thinking so foolishly. "We're always here for you kiddo, just send us an owl and we'll respond as fast as possible, regardless of the time of day."

'Why didn't you send letters before?' Harry asked.

"We didn't have an owl and when we tried to use a different animal to send the letters, the letters would be stuck at the point we couldn't pass." Lily explained explained, James sticking his head just into view.

"I hope you like ragu." James said, putting the plates on the table, one significantly further away from the other two, although the table is small.

'I don't have an opinion.' Harry signed as the three of them went to the table. James' cooking was good, although the meal was slightly awkward.

"We... We heard that Sirius got arrested." James said when they were almost done, his voice sounding like he had a lump in his throat. "I want you to know that he never did anything wrong, he, he's my brother. If you can, please help him escape."

'S-I-R-I-U-S   B-L-A-C-K?' Harry asked.

"Yes." Lily said, somewhat curious about how Harry knew about his name.

'He's already free. D was arrested around the same time.' Harry signed, using only the first letter of Dumbledore's name to address his long name.

"He's free?" James asked, his face lighting up with joy like a kid in a sweet shop. "And that old man's in Azkaban himself? This is great news!"

"Stay with Sirius and Remus until we can figure out a way to get us out of here, you can trust them, I promise." Lily said, looking as though a heavy weight had fallen from her shoulders.

Harry nodded, hoping that he would still be allowed to visit Draco and the other Malfoys regularly if he stayed with Sirius and Remus, Draco didn't seem to like them very much, but he didn't feel anything off with them.

"The spare room is in there, Harry. Sleep well." James said, pointing to the plain door just a little ways down the hall from the living room.

"Sleep well, Harry, see you in the morning." Lily said, smiling as she collected the dishes on the table and taking them to the kitchen to wash up.

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