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I haven't seen Lily after lunchtime, I don't know where she disappeared to. She is suppose to help me with the book club meeting which is about to start in ten minutes time.

I enter the library where original members  are taking their seats and freshmen doing the same, the library stays open till five after all the students leave the meeting.

"Welcome to another school year guys, how was your summer?" I smile.

"It was great, I went to Philippines for a whole month", a girl says.

"I went to on this camp trip with my parents and almost  got attacked by a bear", another guy shrugs.  

"Almost?" I frown.

"My older cousin distract it while I made a run for it", he states.

We all laugh as I sit down,"today the freshmen will introduce themselves, then we can brainstorm on what books we should read for this term", I explain.

"I suggest my favorite book, perfect chemistry", a freshman says.

"Oh that's a good one", my classmate from my calculus class says. 

"And Until July", another guy adds.

"We will not be reading any mature books here", I glare at him.

"How do you know its a mature book?" He challenges.

"I read the description in a book store and put it right back down and leave."

"Fine, how about After?" He smirks.

"Not a chance", I cross my arms.

"You're no fun", he pouts.

"How about we all download a reading app and get stories to read and talk about during meetings?" I suggest.

"Inkitt looks good and so does Wattpad", a freshman girl says.

"All for Wattpad?" I say.

Most hands go up.

"We also can start writing stories this year, Wattpad allows people to write as well", I add,"not everyone has to write stories, but those of you who wants to you can."

"Good because in middle school I started writing on the app, but the story is draft I wasn't brave enough to publish it", the same girl admits.

"I'm sure it's great", I encourage her.

She shrugs.

"Once everyone gets the app, I'll suggest some books to read until Thanksgiving, that should keep us busy. We will meet weekly to discuss our book of the week no matter how far you read, but then again it will spoil the story for people who didn't finish", I sigh.

"Well everyone will just have to read the book of the week, we will look for some short books too", my classmates shrugs.

"I hope everyone is a fast reader."


"How was your first meeting baby sis?" Daniel smirks.

I glare at him.

"It was okay,  how was football?" I got into the backseat of the car while he and Nathaniel takes the front.

"Good, your new friend is impressive."

"So you approve of our friendship?" I smile.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I now starting to get the idea of him being your friend", he turns on the engine.


When we got home, mom and dad are both home which is surprising.

"Hi my loving parents", I smile.

"Amanda I just got off the phone with Mrs. Miller, she says Felicia will be in the city this weekend and agree you guys can go shopping together", mom explains.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Use your inside voice", dad frowns.

"Mom you know I dislike shopping", I whine.

"You got to embrace your fashion side, how would you know what is your style if you don't shop?"

"I don't think Felicia and I will get along, besides I may have plans with Lily", I point out.

"If you guys are talking by that time", Nathaniel adds and goes upstairs.

"You and Lily had a fight? See even another reason to go shopping this weekend as a distraction, you can even invite Victoria."

"I'll think about it", I go to the kitchen.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, 

Seb: Hey, what you doing rn?

Me: Looking for food, why?

Seb: Brandon and I are right outside your house, or shall I say mansion. Want to go with us to confront Lily?

Me: What?

Seb: Yes you read correctly, are you in or out?

Me: In, just give me five minutes to put my bag in my room and convince my parents to let me out

Seb: Okay, because we not leaving without u

5 minutes later

"And when will you be back?" Dad asks.

"Next hour or so, I just want to talk to Lily and get an explanation."

"I don't understand why you want to though, if she isn't talking to you why bother going over there and talk to her? It wouldn't make a difference", she files her nails.

"Maybe it can, she needs me."

"She needs Brandon, he's knows her better anyway."

"She needs a female support."

"Isn't her mother enough?"

"Mom", I sigh.

"Just let her go, be back before 6", dad looks at me.

"Thanks dad", I smile and leave quickly before my brothers come to stop me.

"Finally, I was just about ti burst through the door", Brandon jokes as I get in the backseat where Seb is sitting.

"Are you sure that she is even home?" I ask.

"Where will she be on a Monday evening?"


"She's not here, she hasn't come home since", Lily's mother says when she answers the door.

"Didn't you call her?" I ask.

"No reason to, if by 7 she isn't here then I'll call her. She's sixteen, I know she can handle herself."

"It's not safe for her", Brandon snaps.

"When she came home Sunday morning wee hours in the morning, drunk and crying with you no where in sight, you didn't think about that, did you?" She snaps back.

"I didn't know where she was, she disappeared on me", he defends himself.

"And you told me you would of look after her and be home by 1 am, I don't think Lily and you should be friends anymore", she shuts her door.

Brandon sighs,"if something happens to her, I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself."

"We'll find her", Seb assures him.

I see a motorbike speeding down the street with a girl behind the guy and a helmet on.

It stops in front of the house and the girl takes off the helmet and gets off the bike,"thanks."

"Lily?" I gasp.

"Or she'll find us", Seb mutters.

My best friend isn't looking like herself, she is dress in a black leather jeans with boots, a tank top and leather jacket; her makeup is dark with gold hoop earrings.

"So will I be seeing you this weekend sugar?" The guy on the bike smirks.

"Yes", she kisses his cheek and he speeds off.

"Who the heck is that Lily pad?!" Brandon demands his face fill with anger.

"That is my new friend, what are you doing here?" She crosses her arm.

"This isn't you Lily, plus I live right next door", he shakes his head.

"This is the new me so if you can't deal with it then leave."

"Lily, snap out of it. What has gotten into you?" I frown.

"Nothing, I am just tired of people walking over me and fighting my battle for me."

"I will always fight your battles for you Lily pad, I made that promise a long time ago."

"Well that was then, I don't need you anymore and Amanda I am dropping out from the clubs and study body. It's lame anyway", she adds.

I gasp.

"We aren't leaving until you give us a damn explanation why you suddenly change and acting this way", I snap, "talk to us, what happened at the party?"

"There is nothing to talk about and you can wait all you want out here all night", she pushes pass her and open the door,"you can be miss clean record all by yourself, I want to enjoy my high school life and not worry about exams, quiz or project everyday. I intend to experience what high school life has to offer", she closes the door behind her.

"That guy she just came with, he doesn't go to our school, does he?" I frown.

"No and he doesn't look like he is in high school either", Brandon adds,"when  Lily's father gets home, I'll tell him what is going on with his daughter's sudden change."

"I can't lose Lily", I sigh.

"Me neither, don't worry we will figure something out", he hugs me,"let me drop you guys home."

"Can we stop for ice cream first?"

"Sure", he nods.


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