Chapter 32

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"Harry, come over here and let's get out of here." Remus called, holding his hand out to the small boy standing, terrified, beside the person who was once his teacher. Sirius's eyes and wand were trained on Quirrell as he waited for Harry to be safe.

"Last chance, boy. Give me the stone or they die." The monster hissed at Harry.

Harry hesitated for only a second, he didn't have the stone and he didn't want Remus or Sirius to suffer or die because he was distracted by the mirror. He ran towards them, making the monster behind him curse loudly. He didn't know why, but time seemed to slow in the moments he came closer to the safety of Remus's arms.

He wasn't entirely sure what happened, but he saw terror on Remus and Sirius's faces, that looked sickly in a green light, before he felt something both oddly cold and hot hit him in the middle of his back and he slumped forwards.


"HARRY!!!!" Remus screamed as the small boy fell limply into his arms. He had survived the killing curse before, maybe he would be able to do it again.

"Fucking bastard!" Sirius yelled, firing off the curses he knew, ending the barrage of attacks that left no room for rebuttal with one that was rather like petrificus totalus, except it encased the target in stone, turning the top layer of their skin to stone too, including the internal skin. "Let's go." Sirius was breathing heavily, tears trying to fight their way into his eyes.

"He can't- he can't." Remus said, he refused to believe all the Potters were now dead, he couldn't.

"Just, let's get out of here..." Sirius said, not wanting to accept what was happening either.


"What happened? Draco asked, rushing towards Sirius and Remus, pulling harshly away from his mother.

"I- I'm sorry." Sirius said. He couldn't say it, he couldn't say what had happened, especially not to a child who was Harry's closest friend. They had failed them, and they knew it.

Draco's eyes widened as he realised what Sirius was trying to say, and Remus's guilt and grief was obvious from his face as he held the small boy who didn't look like he was breathing.

"No, no, please." Draco said, grabbing Harry's body from Remus and shaking him, as though he was trying to rouse someone in a deep sleep. "Harry! Harry, please... Wake up."

Draco knew death, not as well as Harry, maybe. Most of what he knew was that death was cold, but he had seen it before, usually it was muggles that one of his father's colleagues were bragging about killing, those times his mother would usher him out of the room before he could see much more than a paled hand. He didn't really care those times, sure, he knew they shouldn't have died, but it wasn't anyone Draco knew.

He had one experience of seeing the actual suffering death can cause, but even then it was someone his mother knew, not someone he did, at least not really. He knew about them, they were the person his mother was really in love with. It's not like she didn't love his father, or him, but she was closest to that person and loved them in a more romantic way. His father hadn't minded, he felt the same way his mother did. When this person died his mother hadn't been the same for a long time. She had tried to appear happy for him, but he could hear her crying at night.

At that time Draco hadn't really understood why his mother had been that way, but now he was looking at the limp, unresponsive body of the person he cared the most about, the person he allowed himself to soften for, he understood.

"Draco, I'm so sorry." Narcissa said, coming up to Draco as he sagged, realising Harry wasn't getting up, and she wrapped him in a hug. "You will get through this, I promise. We'll be here for you, so will Pansy and Blaise."

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