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The group had finally stopped fighting and was now onto the Othello and Desdemona. Austin sat on the chair facing Toshiaki.

"O my fair warrior!" Toshiaki read out

"My dear Othello!" Austin read out in a higher girly sounding voice, Emily looked around everyone was enjoying watching them, Emily wasn't, she had a pained face

"It gives me wonder great as my content. To see you here before me. O my soul's joy! If after every tempest come such calms, May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" Austin holds out his arm as Toshiaki kneels and kisses his hand then up his arm

"Whoa. Dude is going for it." Joseph stated

"Excuse me. He is my wife." Toshiaki shot back and continued to kiss his arm

"Does there really need to be that much kissing?" George asked

"Says right here he kisses her." Toshiaki said and pointed at the line on the book

"I feel like we're somehow missing the essence here." Emily breathed out, he stood up and looked at Emily pushing Austin's arm down. "Can you be more specific?" He asked

"It just... It doesn't make sense, you in the part. And aside from everything else, Othello is black." Emily stated, causing everyone to go silent, Jane speaks first "Wait, what?"

"He's black. Othello. The Moor." Emily explained even though it should be obvious

"The main character?" She comments still confused

"Yes, Jane." Emily nods "Othello. He's black."

"I disagree." Jane said still confused

"What? You can't disagree. It's a fact." Emily sighed, she was getting to the end of the straw now, she was annoyed

Jane nervously laughed "Like... what?" She looked at everyone then at Emily

"Have you been... Have you been
paying any attention at all?" Emily asked and get a head shake in response.

"Okay, instead of noting me to death, could you just read your next line?" Toshiaki commented ready to read the line

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this scene" she said as she took of her overcoat. "when I'm so distracted by how wrong you are for the part." She walked towards Toshiaki, who looked offended

"You know what, Emily? You are on a total power trip." Toshiaki snapped angrily

"Excuse me?" Emily asked shocked, Toshiaki went on to say that Emily is bossy, some agreed with him. Emily explained that she like reading Shakespeare if it wasn't going to be represented properly. The group then fell silent.

"What?" Emily asked confused as she looks at the group who looked around the room.

"Beg your pardon. I just came to tune the piano." Emily turned around
"Henry. Oh, my God. Henry, you couldn't have shown up at a better time." She beamed up at him.

"You sure? I can come back when you all are finished." She offered, Emily quickly shook her head "No." She turned around and grabbed a script "No, forget about the piano.We need you to act." She held the book out for him

"I told you I can't." He muttered and back away a bit

"You can. You have to. Because I'm not gonna be able to really understand this play unless you do." She pushed on, still trying to convince him "Besides, it's a great excuse for you to stay indoors." She whispered, know he would agree.

"Well, let me take a look." He finally agreed
Emily's face breaks out into a smile. "Okay" she opened the page and pointed to paragraph as she hands him the book.

"Othello's monologue. Right there."

"Excuse me. Are you giving him my part?" Toshiaki complains as he looks at Emily.

"You can be one of the guards." She spoke too excited to care."She's out of control." He shouted into the air, Everyone agreed as Emily walked back across the room to stand where she was before.

"Totally." Jane stated

"We should have done Merchant of Venice." Abby suggested

"Shouldn't you give him your hat?" Abby questioned Toshiaki. He gasped shocked by the idea, he had grown attached to his hat and the part he was playing..well played..

He sighs and reluctantly hands him, his hat. He looked like he was in pain as he walked away sadly. Henry put on the hat, "When you're ready, Henry." Emily said and waited for him to be ready, he took a deep breath composing himself before speaking

"To say my wife is fair, feeds well, loves company, Is free of speech, sings, plays and dances well; Where virtue is, these

are more virtuous. Nor from mine own

eak merits will I draw The smallest fear or doubt of her revolt; For she had eyes, and chose me. No, lago; I'll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove; And on the proof, there is no more but this... Away at once with love or jealousy!"

After he finished, Emily had tears pooling the sides of her eyes threatening to spill

"That was perfect." She smiled at him. But George spoke and the words that left his mouth were cruel. He stood up.
"Emily...I don't think this is a good idea." He whispers to the poet, who turns around to face in "What are you talking about?" She asked.

"It just... It just isn't proper. And I seriously don't think your father will approve." He responded, Emily rolled her eyes before looking at him. "Why are you so obsessed with my father all of a sudden?" She questioned "Because we're in his house and this kind of thing just isn't done." George stated

"George, you're embarrassing me." Emily whispered tear pricking her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I just know this is wrong." He continued to argue "Austin, back me up here." The two looked at Austin, everyone in the room felt uncomfortable "I..." Austin stopped and fell back into character before he broke it "I'm not able to discuss this right now...I'm in character." He whispered in a slightly higher voice

"Come on...It's just obvious....A man of...his kind shouldn't be in here acting with us." Emily's eyes slitted as she glared at the man "George, get out of here." George looked taken abacked by the demand. He wasn't expecting to be ordered out of the house by Emily. "Excuse me?" He asked no quite believing it "I said leave!" Emily hissed.

