20. A brief, but patient illness.

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Episode six; A brief, but patient illness

Maggie was preparing breakfast, she placed bread, and four orange slices on the plate along with two cups of water. She began carefully picking it up. Henry walked inside almost running it Maggie "how's she doing?" He asked worried. "Not too good. Been in bed almost a week now." Maggie explained "I suppose if it's her time, then it's her time." Henry said

"The Lord takes who he wants." Maggie said sadly as she starts to head for the stairs.

"Sure does."

Mr Dickinson stops Infront of her grabbing at the tray "Maggie, I'll take that upstairs." Maggie tugged at the tray a little "Oh, no. I don't mind." She responded. Mr Dickinson tugged at it "I said I'd take it." He firmly spoke. Maggie let go of the tray letting Me Dickinson take it "Very good, sir." She back away.

He made his way up the stairs and to his daughter's room, carrying the tray, he lightly knocked on the door, before opening it he placed the tray onto her bed side table. Emily groaned in pain, she had been bed ridden for a week. She turned her head to the left to look at her father. He sighs at her condition.

"How is your head?" Mr Dickinson asked as he sat down on the stool next to her bed. Emily groaned in pain, "Aching. It's like thunder." Her voice cracked, Mr Dickinson placed his hand on her forehead to feel a temperature, her forehead felt hot.

"Well, I've ordered the whole house silent." He spoke and moved his hand away from her head and he picked up bread and passed it to her "Here...Please try to eat." Emily looked at the bread and slowly took it from his hand, she took a small bite from it and her face turned into disgusted, she wasn't hungry and her stomach hurt.

"There you go.....So, Dr. Brewster will be here by the early afternoon." He said, Emily looked towards him "I don't think that's necessary." She responded. "You're all peaked and ashen." Her father said as he touched her forehead again. Emily groans at the contact.

"I'm not taking any chances." Mr Dickinson urged on, he stood up and tucked her in "Get some sleep." He said as he retreat back to the door. Closing it, Emily layed asleep for a few minutes before she opened her eyes, the world around her seemed to glow.

As she throw off the blanket and danced around the room. She grabbed a piece of paper and began to write, smiling as the words filled the page. She hid under her blanket and poped out the other side. She jumped on her bed, wrote some more. It was the only time she could consentrate without the distraction. She jumped on the bed.

She searched her bookselves, for a book to read, she searched them twice. But she had read everyone of them. "Damn." She muttered.


Emily quietly climbed down stairs, the sound of glass breaking, made her freeze she pushed herself against the wall. Chattering and russeling as they walked around in the kitchen. Emily looked at her father's office door, that was closed, she walked down stairs quitely. She clutched her stomach acting sick. She looked down the hall to the door seeing no one.

Emily opened her father's study room door she didn't hear anyone so she walked in, and closed the door as quietly as she could.

The poet turned to her left and looked at the book self. She stood on her tippy toes and tried to reach the top shelf, she sighed and tried to jump but to no avail.

"Need some help" the voice that came out of nowhere scared her, she jumped against the corner of the book self, clutching her chest. She looked at a man wearing a purple coat, he has brown short curly hair and side burns.

"Sorry I don't mean to scare you" he held both his hands out, to show her, he was harmless. She moved away from the shelf slightly "Where did you come from?" Emily asked still slightly shocked. The man took a step forward "Worcester. That's not what you were asking." He laughed a little.

"I'm Benjamin Newton, your father's new law clerk. And I'm helping him out untilthe election. And if he wins...keeping up his office here." He gestured around the room before looking back at the brown haired woman."You must be one of his daughters. Lavinia?" He questions

"Emily." She corrected standing akwardly by the door.

"Your father said you've been sick." He said Emily didn't know that her father had told anyone about her

"Oh.Right." she looked nervous as she fake coughed. He looked at her confused "I just needed a book." She gestured to the top shelf

"From up there?" He questioned, raising an eye brow. "Yeah.That's my shelf." She breathed out. Ben looks up at the self then down to Emily "I'd think that your shelf

would be a bit lower.....Or in your own room." Ben points to the lower shelf

"My father buys me books,
then begs me not to read them. He fears they joggle the mind." Emily admits smiling lightly

"Bit of a mixed message.Let me grab it for you." He walks towards the self looking at Emily for which book to grab "It's that one right there. The green one." She points to it, Ben jumps up grabbing the green book by the spine.

