Artcontest entry

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Song: You dont have to like it -Lucas & Steve x Janieck

Ok, Sister_Shade sorry, maar ik doe dit in het Engels. Mijn meeste viewers/followers zijn namelijk Engels/praat ik mee in het Engels. Sorry als dit het lastig maakt!!

Ok, Here we go.

HELLO Fellow Wattpad users! Hope you're having a great day today!

So I joined a lot of Artcontests lately and Today I'll be showing you guys another art piece!

But first!

We needed to:
create a being, that would represent ourselfs.

My creation:

A sheep with a lot of wool, (which is coloured like my persona and kinda like my profile..? In a way.) and glasses! Because I wear them and they look like that. (+ I need to learn how to draw glasses so why not now :3)


The sheep up above is a warm up sketch/reference I made.

And here's the drawing I think I'll be participating (joining) with. --> without background

Underneath will be the information that'll explain why I choose curtain (topics) elements.

Why a sheep?

To be honest guys. At first I wouldn't have thought of myself as a sheep. My friend came up with it. When I heard it for the first time I was so confused.
But after thinking about it  I realized. They were right! A sheep fits my personality --> looks calm and friendly, but when in the wrong mood will snap andddddd may or may not attack you...?
(I mean I did it not so long ago, when a classmate made fun of Detective_Jas and kept placing his Fjuqking feet on the sides of our chairs in a German lesson..... I scratched the guy and he was shocked. :> got what he deserved though.)

An other reason would be I usually don't really care about my appearance, especially my hair. Which is like, all over the place.. most of the time.  And I decided to bring that back into the drawing with the wool, you could see this in the ref more clearly. There's Lots of it.

I choose to make the wool brown like my hair (even though it looks like black in photos My hair is BROWN). I added the blue because:
1. My profile and persona both have blue highlits.
2. If Id ever dye my hair it would be in that color.
3. I believe that a colour like pink shouldn't necessarily be combined with for example females.
4. It's a cool color, it gives me a relaxed feeling.

Next the horns!
I made one complete horn and one broken/chopped off horn. This resembles  that nobody's perfect and everybody has flaws/scars/regrets. In the drawing literally scars, because I have a few that wouldn't be visible if you'd quickly look. But they are there. I decided to combine those scars instead of giving the sheep all kinds of invisible scars. So that's why she misses half a horn.

Ok, so any questions about this? If so please ask and I'll try to answer them!

(And here's the one with the background)

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