Chapter 36

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Draco was the first of the two to be roused the next morning while it was still dark, but starting to gain light, Harry clinging to him tightly. It took him  moment to register they were no longer the only students in the room, three more students were in the room, at least one of them looked like they only really had a bug, the other two Draco couldn't tell, clearly it was still pretty early in the morning as they were all still sleeping off the Dreamless Sleep potion she would give everyone staying in overnight provided the potions they needed wouldn't react poorly to it.

It took him longer to notice the blood on the sheets behind Harry, by his back where his clothes that Mme Pomfrey must have used magic to repair were torn. Draco tried to snap upright, ready to punch Mme Pomfrey if she had done anything to make Harry bleed or go through any more pain, even if he was asleep, but he couldn't. Harry was holding him tightly, pulling him down as he tried to get up.

"Ah, you're awake." Mme Pomfrey said quietly as she came out of her office, tying her hair up as she did so, noticing Draco's open eyes immediately.

"What did you do to Harry!?" Draco hissed, doing his best to not wake Harry up.

"You saw what happened with his first inheritance, he almost burnt everything, that's not something I did, it was caused by his second inheritance, thestral, if you're interested." Mme Pomfrey said, moving the thin blanket to the side of the bed of the bed next to Draco and Harry's. "Please pick Harry up and move to this bed so I can clean the sheets."

"He won't let me get up. Besides, why didn't you move us while we were sleeping?" Draco asked, still looking at Mme Pomfrey coldly, but he had to move his head down because he was starting to strain his neck.

"He's not letting you get up because you're angry. His magic is trying to protect you because you haven't gone through your inheritance yet." Mme Pomfrey said, smiling kindly at Draco. "Just be calm and you'll be able to get up easily."

Draco glared at her, but did as he was told. He was able to pick Harry up pretty easily, although Harry didn't look happy about it, but wasn't pulling him down into the bed again. He walked over to the bed Mme Pomfrey was at, her stepping back as he drew close to her, looking almost as though she was being pushed back.

Mme Pomfrey looked satisfied as Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Draco again, making a quiet, almost inaudible noise. Draco let Harry pull him back into a lying position, feeling comfortable with Harry, and still feeling glad that Harry was alive and was able to hold him close, but it was currently being a hindrance to him getting the answers he wanted.

"Why didn't you move us while we were sleeping?" Draco repeated the question, his tone sharper and more frustrated. Mme Pomfrey raised her eyebrows at his rude tone.

"I understand this is a stressful time for you, Mr Malfoy, but politeness can get you much further in this world." She said curtly, pulling the bloodied sheet off the bed, folding it neatly in the single tug. Draco had to struggle to not be impressed, although he was pretty sure the house elves back at the manor could do better.

"Sorry," Draco said, his tone still cold from frustration, "Please could you tell me why you didn't move us while we were sleeping?"

Mme Pomfrey sighed, it wasn't good etiquette, but it was probably the best she was going to get while he was tired, frustrated, and worried about Harry. "I can't get close to you because of Mr Potter's magic, only the two of you can be close to each other at the moment. This will settle down after his magic and body become used to being a creature and becomes comfortable with the idea that you're both safe."

"Why does his magic let me in?" Draco asked. "Would it let me out?"

"Unless he's awake I doubt it will let you out. As for why you're allowed inside his magical barrier, it's because he cares about you and your safety. As you both went something traumatic and dangerous, his magic wants to make sure that you're both okay and not going to get hurt more." Mme Pomfrey explained, looking at Draco gently. "Try to go back to sleep, it's not like you'll be able to do anything until he wakes up anyway."

Draco wanted to argue with her that he wasn't tired, that he was wide awake and wanted to ask more about what was going on with Harry, but he was feeling tired even though he had just woken up. Perhaps the magic barrier Harry had put up unconsciously wasn't only using his magic, or maybe there was a spell on the beds in the Hospital Wing to ensure the patients sleep well.

Draco looked up at Mme Pomfrey, his head feeling like it was sinking into the pillow. He thought the light must be playing tricks on him, because her normally grey eyes now looked pink, there's no way she also had an inheritance, right?


Harry was the first of the two to wake up the next morning when the birds outside were calling out to each other loudly, but not in the unanimous way they would at daybreak. He was a little confused, he thought they had gone to sleep a little further to the right, and he was pretty sure there were only him and Draco in the Hospital Wing initially, but now there were other people.

Harry was glad he seemed to be the only person who was currently awake, Draco's arms around him in a way that made Harry feel comfortable. Harry wished he could do something to make Draco feel as happy as Draco made him feel.

But what could that be?

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