"Emerson. Cool." He looked down at the book in his hand before passing it to her. "In the long sunny afternoon.The plain was full of ghosts I wandered up, I wandered down..." He begins resisting the text in the book

"Beset by pensive hosts.Dirge. I love that one." Emily finished the quote slightly suprised by the fact that he knows the book

"It's spooky, right?" He whispered excitedly

"Most people quote love poems." Emily said looking from the book pulling it to her chest as he looks at him.

"Nah, I prefer a dirge. It's like
a different kind of love poem." Emily smiled nodding happily as Ben explained why he like dirge "So, you read a lot of poetry?" He asked

"As much as I can." She admits not telling him about her being a poet. "But a lot of what's called poetry isn't really poetry, you know?" She said tilting her head lightly

"What do you mean?" He asked, she opened her mouth to begin explaining

"See...if I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can warm me, then I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only ways I know it. Is there any other way?" She explained, Ben looked at her like she just explained the most amazing plot of a story.

"Well... um...here you go." He cleared his throat and handed her the book.

"Thanks. So, is your wife here in Amherst too or will you travel back to Worcester to see her?" Emily asked gesturing to wedding band on his ring finger, forgetting for a moment she also had a ring on the exact same finger.

"Oh, um... uh, yes..Uh, either way." He stuttered as he walked back to the desk, looking around the room and at his finger

"What about you?" He asked, Emily did a double take "I beg your pardon"

"Will your husband be coming to visit you in your condition?" He put stress on the word condition. Emily looked from her finger, her thumb gentle grazes the blue stone, her eyes softened at the ring. She had forgotten she had placed it on her finger, when she had placed Y/n's ring on her neck. "Um..No he won't be, he is away?" The response came out more like a question then it should have.

"Well, I should get back to bed." She backed into the office door. "I'm not sick." She blurted out "Okay." Ben said smiling softly

"I'm just pretending." She admitted, she doesn't know why, she just trusted him to keep this a secret

"Why would you pretend to be sick?" He asked

"So I can write...I'm a writer...Actually...I'm a poet." She admitted smiling, she had no clue why she was pouring her heart out like this, be she wanted to talk to someone

"I had a feeling...Maybe you'll let me read

one of your poems some time." He said, Emily's face lit up as she looked at him "Would you like to?" Her eyes widened slightly A smile plastered on her face.

"Only if it takes the top of my head off." Ben chuckled

"Please don't tell my dad, okay? About me not being sick." She asked bitting her lip as a hopeful and worried expression was on her face.

"Solemn oath." He said holding up he hand. Emily worried face vanished and she smiled.

The doctors carriage approached the house, the houses Whinnie and neighs could be heard, Emily froze as she looked out the curtained window

"Oh, shit. That's the doctor." She cursed and pushed the door hand and started leaving

"Can you get upstairs without..." Ben asked but Emily whispers back "I'm invisible."

Ben smiled to himself as he sat down at his desk getting back to work, shaking his head lightly.


The doctor came into her room, Emily was laying in her bed, a pained expression on her face, as the doctor did his examination.
"And how's your stool?" He asked as he sits on the small chair beside her bed and undoes the lid on top of the bottle of medicine he has. Emily looks towards him "fine thank you, how's yours?" She asked. "And your vision? Any spots or strange hallucinations?" he lists ignoring Emily's questions.

"Not any more than usual." She tells the old man, his eyebrows frown "do you often hallucinate?" He asks. "No No. Just, sometimes I see..." She trails off, looking across her room at something.

"See what?" The doctor asks, Emily lays there looking across her room, she slowly lifts her hand up and points to where she is looking. The doctor looks and sees nothing, but Emily sees his cane floating in a white mist. "Death" she said smiling. Emily slowly moved her finger down as The doctor looks at her "It was not Death, for I stood up And all the Dead, lie down" she muttered in a daze, the doctor looks at her as she starts to sit up "That's good. I gotta write that down."

"Oh, just lie down." The doctor said pushing Emily gentle into the lying position. "Just lie down, my dear." Emily looked at him with wide eyes "Try to rest." The doctor pours the medicine into a cup and leaves it on her bedside table as he packs up his stuff and starts to walk down stairs to inform her family of his diagnosis.


Heyy guys hope you like this one tell me your thoughts in the comments

Another question in season two, you know how Sue Cheats do you want Y/n to cheat on Emily ofc I will write in a different guy for her to cheat with, or I can just have Sue cheat I can do either one. I just want your opinion on the matter

Question of the day?
What books have you read?

I started reading daughter of Darkness. It is good so far

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