The man scoffed before walking towards the door, grabbing his hat and coat and leaving. "He forgot his book." Emily scoffed and stormed after him. Grabbing the books as she went. She opened the door and slammed it after her.

"How could you do that, George? You just ruined everything." She shouted angrily as she slammed his books into his chest.

"I was only thinking of you, Emily. It's a dangerous world, and I'm trying to take care of you." He explained, like he was the hero

"I don't need you to take care of me." She stated. "But I wanna take care of you." He confessed "Don't you get it? That's why."

"Why? "That's why" what?" She asked confused, a small frown on her brows

"That's why...I asked your father this morning if I could marry you." Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing, how could he?!

You asked him?" Sounding shocked and appalled

"Yes.And he's thinking about it." He said like it was the happiest day of his life, asking her father for her hand in marriage.

"He's thinking about it." Emily muttered and scoffed "Okay." She chewed her lip in anger

"Emily, I..." He began
" Stop." Emily shouted "George. Just stop, okay?" She had had enough of his attitude and willingness to marry her, she didn't want to marry him, she thought he was hearing her, but he wasn't.

"But... I love you." His voice dropped slightly, he wanted her to say she loved him too, but she does

"No, you don't. You can't. You don't even know me." She spoke

"Yes, I do." He quickly said
"No, you don't. All this time we've spent together, I thought you were listening, but you weren't. And how can you say you know me if you don't even listen to me? If my voice just doesn't even register. It's not up to my father to decide my fate. And it's not up to you." Her voice getting louder and more anger

"He has to give permission, doesn't he?" Emily scoffed, he still wasn't listening he doesn't get it, she won't ever get married.

"I don't belong to him, George. And I will never belong to you." She shouted and stormed back inside leaving a brokenhearted George behind her.

Emily entered the house and was met with her mother, who looked very disappointed in her "You let him go." She walked away disappointed by Emily.

Emily stood by the door and sighed, she slowly walked into the living room expecting to see everyone but only found an empty room besides Henry who was now tuning the piano, hitting the notes to see if they need to be tuned.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"They left." Henry responded "I'm sorry, Henry." Emily approached the man and sympathetic expression on her face.

"Figure I'll just tune the piano." He responded pressing down one of the notes

"Life shouldn't be like this." She breathed out

"What should it be like?" He asked looking at her "You're sitting here...eating cakes and reading Shakespeare, trying to say this isn't
what life should be like. But your life is easy, Emily Dickinson.You'll always have your father to keep you safe."


Emily walked up to her bedroom and sat at her desk with her ink pen in hand and paper in front of her.

"I'm afraid to.." she mutter as she wrote in the paper

I am afraid to own a body...

Y/n sat at the inn, at the piano, the man's wife; Kate let her use, as she did not use it anymore, after having her twins not having enough time on her hands

I am afraid to own a soul...

Sue was sitting on the bed that the inn keeper had let them use in a way of payment for being maids of the house, her eyes skimmed the letters Austin had sent her. Emily's letter for Y/n sat on her pillow, the inn keeper, James walked in and locked the door, he didn't say a word to Sue or a word on the absence of her sister, he just walked to his room.

Profound-precarious Property-

Mr Dickinson sat in his office chair, the cards still in his hand, as he racked his brain with the decision he had made and the conversation with George.

Mrs Dickinson swept the floors of the kitchen, she liked to do that when something stressed her out or she was thinking, because when she cleaned the house she was in control.

Possession, not optional-

Kate walked inside the room the Y/h/c occupied, "You sound sad, deary" Y/n jumped at the question, "sorry you scared me...what do you mean sad, I'm not sad" she explained and let out a strained laugh. Kate looked at her with a brow raised "dear I know that look when you are sad but you say your not, I had been doing that for years until now" Y/n's fingers gently traced the piano keys. She knew any piano like the back of her hand, every note she played was for a reason.


Emily sat in her room listening to Henry play the piano downstairs, she missed hearing the piano being played. I'm sure her family doesn't, they didn't like the piano being played at night, depending on the day. But Y/n always had a hectic day and playing calmed her down. Emily never got to sit in the room and never knew it was Y/n playing. But she had a feeling it was, Y/n was the songwriter and singer, of course she knows how to play. Emily will make her promise to teach her, if she returns with Sue.

Emily leaned forward and blew out the candle leaving her in complete darkness.


I don't have a question but whilst writing the two chapters I have Ben listening to split the lark on repeat for ages, I love that song/poem and Ella hunt.

How are you?

Also sorry I haven't updated in a while writer's block I hate that

Also I am think of doing after this a story on how Y/n and Emily met, like before Dickinson tell me your thoughts on that

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