Chapter 34

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About 10 minutes after she had rushed everyone out of the Hospital Wing, Pomfrey was pretty sure the fire would have burnt itself out, after an incident caused by a full moon brought James to the Hospital Wing and a fire starting, she had put up charms to deal with fires quickly and safely.

Mme Pomfrey was pretty sure the Malfoy parents had put up spells that prevented people from coming close as nobody had come near enough to see the rag tag group waiting outside, or to see the distraught Draco as he sobbed into his mother's arms.

Mme Pomfrey unlocked the doors to see the flames were, indeed, no longer there. To her surprise, Harry, who had absolutely been dead, she was sure of it, was sitting up right. His eyes were wide open and a little teary, his cheeks and what little she could see of his arms and back were covered with a red and gold clambering pattern that almost looked like ivy without leaves. It looked almost ethereal.

"Harry!" Draco yelled, drawing the small boy's attention to the door, Draco already running to him.

"But, we saw him die." Remus said in disbelief, staring at the two 11 years olds who were clinging tightly to each other. "He was hit in the back with the killing curse, nobody could survive that."

"Are you telling me you don't remember the same happening to James?" Mme Pomfrey asked the boy, her eyebrows raised. "In your 6th year. You were all of gallivanting together on a full moon again and James got hurt, you all refused to tell me how."

"Before you could start looking at him a fire started." Sirius said, remembering vaguely. If he was being honest, he was far too busy being scared for his best friend and trying to comfort his boyfriend who was terrified by the thought of hurting, killing, or turning one of their group to remember the exact details of what happened, it was an exhausted, adrenaline fuelled rush. "What does that have to do with Harry coming back from the dead?"

"Sirius Black, as a pure blood you should be able to put it together." Mme Pomfrey said, annoyed. She knew they were stressed, but honestly, they had been some of the smartest people in their year and they couldn't figure this out.

"Harry just went through his inheritance." Lucius said, annoyed himself from the blank looks of his cousins in law. "A phoenix, if I'm not mistaken. Shame, they don't really have the colours of a Slytherin."

"Thank you Lucius. I'll have to check, but I believe you're right." Mme Pomfrey said, taking out her wand and approaching the boys, noticing that Harry's snake had slithered their way up Harry's arm to balance their head just above Harry's shoulder.

Draco held Harry's hand as Mme Pomfrey checked him over for any other injuries or ailments. He had come out surprisingly well considering what Hermione had told her about the several different obstacles in their path and the fact he had faced You-Know-Who alone for a while before Remus and Sirius had shown up.

"You should be alright, Mr Potter. Your magic is rather drained, you will have another inheritance when your magic has had time to relax. I want to keep you in for tonight, the rest of you are fine, go back to your dorms, or your houses. I will decide if Mr Potter is going to return tomorrow." Mme Pomfrey said, patting Harry's head gently.

"I'm not going." Draco said, Harry nodding , grabbing Draco's arm.

Mme Pomfrey sighed, frustrated. "Fine, Draco can stay, but everyone has to go."

It was with a reluctant look back at Harry and Draco that the others left the room. Hermione felt especially awkward, but she was extremely curious about what an inheritance is. Maybe some of the older Ravenclaws would have books on it they would lend her.


"Mr Potter, do you happen to remember why you went down there?" Mme Pomfrey asked when it was only the three of them left in the room.

'I felt like I had to. I had to get H-E-R-M-I-O-N-E and go down there because otherwise something bad would happen.' Harry explained, he was feeling guilty, he was the one who couldn't fight off that feeling and caused all that damage and Draco's fear, and that was all before he scared Sirius and Remus.

"Do you know what would happen? Or why you felt that way?" Mme Pomfrey asked, she didn't want to push Harry too much, but Hermione had said something similar, except she felt like she had to wait for Harry to find her. She needed to know what was happening in order to protect the students from ever experiencing it again.

Harry shook his head, he really wanted to be helpful to the people around him, but he had no idea what caused him to feel that way, or if it was something that could happen again. Draco was fast to pick up on Harry's discomfort and the feeling of inadequacy that was growing inside the small boy.

"Today has been stressful for Harry, in a lot of ways, so I think any other questions can wait." Draco said firmly, glaring at Mme Pomfrey in a way that if it was coming with the imposing body of either his future self or Lucius would have been threatening, but from him at 11 just looked like an angry ferret.

"You're quite right, Mr Malfoy, I believe I have enough to have a theory I can test on my own. As for you two, you have had far too much happen today." Mme Pomfrey said, picking up her wand and two bottles as she approached the two. "You're both going to drink a whole bottle each."

Harry did as he was told almost immediately, so eager to do as he was told that a single drop dribbled out from the corner of his mouth. Almost as soon as he had finished gulping it down, though, Harry started feeling drowsy.

"What is your theory?" Draco asked, playing with the bottle in his hands gently, Harry curling up into his side.

"That, Mr Malfoy, is a question for tomorrow. Drink up and sleep well." Mme Pomfrey said, her eyebrows raised as she gestured to the bottle again.

Although he was far from gracious, Draco did as he was told and drank the dreamless sleep potion, pulling both himself and Harry under the covers before drifting off, feeling safe in the knowledge that Harry was safe in his arms.

While it was Draco who held Harry close, seeming to be trying to shield Harry's body with his own, it was Harry's magic that had formed an almost impenetrable barrier around them. The air seeming to carry a dark red shimmer.

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