Chapter 37

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Draco noticed how anxious Harry seemed as they were walking back to the Slytherin dorms, his hands shaking slightly and he was chewing his lip to the point Draco was worried Harry was going to make his lip bleed. Draco wasn't sure if it was something he should ask about, or if him asking would make it worse.

"Predawn" Draco said, the password having changed recently to the name of Harry's familiar. Sometimes Draco thought it would be so much better if he could also speak Parseltongue, if not so he could talk to Harry, so Predawn could tell him what was going on with Harry.

There was a somewhat tense air in the common room as the door opened. The original plan had been for Harry and Draco to return to the dorm when everyone else would be at breakfast, but Harry's stomach had been churning and it took a long time for him to be able to get down an amount that Mme Pomfrey felt happy about letting him walk around after, so it was well after lunch they returned. As it was a sunny day, a lot of the more rowdy Slytherins were outside enjoying the good weather to let out their energy, the less light inclined Slytherins were inside still.

Melissa stood up as soon as she saw Harry, Van close on her heels. Their faces seemed almost too composed for Draco to not believe his parents had told them about what happened yesterday. Thinking about it made him feel like he needed to have proof Harry was okay, he didn't feel like he could breathe if Harry was in that kind of danger again.

"Let's go to my room, it's private." Ven said, feeling the few eyes left in the room far too much, and knowing that it would feel even more oppressive for Draco and Harry, as they were the ones who would be talking about what happened to them in such a personal way. Harry died, if that's not a personal moment, they didn't know what was.

'Where's P-R-E-D-A-W-N?' Harry asked, hiding slightly behind Draco as he was trying to avoid the eyes in the room.

"I'm sure they'll be able to find us in Ven's room. Predawn has stayed there before while you were in classes." Melissa said, moving to lead the two 11 year olds to the much more private area. She was only slightly surprised to see the snake in question curled up on Ven's bed, wrapped around one of their pillows, which was probably never going to be the right  shape again.

"Massssssster! You're different, it'sssssss good." Predawn hissed happily, snaking their way over to Harry, seeming happy with how Harry now looked and his newly released magic skills.

"You like it? Doesssssssss Draco?" Harry asked Predawn, who was dancing on Harry's shoulders looking very proud of himself.

"Massssssssster, do you want him to like thisssssss?" Predawn asked, Harry could feel a sense of smugness coming from the small snake.

"It feelssssssss me, Predawn, I want him to not like thissssssss lessssssssss." Harry mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed admitting that it mattered so much to him that Draco cared about him, or liked him. He had never felt like this before.

"He mussssst like it." Predawn hissed, although it sounded like they were trying to hide their laughing. Harry knew he must be pathetic, he was relying on other people, and he knew that their presence couldn't last much longer, it was already so much longer than anyone had ever stayed with him in the past.

"Your parents told us roughly what happened." Melissa told them, her voice shaking in the way that told them she was a lot more emotional than she wanted them to know. "So we know you've had you creature inheritances, Harry, congratulations."

"We feel, however, that we need to make some rules that we never thought would be needed. We know a lot of people, and we've never had to come up with these rules." Ven said, a semi-joking manner. They didn't want to intimidate the two 11 year olds, after all, the rules they were about to impose were all to help Harry and Draco not have to face everything alone, and hopefully to face less in the future.

"We managed to get these necklaces which can act as port keys to each other and can allow us to communicate from a distance. You two must wear them at all times, unless you are at home and with your parents or other people you trust enough to be sure you're safe." Melissa said, handing over two heavy pendants on otherwise flimsy looking chains. "We have one each too, so grab the pendant and say our names to talk to us, and think of us to be taken to us by the portkey system."

"Rule number two, the two of you need to stay together as often as you can. The reason this isn't always is because you do still need privacy, I hope the two of you enjoy being together so this one isn't too much of a chore. It's safer to not be alone, even if the two of you are basically at the same level of magic." Ven said, laughing slightly uncomfortably as they could feel themself start prattling.

"Being around Harry would never be a chore!" Draco yelled angrily, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him close, catching Harry off guard so he almost fell into Draco's arm or lap.

"Good! Third rule; if the repercussions of a decision could be dangerous for either or both of you, then talk to us before you make a decision, even if you have to tie the other one up to stop them making the decision in a rush. We know more magic than you two do, if it's vital for it to be done, it's safer if we're involved." Melissa said, sitting on the bed beside the two boys. She wasn't sure how well Harry was taking in these rules, but that was fine, they could always write it up and post it somewhere to remind Harry of what these rules are.

"Is there anything else?" Draco asked.

"I think those are all the rules we have for now. If there are more than that then we'll give you an updated list when they come up. If you think any of them are intruding then please tell us and we will change it to make us all more comfortable." Ven said, they didn't want to infringe on Draco and Harry, but they needed to be safer.

Draco left the room first, but Harry stayed behind, pulling Melissa's sleeve to get her attention.

"Hm? What's wrong Harry?" Melissa asked, looking down at the small, black haired boy.

'Can you help me talk?' Harry signed, avoiding her eyes, feeling embarrassed that he was the only person at Hogwarts who couldn't talk already.

"Of course, Harry. Just do your best." Melissa said, rubbing his hair to receive Harry's bright smile, before he rushed out of the room after Draco.

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