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"Mom, are you sure this isn't too revealing" I tug on the fitted dress. 

"No, it have dresses more revealing than this, at least its long sleeve", she states as she finish straighten my hair.

"Yes and short, why can't I wear a jeans and top?" I sigh.

"Because its your first party and I wouldn't let no daughter of my mine go to any party dress so."

"The idea is to not attract attention, Daniel will flip when he sees me", I roll my eyes.

"Damn right", Daniel enters my room,"mom, she can't go so."

"Why not? I never get to play dress up with her anymore", mom pouts,"besides now she can show those curves she been hiding."

"You better stay close to me, Nathaniel or Brandon if you're going like that", he warns.

"And Sebastian."


"He's going to be there too", I add.

"Just great."

"Who's Sebastian? Is he your boyfriend Amanda?" Mom grins.

"No mom, we're just friends."

"Finally you have a guy friend who isn't Brandon, now you definitely keeping on that dress."

"Why do I even bother", Daniel leaves.

"Tell me about this Sebastian guy."

"Well he's new at our school and state apparently, he has a sister, good grades, a clean record and played football", I explain.

"So a guy version of you beside the sports? I approve"", she nods.

"Mom", I groan.

"What? At least you know if you end up together", she shrugs.

"Just get my shoes mom."


"Wow you're actually in a dress", Lily gasps as when she sees me as she gets out of Brandon's car.

"Mom strikes again, I really wanted to wear jeans like you."

"Why?You look so much better in a dress, you got a body like a model. I'm so jealous", she compliments.


"Let's go girls, we still have to meet Sebastian at the cafe", Brandon calls from the drivers' seat.

We got in the backseat,"looking good mans", he adds.

"Thanks", I say and look out the window. I don't be out much during the nighttime, especially the weekend.

We arrive at the cafe and see Sebastian already waiting, leaning against a BMW black car.

"Nice ride man", Brandon comments.

"Thanks, my uncle let me borrow it. Ready to go Amanda?" He asks.

"You're going with him?" Lily watches me.

"Hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all, now Brandon and I can listen to the music we both like and you despise for some reason."

"Finally", Brandon cheers.

I get out of Brandon's car and into the passenger side of Seb's.

"We'll follow you", Seb says to Brandon.

"Just don't lose me, I tend to drive fast", he smirks.

"I can keep up", Seb assures him.

"We'll see."


"I told you I could of kept up", Seb tells Brandon when we arrived at the house.

"Good, who's ready to party?!" Brandon exclaims as a few guys pass him and cheer in agreement.

"I am, the party king as arrive", Seb smirks.

"In your dreams Grey", Nick snorts coming towards us.

"Let's see who can keep down their alcohol for the longest without passing out", he challenges.

"Challenge accepted, see you later", he walks up the driveway and opens the door, "by the way Amanda, you look hot."

I roll my eyes.

"Dude, are you nuts? No one can out drink Nick", Brandon sighs.

"Then he hasn't met me yet, I'll be fine", he assures him.

"But aren't you too young to even get drunk? How would you get back home if you are drunk?" I frown.

"You're right, I'll out drink Nick at another party then", he shrugs.

"You can't back down dude no one can step down from a challenge once Nick accepts it. I'm sure he told half the party by now about it, so if you don't want to humiliate yourself and destroy your reputation you just started to build, you got to just go with and deal with your aunty and uncle later", Brandon explains.

"I don't care about reputation; I am not doing the challenge. Screw what Nick and those other people think", he says.

"It's your social downfall anyway", he shrugs and we all walk to the house, "also girls, stay close to me and don't accept any drinks from other people besides Nathan, Daniel and I."

"I think the twins will be too protective to even hand us anything beside water", I scoff.

"Well I know brandy wouldn't do that to me, will you?" Lily looks up at him with a serious face.

He coughs, "of course not Lily pad, this is your first party after all. I'll give you one can beer which should last you throughout the next 3-4 hours."

"And one for Amanda as well?" She adds.

"Sure, just don't let Daniel see you with it though."

"I wouldn't", I smile.

"Good, now hold your breath and in you go", he opens the door for us and we step into the living room which is transform into a dance floor.

The lights are off and party lights are on.

"Wow!" Lily gasps behind me. I see Victoria and her friends in a corner by the couch talking with drinks in their hands. All of them are wearing fitted dress like me, but way shorter and more expose.

"Follow me", Brandon says in my ear since the music is loud. He takes Lily's hand and Seb hold mine leading me to the kitchen area where the drinks are.

"Well, what a surprise. The two miss perfects of Roosevelt High are here at a party, which happens to be my party", a guy with black hair laughs, "the names Keegan, the host of this epic party", he introduces himself.

"Do you happen to have any beer with not so much alcohol?" Brandon asks.

"Yes, we all know you don't ever get drunk", he chuckles and opens the fridge and take out a case of beer with six.

"It's safe miss purities, you can drink this kind", he winks at Lily and I.

I roll my eyes.

"Sebastian thanks for coming man, I heard you challenged the party king to a drink off. Good luck, I made that mistake once and ended up having a bad hangout and threw up a lot", he shivers at the memory.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing it", Seb states.

"Dude you have to, Nick hasn't had this much excitement since spring break. If you need a place to crash after, there are rooms available upstairs and your car will be safe if that's what you are worried about", Keegan offers.

"I'm only a sophomore."

"Lame excuse, I have been drinking since 8th grade and even tried pot at age 15", he shrugs, "being 16 it kind of is your right to get drunk. Also I heard you were a party king back at your old school; so there is no excuse about never been drunk before."

