Chapter 33

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Harry felt hot, hotter then it was during the height of summer while he was locked in his small cupboard under the stairs, but somehow it wasn't suffocating this time. He felt comfortable, like he was floating in a nice hot bath. He could hear something that felt slightly familiar, the voice was definitely one that he knew, from that island, he thought.

"Harry, remember this, we don't need to fear death, as we don't experience it in the way other creatures do. You can give your protection to one person after you've used it yourself, but it can only be for one." 

The voice felt kind to Harry, soft and gentle, and full of the feeling Harry was used to seeing in Narcissa and Lucius's eyes when they looked at Draco.

"James, I think he's a bit young to be afraid of death, he doesn't even know what it is."

A second voice echoed around Harry's mind, vaguely ringing the bell that this was a memory, not that he knew when, exactly it was from. There was a laughter in their voice, sounding like they were teasing the first person who spoke, James.

"There's a war going on, Lils, and you know how Dumbledore is when he has a plan. We can't protect him forever, and I need to tell him this while I can."

Harry felt a desperation in the voice. He wanted to make the person feel better, but he couldn't move. He hadn't realised before he couldn't move, it was only when he wanted to move that he couldn't, typical.

"We'll be fine, we have to be. We'll use your parents' house if we have to. I know you feel guilty for what you said, James, but you're their son, and Harry is their grandson, I'm sure they'll let us stay."

Oh, that's right, these are the voices of Harry's parents. Why had James said they didn't experience death the way most people did? Was he dead? Is that what this was?


Draco didn't want to let go of Harry's body, so he carried it while his mother flew the broom to the trap door, Hermione flew with Lucius and Sirius and Remus also flew together. Getting through the trap door was easy, the Cerberus seemed to still be deeply asleep, reminding Narcissa to inform her contacts at the ministry about the terrible treatment of a magical animal.

She had more pull than Umbridge, that horrible woman who thought everything not magic and human was so far beneath her it didn't deserve to exist, as though she could keep the world working alone. Narcissa was going to get her out of office eventually, but first she had to reveal her true nature to Fudge, that useless Minister of Magic.

"We need to go to the Hospital Wing," Lucius whispered into Narcissa's ear, both parents guiding a miserable Draco by the shoulders, Hermione who still looked to be in shock trailing behind them. "I know there's nothing that can be done for Harry, but those four need to be looked at by a professional."

"I agree." Narcissa said with a sigh, it broke her to see her son like this. The only reason they had joined Voldemort in the war was because it looked like he would win and they didn't want Draco to grow up without his parents, or loose them. She wished she could take away the pain Draco was feeling right now, but she knew nothing could short of a miracle.

The people who would normally be inclined to stare at Draco being miserable were scared off by Lucius's glare, which was much colder and harsher than his 11 year old mini me. Draco didn't seem to be paying any attention to where they were going, neither were Hermione, Remus or Sirius. 

That was, until they actually reached the Hospital Wing.

"What are we doing here again?" Draco asked his parents. "Pomfrey can't bring Harry back."

"No, but you need to be checked over too." Lucius said, looking down at his son sternly, not leaving any room for arguments, not from the people beside them either.


It was getting hotter, and Harry was no longer comfortable. The voices of James and Lily were no longer loving as they spoke to each other or him, instead they were screaming at someone whose voice Harry couldn't make out. 

It was starting to get really hot, but he still couldn't move. He wanted to get away from the screaming, he was scared, he felt like he was back in his cupboard listening to Mrs Petunia and Mr Dursley. He wanted Draco, he felt safe when he was with Draco, he didn't feel safe here.

Harry felt like he couldn't breath it was so hot, had he been breathing before? He didn't think he was, but now he was almost too aware of it. His whole body felt like how his arm does when Mr Vernon would put it on the hot ring when he didn't get started cooking fast enough or he overcooked the eggs for breakfast.


Mme Pomfrey was treating the minor scratches Hermione had received, having given up trying to get Draco to do as he was told for now, when the definitely dead (she had performed multiple tests, not wanting to believe it herself) body of Harry suddenly lit itself in flames.

"Out, out, everyone out!" Pomfrey yelled, bustling Draco out of the room, assuming that the others would follow her. Honestly, what was it with Potters and attracting trouble even when they're... Dead? And now look, she's made herself sad again. She was lucky her only patients were Draco, Hermione, Remus and Sirius, anything more serious than them and it would have been a lot worse.

"But Harry's burning, we have to get him out." Draco protested, struggling against Pomfrey's firm grip.

Mme Pomfrey didn't respond, holding him still until they were all out of the room, when she closed and magically sealed the doors. Draco still tried to get them open, but she knew better than to use a spell that a distressed 11 year old could unlock.

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