Chapter 26

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Harry and Draco were sent back to the Slytherin common room, Professor Minerva McGonagall escorting them there in order to make sure that they got there safe, trusting the older students in Slytherin and any Hufflepuffs in the Slytherin common room would look after the two boys.

"James and Lily?" Sirius asked, his voice cracking as the small group of adults sat on the beds in the otherwise empty Hospital Wing.

"That's what he said- well, wrote." Narcissa, looking at the two men with a sympathetic sadness in her eyes, it had been 10 years they thought their closest friends had died, she could never understand how emotionally draining of a day the two of them were having, starting it stressed and exhausted from Harry's disappearance, not having the additional shock of finding out the two people they had been mourning for do long were actually alive and well.

"But, how? And why wouldn't they tell us?" Sirius asked, standing up and feeling that he had been cheated.

"Dumbledore had something to do with it." Remus said, much more quietly than his shorter partner. "It's Lily and James, they wouldn't let us believe they're dead if they could help it."

"But, if they are really alive and Harry wasn't hallucinating, how do we free them?" Lucius asked. "Not that I think Harry was hallucinating, all I'm saying is we don't know he didn't, he was also under a lot of stress, and it's not impossible for him to have convinced himself that happened when it didn't."

"I think we should believe him until we can prove it wasn't true." Remus said, Sirius sitting back down, hearing a slight tone of despair under his words.

"Let's explore that, but we shouldn't get our hopes too high, even if they are still alive, Dumbledore's a powerful wizard, we may never be able to get to them." Sirius said.

There was a loud band as the door slammed open, a Hufflepuff standing there, hair half done, and wearing an oversized muggle hoodie. "I'm sorry, you're Mr and Mrs Malfoy, right?" They asked, breathing heavily.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked, feeling in her bones that something was wrong. Hufflepuffs were often the people who look after the other students, but no other students would ask one who was clearly in the middle of something.

"Draco Malfoy told me to find you, Harry's acting odd and he doesn't know what to do." They said. "Everyone could tell he was acting strange, but we don't know what happened."

"What?" Remus asked, the four adults jumping up and rushing out the room, Mme Pomfrey making sure the Hufflepuff was okay.


Harry and Draco got back to the common room, Melissa and Ven calling them over so they could sit near the fire, one of the Hufflepuff themed fluffy blankets being wrapped around them. A few other students passing mugs of tea and a plate of biscuits to the two boys, Harry being too shy for the normal way the resident Hufflepuffs would cheer up the Slytherins, which was fine, what was important was the two boys' comfort.

Harry was cuddling close to Draco as Draco repeated what he had told them in the Hospital Wing when he suddenly sat up straight. He didn't know why, but he felt like he needed to go somewhere, he had to or something bad was going to happen, really bad. He couldn't put the fear into words, but he was also afraid of the idea of going to a teacher or another adult to ask them for help. Snape was the person who the idea of asking to help scared him the most.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Draco asked, noticing how Harry had become extremely twitchy, looking over to the exit every few seconds.

'We need to go.' Harry signed, looking at the door.

"Why? Harry? Where do we need to go?" Draco asked, starting to get worried as Harry got up.

'We need to go.' Harry signed again, then taking Draco's hand and pulling him towards the door.

"Why do we need to go, Harry?" Draco asked, really worried, especially after the recent events feeling as though there were probably spells involved in Harry's odd behaviour, and he was worried. 

'If we don't go now then something bad's going to happen.' Harry signed, trying to get to the door as Draco tried to get him to calm down enough to explain what was going on.

"Harry, please tell me why we need to go." Draco said, trying to pull Harry away from the door, needing to know why Harry was suddenly acting like this, they had only just got back from yesterday's crazy events, wasn't it too early for something else to happen?

'No, we need to go now.' Harry signed, looking desperate. Draco sighed, since when had he become so weak to Harry's emotions? He had never been like that with Pansy and Blaise before getting their Hogwarts letters.

"Can we at least get my parents first? We don't really know enough spells to be able to deal with much." Draco said, hoping they could figure out what was going on and help Harry with whatever was going on with him.

'No! It has to be the 3 of us!' Harry signed, pulling Draco closer to the door again, most of the eyes now on the first year pair.

"Three of us? Who's the third?" Draco asked, the two of them were always together, sometimes Melissa, Ven, Pansy, or Blaise were with them, but it was never a 'three of them' situation, it was the two of them.

Harry looked confused for a moment, feeling and looking like he was being fed answers he didn't really understand, Harry always did exactly as told if he felt scared or uncertain, still believing what the Dursleys had instilled into him that everything was his fault, and hoping doing as he was told meant that he would be punished less.

'H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E' Harry signed out, stumbling over the letters slightly as he tried to get it out all oat once, not sure himself why she was included, the group of them hadn't spoken since the Hogwarts Express.

"Why Hermione, Harry, what's going on?" Draco asked, starting to get really worried as Harry grew increasingly jittery, trying to get them to leave.

'We need to go.' Harry signed.

"Can you wait here for a second?" Draco asked, hoping he would be able to buy enough time to be able to involve his parents and possibly even Harry's godparents. "I need to go get my wand."

'Please be quick' Harry signed, after flapping his arms slightly in distress.

Rushing over to where they had been sitting, Draco asked the closest Hufflepuff to go to the Hospital Wing to find his parents. Something was wrong with Harry and he needed help, but he wasn't going to leave him alone again.

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