Chapter 25

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"Hogsmeade!!" The conductor yelled up the stairs to the Malfoys, the group of them  making sure they had everything.

"Draco, take off the sleeping mask, I'll carry him to the castle." Lucius said, moving closer to the two boys.

"No, father, I'll carry him." Draco said, looking at his father with cold eyes that almost dared him to try to take the sleeping Potter from his arms.

"Are you sure? He may be heavy." Lucius said with raised brows, he knew that Harry was smaller than he should be, probably lighter too even though he was eating an almost normal amount of food, but Draco wasn't, at least to his knowledge, very experienced with carrying people.

"I'll be fine, give me some space." Draco said, twisting so he could pick up Harry and stand up easily, stumbling as he first stood up, but recovering his balance pretty quickly. The small group left the bus, ignoring the few whispers and glances they got as they walked past.

"Harry!" Sirius yelled, rushing towards the group of four. "Is he okay? What happened?" He asked, noticing that he was unconscious in Draco's arms.

"He should be fine, he was just travel sick and ended up passing out." Narcissa explained, pushing her cousin away from her son gently. She didn't mention the cursed mask, knowing that her cousin hated all cursed objects due to his mother who would often use cursed objects to hurt him, not that she would ever use a cursed object like that on anyone.

"Do you know what happened though?" Remus said, close behind Sirius, although he looked calmer, he was obviously stressed, his left thumb bleeding from him having chewed through it.

"Not yet, we figured you'd want to know what happened too. It seems as though he was taken to an island in the Lake District, but he doesn't know who took him there." Lucius said, standing tall and proud beside his family.

"Then we should take him to the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts for him to be checked over before he wakes up." Sirius said, breathing hard to get himself under control.

Draco set the pace, if it had been under normal circumstances he would have been trailing behind the group, but due to what happened none of the adults were willing to let the two eleven year olds be outside of their protection, especially seeing as one was unconscious and another was carrying him and therefore wouldn't be able to defend himself even if he knew the spells to use. 


Harry was vaguely aware of voices above him and warmth around him as he started to regain consciousness, he didn't feel as comfortable as he had when he had first fallen asleep, which was odd, because from what limited information he could gather from his half asleep senses he was in a bed, then again, he had never really slept well before, always waking up afraid he would find himself with the Dursleys again. He thought that if he woke up to find himself there again he would be completely broken, he wouldn't know how to handle being thrown away again.

"- happened?" Draco's voice asked, from very close to Harry, he was starting to feel warmth in his hand, he knew he recognised the warmth from somewhere, but in his waking up state he couldn't remember where from.

"We need him to wake up to tell us. Don't crowd him though." An elderly voice Harry could have sworn he had heard somewhere before said sternly, he could picture the glare that went with it, one that almost matched the look of disgust Petunia would send his way whenever he was in her line of sight.

"He's our godson, we get to be here." The voice of the dog said, he sounded angry, making Harry want to curl up to Draco.

"He lived with us, therefore knows us better." Lucius said, Harry could feel the hostility from his voice. He didn't want to be the cause of a fight, if he was they might decide they didn't want him anymore and he's be alone again, or worse, given back to the Dursleys to be used as a tool again. He knew things were only going to be worse when he got back to them.

Harry's hand twitched, allowing him to grip Draco's hand for support. He still wasn't awake yet, but he was slowly getting there, being more and more aware of the fighting between the adults. He knew it was his fault they were fighting, and he was going to be punished for causing it. It was obviously going to be only a matter of time before he messed up again that was all he ever did.

"Father, Mr Black, shut up, Harry's scared." Draco said, gripping Harry's hand tighter and leaning down to give him a hug after he finished talking. Harry appreciated it, finally awake enough to open his eyes and hug Draco back.

"Harry, are you okay?" Remus asked, Harry looking over to see the concerned man, while Lucius and Sirius being rushed out by Mme Pomfrey. Harry nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry for my husband and cousin, they're a bit stressed and aren't really good at working that out in healthy ways." Narcissa said when Draco had moved back again, although he was still holding onto Harry's hand.

Harry didn't know how to respond, why was she apologising to him? It was his fault that the two of them were fighting, shouldn't they be punishing him?

"If you wouldn't mind, can you tell us what happened?" Remus asked, passing Harry the light pen so he could explain.

'丨   山卂丂     山丨ㄒ卄   ㄚㄖㄩ,   ᗪ尺卂匚ㄖ   卂几ᗪ    丂丨尺丨ㄩ丂,   ㄒ卄乇几   丨   千ㄖㄩ几ᗪ    爪ㄚ丂乇ㄥ千   丨几    千尺ㄖ几ㄒ   ㄖ千   ㄒ山ㄖ   卩乇ㄖ卩ㄥ乇    山卄ㄖ   丂ㄖㄩ几ᗪ乇ᗪ   千卂爪丨ㄥ丨卂尺.    卂千ㄒ乇尺   ㄒ卄卂ㄒ   丨   ᗪㄖ几'ㄒ   尺乇爪乇爪乃乇尺    卂几ㄚ  ㄒ卄丨几Ꮆ    乃乇千ㄖ尺乇   丨   山卂丂   丨几    卂   卄ㄖㄩ丂乇    山丨ㄒ卄    爪ㄚ   卩卂尺乇几ㄒ丂.   山乇    卄卂ᗪ    ᗪ丨几几乇尺,   ㄒ卄乇几   ㄒ卄乇     几乇乂ㄒ    ᗪ卂ㄚ    ㄒ卄乇ㄚ    Ꮆ卂ᐯ乇    爪乇    卂    乃ㄖ卂ㄒ   ㄒㄖ   Ꮆㄖ   卄ㄖ爪乇    山丨ㄒ卄.'  Harry wrote, even to himself it sounded odd, after all, he was supposed to be an orphan, but it was true.

"You... Saw your parents?" Remus asked after a long pause, his voice sounded like he had a lump obstructing his throat. Of course he would, as his godfather, he must have been close to his parents. "How can they be alive?"

"Dumbledore?" Draco asked, remembering what happened last time they were in the Medical Wing. Harry nodded.

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