Chapter 8

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The next day was hard for Draco, he knew that Harry would be spending a lot of it away from him, but he hadn't known Harry would be half conscious with the family healer, a warlock by the name of Axol. The few times he had seen Harry that day, the other boy was completely out of it, looking at him with empty, half lidded eyes.

Draco was annoyed, he finally had a real friend in the manor, and they weren't even going to be awake today! Of course he knew that Harry needed to be healed, but he had thought they would have time to play around the manor first.

He and his parents were in the library, all trying to learn sign language so they would be able to understand Harry whenever he needed something and didn't have a quill or parchment. Draco was also looking at the different plush animals he could get for Harry as a belated birthday present. He couldn't decide which Harry would like more, so he decided that it would be best to get all of them.

Tomorrow Harry would be getting a silver dragon plush, a black dog plush, a brown wolf plush, and a stag plush. Draco didn't know why he had been drawn towards those animals for Harry, but they just felt right. He just hoped that Harry agreed with his choices.


Over the few weeks they had together before Hogwarts, Harry and Draco bonded extremely well, to the point they could almost read each other's minds. Predawn was always found either trailing after the two, or draped over Harry like jewellery. Harry and Draco were almost never apart, and Harry was always more timid when they were, not that he was confrontational by any means together.

He now had a new wardrobe of smart and casual robes, the same with muggle clothes. All the clothes that came from Dudley had been burnt, as none of them were fit to even be worn by a house elf.

This was as close as Harry had ever gotten to having a family, and he loved it. He was a fast learner, and was fast to pick up on the ins and outs of pure blood society. Predawn did have to help him sometimes though, not that there were any special occasions while he was staying with the Malfoys.

There would be times when Harry would revert to his old habits, but the Malfoys were understanding. He ate more in those few weeks than he had in the past year with the Dursleys, you could no longer count his ribs.


Harry was sitting on the red Hogwarts Express, waiting for Draco to come back from wherever he was going, he hadn't told Harry. He was curled up by the window, trying to draw as little attention to himself as he could. Out the window he could see a large group of people who all had red hair, seeing as that's a fairly rare hair colour no matter where you live, harry assumed they were all related. Most of the kids entered the train, however the little girl, who was wearing a pretty green dress, stayed behind, but she didn't look happy about it.

Barely a moment later, Harry heard the door to his compartment open, he turned to face it, thinking it was Draco, but it was one of the red haired boys he had seen outside, he had a smudge of dirt on the side of his nose, and his robes were tatty, although nicer than any clothes the Dursleys had ever given him.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full." He said, a pout just about audible in his tone.

'Sorry, I'm waiting for someone. If he says it's alright then you can.' Harry signed, not knowing what to do, Draco would always handle people he didn't know.

"Why are you waving your hands around? Are you going to answer me or not?" The boy asked again, this time sounding annoyed. His mother had told him to try to befriend a small boy with messy black hair as he was probably Harry Potter and Dumbledore wanted him to be close to the Weasleys, but how was he supposed to do that when he wouldn't respond.

Harry didn't know what to do, the other by was clearly angry with him, so trying to get his quill and parchment would probably only make him angrier, but if he didn't respond, the same would happen. Harry was scared, he was so much smaller than the red head, even though he had grown quite a bit with the Malfoys, but he could be beaten up very easily.

"Well-" The other boy started, much louder than he needed to.

"And what are you doing here?" Draco asked, standing behind the boy, his typical sneer fully in place now that he was in public.

"And who are you?" The red head asked, now directing his anger at Draco, swirling around so Harry could get the parchment and quill out of his bag.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, and you? Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco said, as Harry scribbled down on the piece of Parchment he had grabbed.

"What does that matter to you, Malfoy, why are you here anyway, parents too busy to bring you by horse and carriage?" Weasley asked, his top lip curling in contempt of Draco.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you, Weasley. Trains are more comfortable than carriages, especially when going to Scotland. And, for your information, this is my carriage, move along." Draco said, shooing Weasley with hand motions

"If it's your compartment, why aren't you in it, and he is?" Weasley asked, turning back to Harry, who was as far away from the angry red head as he could be.

Harry was holding up the piece of parchment that said '丨'爪   爪ㄩㄒ乇,  丂ㄖ尺尺ㄚ   千ㄖ尺   爪卂Ҝ丨几Ꮆ   ㄚㄖㄩ   卂几Ꮆ尺ㄚ.' Behind it, he was trying to make himself as small as possible, hating all forms of confrontation.

"That's my friend, he's been keeping the compartment for us. Perhaps you've heard of him, Harry Potter." Draco said, pushing past Weasley to stand in front of Harry, a smirk firmly planted on his face.

"Harry, the Malfoys work for the man who killed your parents, wouldn't you rather be on the light side? We have Dumbledore, the greatest wizard to live." Ron said, trying to look past Draco to Harry.

"I think you should leave." Draco said, before slamming the door in Ron's face, turning to face Harry who was no longer shrinking into the corner, but sitting normally, writing on the parchment again. "I... Do you want me to explain about what he said?"

Harry shook his head, finished writing, and held it out to Draco for him to read. '丨  ㄒ尺ㄩ丂ㄒ  ㄚㄖㄩ.'

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