Chapter 7

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"How about we brew it in your room? We haven't been in there yet." Draco suggested as the two boys left the room, Narcissa grabbing the parchment from the air before it made a noise to alert the boys.

"That's a lot longer than we had hoped." Lucius said once the door was closed, looking at the roll of parchment that would reach the floor if Narcissa opened it.

"Almost longer than we had feared, longer than I had expected as well." Narcissa said, unrolling the scroll, the parchment going just past her feet. "It starts when he was 1, Lucius." Narcissa's eyes were wide as she read through 10 years of abuse, ranging from neglect, to beatings.

"I'll contact the healer, let's leave it for now, let him feel happy with Draco." Lucius said, getting up to head to his office to write a letter to the family's personal healer.


"So we're doing the Forgetfulness potion? It's less interesting than some, but we can do more tomorrow." Draco said, getting his book out and setting it up by the cauldron bought for him earlier that day (or for Harry, but it was his now either way, they are identical.)

Harry nodded, reading through all the instructions to make sure he knew what he was doing in advance, he knew what would happen if he messed anything up. Or at least, what always would, but he would also face repercussions for eating at the table or leaving his cupboard when he wasn't doing chores, so he really didn't know what was supposed to be happening anymore.

"Can you start on the ingredients while I heat up the cauldron to the right temperature?" Draco asked, already turning to the cauldron.

Harry got straight to preparing the ingredients, making sure to keep each one separate from the others, not sure what would happen if they accidentally added them at the wrong time, he knew too little about magic to accurately guess, but he thought it might be like in Chemistry when they watched a video of the reaction between Magnesium and fire when the person doing it accidentally put the match right next to the pot containing the rest of it.

"That was fast." Draco said, once he was sure that it was at the correct temperature, to see Harry half way through preparing the ingredients. "Now, where to begin?"

Draco ended up doing most of the brewing, Harry mostly preparing the ingredients. He was surprisingly good at it, meaning the potion was probably more potent than he had made previously. He would check with Severus while Harry was choosing robes with Lucius tomorrow.

While the potion was simmering for 15 minutes, the boys realised they had been brought drinks of hot chocolate. It was good, although Harry drank it very slowly, partially because he felt like he wasn't supposed to be drinking it, and partially because he had never had anything so sweet or rich before.

During the second half of the potion Harry got drowsy, although he fought to stay awake as he always did, afraid this was all some dream he was about to wake up from. Draco only noticed Harry's sudden fatigue when he fell asleep on Draco's arm.

Harry looked so small and peaceful while he slept, huddled into the warmth of Draco's arm, not even tall enough to reach his shoulder. Draco got to a safe point to leave the potion for a short while before he could pick up the surprisingly light Harry in order to put him in the bed that would be his for as long as he stayed.

Even though he was lighter than any other child his age, smaller too, Harry sank into the pillows and mattress of the queen sized bed. The over sized bed made him look even smaller, as he was dwarfed by the whites and greens of the covers, Draco pulling the duvet up to his chin. In spite of the neglect being more obvious, a sleeping Harry was a sight to behold. The white sheets seaming to bring more colour to his skin, his pink lips slightly parted, his nose wrinkling slightly as a slight breeze swept through the room from the open window in the corner. His black hair was splayed out on the purest white pillow beneath him, almost begging the viewer to run their hands through it.

Draco resisted the urge, however, returning to the Forgetfulness potion so that nothing went wrong in Harry's room. They were almost finished when Harry had fallen asleep, though, so it didn't take Draco long to finish up. The colour was almost exactly the colour described by the book, if they were able to make it again in class, that would hopefully be enough to make Snape like him.

"Sleep well Harry." Draco whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead in the way his mother always had for him.  As he was turning to go back to his room, because it had gotten rather later than he thought, he felt a small amount of pressure around his wrist.

Harry had rolled over in his sleep, his hand now loosely wrapped around Draco's wrist, Harry just looked so vulnerable that Draco couldn't bare the idea of pulling the only thing he was holding onto away from him. He still had plushies, maybe they should get some for Harry tomorrow as well.


Narcissa had gone up to check on the boys, ready to force them to go to bed by vanishing the potion if she had to. She was pleasantly surprised to walk into Harry's new room and see the two curled up around each other, they looked like a little couple, and she wouldn't be surprised if Harry ended up her son-in-law.

"Mother?" Draco asked, his voice filled with sleep as he just about registered Narcissa was in the door way.

"Yes, go to sleep." Narcissa whispered, walking into the room, pressing a kiss to each boy's forehead and making sure they were properly tucked in before leaving again. Harry probably wouldn't remember the next day at all, he was still suffering from a lot of the physical abuse the muggles put him through, so their healer would probably have him on so many potions he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between any of the Malfoys.

They would never be able to truly undo everything the muggles did, but they could do their best. Narcissa just hoped it was enough.

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