Seb sighs, "fine, but when I am drunk out of my mind, Amanda can you text my uncle saying that I am crashing here?"

"Sure", I nod and hands me his phone.

"It doesn't have a password."

Brandon hands me one of the can beer when I put the phone in my small hand purse. Keegan leaves to go greet some other of his guest.

I take a sip, it isn't as strong as I thought it would have been.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Smirnoff, something not strong to start off a non drinker first party", Brandon replies.

Seb gets a drink from the cooler, which looks very strong. He takes a mouthful of it and swallow then shake his head.

"That felt good, want to go outside?" He turns to me.

I turn to Lily who is eyeing down Nick talking to Daniel by the stairs while Brandon is talking to a girl, his back on us.

"Lily, I am going outside. When are you going to make your move?" I whisper in her ear.

"Soon, I'll stay with Brandon for the while."

"That'll be a problem, he is going with that girl", I point out as he take the girl's hand and she giggles.

"Hi Lily pad, I'm going to the dance floor. Will you be fine by yourself for a while?" He turns to us.

"Yeah, go have fun", she waves him off.

He sends her a grateful smile and leaves.


"Go ahead Amanda, I'll stay here with my beer as company and make my move on Nick when he isn't distracted", she smiles.

Seb and I walk outside to the backyard pool, people are chilling near it and some girls and guys are sitting at the edge with their feet in the water.

It's quieter out here which I am thankful, I take a seat by the empty table and Seb follows.

"Are you sure you want to step down from your own challenge?" I ask.

"Yes, I want to go home tonight, don't really like sleeping out at someone's place who I barely know."

I nod.

"You can ask questions about me, if we are friends you need to know stuff about me and I need to know stuff about you", I state.

"Okay, how big is your family?"

"I think you already know this one, I have five older brothers, I am the youngest and only girl in the family", I answer.

"My family is sort of big, my uncle Jake has five younger siblings, three girls, two boys. My mother is the second child, uncle Jake is about three years old than her", Seb explains, "my grandmother was the only child in her family so maybe that's why she wanted to have that amount of kids so they wouldn't feel lonely like she did", he suggests.

"Okay; well my father has one older sister and two younger brother and sister who are twins, my mother has a twin sister not identical, an older sister and three younger brothers", I say.

"Hey your grandmother had six kids then just like mine", Seb chuckles, "I'm not surprise now why your parents has six, it makes sense."

"Well I for sure not making six kids, look like too much of stress", I state.

"Why are you talking about kids? You aren't planning on getting pregnant now, are you?" Tori gasp joining us.

"Heaven's no Tori, you really want my brothers to go to jail for murder?" I shake my head.

"No, I just started dating Nathan. I'm happy you make it and good choice of drink, it isn't too much alcohol", she adds.

"Brandon chose it for me."

"By the way love the dress, where did you buy it?" She sits down next to me.

"Ask my mother, she was the one who force this on me", I grumble and Seb laughs.

"Ahh yes, Mrs. Jones really know style, well she works in the fashion department after all", she laughs.

"Yeah and I had to be her dress up doll too when I was younger", I sip my beer.

"I wish my mother had time to do that with me, but she was always focusing on herself and new job when we moved. I was forced to look after myself with the help of fashion magazines which your mother put in advise on different type of clothes for early teenage girls to wear and made quite an impression in middle school", she explains.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's okay, my mom let me pick out my clothes when she made time to carry me clothes shopping and let me sign up for the school's dance team which helped me in high school to get on the cheer team and become captain in January gone", she states.

1 hour later

"Amanda I need to talk to you", Lily comes rushing towards me quickly, "you busy?" She stops feet away looking at Tori.

"No", I get up and we walk to the other side of the pool where there is no one, "what's wrong?"

"I was going to talk to Nick, when this girl steps in my way and said loudly that Nick will never interested in a nerd like me and I am sure he heard. I am so embarrass now I can't even face him", she says with tears in her eyes.

"It'll be okay, how about you crash at my place tonight and we'll eat ice cream", I suggest.

"But it's only after 9", she frowns.

"You aren't ready to go?"

"No, I wouldn't let some bitch ruin my night. Screw Nick anyway he is player, he wouldn't change for a girl like me."

"That's the spirit", I grin.

"Sebastian Grey I heard you are trying to back down from the challenge!" Nick yells coming through the door, "well I am here to tell you, no one gets out of a challenge with me besides doing the challenge."

"So I have no other choice?"

"Ding ding, that's correct and I am going easy on you. I'll even give you a head start", he offers.

Seb gets up, look over at me I give him a raise eyebrow and he winks.

"Well then the challenge is still on", he smirks at Nick and everyone who is behind him cheers.

I see Nick sends a glance at Lily and I's way then goes back inside.

"I am so embarrassed", Lily whines.

"I want to see this, you guys coming?" Tori asks walking to the door.

"In a while", I reply.


Unknown POV

She looks so pretty in that dress and I see other guys look at her also, they think the same thing.

She's mine a- holes.

I see her walk to the kitchen with her friends and that new guy, they are holding hands.

Who was he anyway?

I wonder if she got the note.

Did she like it? Does she think I am a stalker? Did she throw away the note?

"Hey want to dance handsome?" A brunette approaches me.

"Not interested", I dismiss her and she scoffs.

I return my attention back to the kitchen area where the host of the party just approaches them.

Don't worry my sweet little Amanda, I'll reveal myself to you soon.


Long chapter.

What do you think about the challenge?

Who do you think the unknown person is?

Next chapter will be Monday, after my exam.

Have a great weekend, five days till Christmas.

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