Chapter 35

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"I assume you came to the same conclusion as me?" Mme Pomfrey asked aloud to the room that seemed almost empty besides her and the two sleeping boys.

"That someone set up a compulsion charm in my school?" Natasha asked, walking out of the shadows in the corner, no longer in the traditionally magical robes she wears in front of the school, instead she was wearing dark, slim fitting muggle clothing. "Yes, I'll look into it. I can't have this happen to another student."

"Start by looking for Dumbledore's magical signature around the third floor corridor. I am certain he was the one behind getting Harry there." Mme Pomfrey said, before Natasha faded back into the shadows.


"What happened to Harry and Draco?" Melissa asked, Ven trying to stop her as she rushed to the group of adults who entered the Slytherin common room, Remus and Sirius looking around the room with a sense of interest, Sirius' noticeably bitter.

"They're fine-"

"Somehow." Sirius cut Narcissa off as she reassured Melissa and Ven.

"Mme Pomfrey decided to keep them in the Hospital Wing over night. They should be back here tomorrow." Narcissa said, sending a look towards Sirius, clearly the two fifth years were worried enough about Harry and Draco without finding out Harry literally died.

"Well, it's Harry she wants to keep an eye on, she just gave up trying to make Draco leave." Lucius said, Ven facepalming.

"Those two always seem to be getting in trouble. I can't believe Draco actually managed to persuade Mme Pomfrey to let him stay, though." Ven said, with a slight groan, Melissa chuckling in a worried way.

"I'm sure you'll understand why when they are allowed back to the dorms." Remus said with a half smile.

"Did something happen?" Melissa asked, staring to feel suspicious. "If something bad happened, we should know. We're the ones who look after them while you're all at home, if something serious happened we should know before hand so we don't scare Harry with our reactions."

"We're Harry's new guardians, he's our kid." Sirius snapped at the girl.

"I'm not saying you aren't, but parents aren't normally at Hogwarts, and we've been looking after him since his first day here. We may not have been the best at looking after him, but we've been here." Melissa pushed. "Look, all I'm asking is that you tell us if something serious happened so our reactions don't scare Harry."

"By the way, your brother is Regulus Black, right?" Ven asked, trying, and probably failing, to cut the tension between Melissa and Sirius.

"What about him?" Sirius asked, sending Ven a very cold, although they didn't show any discomfort with the look.

"I just respect him, what he did was brave." Ven said with a shrug, they weren't comfortable with the number of eyes on them, but at least now Melissa wasn't going to start a fight.

"Joining You-Know-Who isn't brave." Sirius snarled, startling Melissa and Ven.

"Do you... Not know how Regulus died?" Melissa asked, finding her voice before Ven. She was feeling a lot more awkward now, how are you supposed to tell someone their brother died trying to do the right thing?

"And how would you know how he died?" Sirius asked, Remus putting an arm on his shoulder. Sirius may have left and been disappointed with Regulus' decision to stay and become a Death Eater, but that didn't mean the two of them weren't close, or that he didn't grieve his death.

"All Slytherins know. He died turning on You-Know-Who, trying to help kill him by taking a horcrux." Melissa said, trying to be gentle, but honestly how could she say that in a way that wasn't going to feel like a stab in the gut to the man who had left the Black family to fight against Voldemort.

"He... He was doing that?" Sirius asked, his voice going quiet. Remus lead him out of the room to calm down in privacy. Nobody tried to stop them.

"You were right by the way, something serious did happen." Narcissa said, breaking the silence, and gesturing for Ven and Melissa to lead her and Lucius to their dorm room. 

Ven lead them to their dorm, it was a single room in comparison to most double or triple rooms. Ven's room had a cool, eerie green lighting due to the ceiling to floor windows leading to the lake. Their bed was a large four poster with lace curtains that could be pulled two around it, enchanted so that it could block sound and, once closed, only the person in the bed could open them. if nobody was in the bed anyone could open the curtains.

"So I'm assuming something very serious happened, for you to want to tell us in private." Ven said, sitting on the bed and turning to face Narcissa and Lucius.

"Harry died." Lucius said bluntly, Narcissa elbowing him lightly with a glare. Honestly he had no tact.

"Harry what!?!?!?" Ven screeched, jumping off the bed, Melissa seeming to have lost her voice as she stood in the corner, shocked.

"Harry got hit by the killing curse, and yes, he died. Don't worry, though, because he has a phoenix inheritance, so he's alive. He almost set fire to the Hospital Wing, and Draco was pretty shaken up about it., which is why he was allowed to stay." Narcissa explained before either 5th year could start crying over a death that was reversed.

"Those two are the luckiest unlucky people I know." Ven said, pulling Melissa with them to collapse onto the bed, their breathing heave as they tried to get past the shock that the two of them went through.

"Tell me about it, they're going to make us grey before we even reach our NEWTs." Melissa said, he laugh rather high pitched and empty, her heart still hadn't settled down yet.

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