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"Dude, Lily is looking so hot today", a guy tells his friends as Lily enters the school building in a short skirt and deep V neck showing her cleavage. 

It's been a week since we confronted Lily, she been ignoring Brandon and Amanda. The guy we saw on the motorbike is now her boyfriend and he is 19.

Lily's father just grounded her when Brandon talked to him, but only for the rest of the week; by Friday she was out and partying. Brandon was sure it was her mother's doing letting Lily off the hook so easily.

"The votes are out, winter masquerade ball wins", Victoria announces just before first period.

Everyone cheers.

"It will be held on the last Friday before winter break, after Halloween tickets will be available. This year it'll be couple tickets instead of individual, so not everyone is purchasing", she explains.

"And for those of you who still doesn't have a date by the week before the ball, solo tickets will be available", Amanda adds.

"Also, this time there will be a king and queen of the ball so dress to impress. In mid November we will announce the nominates for king and queen and at the ball, there will be a finally round", Brandon inputs.

"There is no voting?" Someone asks.

"At the ball, the nominates will be chosen base on school performance and interaction with fellow schoolmates", Amanda replies.

"As president I am not competing in this one, I'll be the judge along with the principal and a few teachers", Victoria states.

Amanda may have a chance to get nominated then.

"Today class we will be making pizza, the dough is already in front of you", our homeroom teacher says.

"I love pizza, thank goodness I can make it", I chuckle.

"Good because I can't", Amanda laughs.

"And I am busy texting so don't look at me for help", Lily adds texting on her phone.

Amanda rolls her eyes.

"How did the shopping go with Felicia?" I ask Amanda as I roll out the dough.

"Horrible, she wanted to go in every clothes she spotted and her friends gossip nonstop", she grumbles,"but the worst part is when she asked me for one of my brother's number."

"Did you give her it?"

"No, why would I even do that?" I snort.

I shrug.

"You can put the toppings once I put the cheese and tomato sauce", I say.

"Miss Lily, this is a class not a cafeteria", the teacher snaps.

"Let me just finish send this text", she waves her off and everyone gasps.

The teacher grabs her phone from her,"detention after school", she snaps.

"Whatever bitch", she mutters but the teacher still hears her.

"That's it, get out of this class now!"

"Didn't even wanted to be here anyway", she leaves.

Amanda sighs,"I really don't know what's wrong with her."

"Maybe you should talk to Keegan, it was his party after all. He maybe know what went down after you left", I suggest.

"Brandon already did, he got nothing. He was drunk as well by the time I left after 11."

"No one didn't videotaped Nick and I taking drinks one after the next?"

"Nope which is surprising, people always videotape Nick when he is in his drunk state. Last year my brothers told me jumped into a lake completely naked."


"The year before he got up on a table and started to strip, girls obviously gave him money and requested a lap dance."

"That's insane."

"There's more where that came from, I'm surprised the cop never caught him when they crashed a few parties he attended."

She puts the toppings on the pizza and I place it in the oven .

"You think you will get nominated for the title masquerade ball queen?"

She snorts,"me? I don't think so."

"Why not? You meet the two priorities."

"Even if I am nominated, I still have to get a date which wouldn't be easy knowing who my brothers are", she scoffs.

"I'm sure you can get a date,you still have two full months", I point out.

"Yeah, but who likes me enough to ask me out and not afraid of my brothers besides you", she laughs.


"Hey, wanna hangout later? I got nothing to do home", Amanda asks me,"we can go site seeing."

"Sure, but how are getting around? I don't want to waste money on cab."

"Maybe you can ask your uncle to borrow his car, we can walk to your house", she suggests.

"Oh yeah, you will get to meet my sister", I nod.

"I can't wait to meet her", she grins.

"Don't have have book club meetings today?" I ask.

"No, I decided to give them an extra week to finish read the book of the week, knowing those freshmen they need that extra week", we laugh.

After school we leave and walk down the block, the weather is clear today but for how long?

"Turn left up in this street", I say.

"Whoa, you are living just minutes away from school if I did my brothers would of let me walk", Amanda scoffs.

We stop in front of my uncle's two story house.

"You didn't tell me your uncle is rich, the house isn't big as mine but it's still got some size", she states.

If you think this is big, you should see his last one before he moved where my grandmother grew up.

I open the door,"I'm home, uncle Jake can I borrow your car?"

"Sebastian has a girlfriend!" Ally yells when she sees Amanda behind me.

"What?" Aunty Vanessa comes down the stairs quickly,"you're pretty", she gasps.

"She isn't my girlfriend Ally, this is my friend I was talking about", I explain.

"What a pretty girl like you doing with him then?" She asks and Amanda laughs.

"He was lonely on the first day of school and I put him out of his miserable, my name is Amanda by the way", she winks.

"I'm Ally", Ally introduces herself.

"Nice to meet you Amanda, I'm Vanessa welcome to our home", Aunty Vanessa smiles.

"Where is uncle Jake?" I ask.

"He is out, his best friend is in the city, unfortunately he has his car with him", she explains.

"Can I borrow your own then?" I put on my puppy face.

"Bring it back in one piece", she hands me the keys.

"Thank you", I hug her.

"Make sure he stays out of trouble and be back by 8", she tells Amanda.

"Will do", she nods.

We leave and go to the garage.

"Your aunty seems nice, she looks familiar though", Amanda comments.

I shrug as I unlock the BMW.

"She's a peadicatic doctor."

"That's cool."

We got into the car and I reverse into the street,"what's our first stop?" I ask.

"You'll see", she smirks.


"Ice skating rank?" I frown.

"Yes, I'm going to teach you how to ice skate", she grins.

"I can ice skate already", I say.

"What about doing cool tricks like a double spin?" She gets ice skating shoes from a shelf her size.

"You can figure skate?"

"My mother wanted me involve in a few things when I was younger, balla and gymnastics included", she explains.

"I'm sure not swimming as well."

"She tried, but my father said I have enough activities to keep me busy during the summer. I remember I spent almost a whole summer before 6th grade here learning figure skating and continue until 8th grade,

"My parents hired a private coach as well and I completed in the national figure skating competition and came 2nd, I was 13 at that time", she explains.

"So you got a trophy home?"

"Yes in the glass cupboard where my brothers' trophies are, they all played some sort of sport from elementary to high school."

"Your parents really had you active then?"

"They were always busy and rarely home so that kept us busy and our nanny just had to pick us up from our various activities on evenings", she shrugs.

We get on the ice and start to skate alongside each other.

"So tell me about yourself", she states.

"I was the football captain at my old school, had one girlfriend and wasn't really that much active when I was younger. I used to play baseball in elementary school, run and swim", I reply.

"Not really active? Sounds like you were", Amanda laughs.

"Well I was a little, but in middle school I stopped run, swim and picked up football. My dad was the one who suggested it and see if I would of like it and I did", I explain.

My uncle Jake played football until his freshmen year of college along with uncle Kevin and Logan.


Amanda and Sebastian's first hangout together.

What do you think will happen to Lily?

Next update will be this weekend, maybe even a double update.

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