priorities +Art!

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Ok, quick run trough stuff that have my priorities rn!

🚩art contest -> Due date: TODAY
🚩another art contest -> Due date: Wednesday
🚩art contest (an other one) -> Due date: July 21st
🚩 Map parts +Maybe back up parts -> 1st August

And other request I have will be second to these, this is because I need to meet the deadlines!

Now don't go being a jerk and tell me that your request has a deadline from now on, because. Istg, if I'm following you I'm unfollowing, will completely ignore you and dump the project in the trash bin.

Anyways! Art!

This is: Limey Leaf Brower and their new sidekick! (Or not don't know) They're for an artcontest I joined hosted by @WarriorCat_doOd ! Thank you for you patients! And here's what I ended up with.
To the next!

First part of "Idfc" map hosted by OofCherry ! There are a few more conning though, obviously, seeing that I don not have All the texts on the frame.
Hope you like it! Thank you again for letting me join!!

1-1,5 HOURS
Making the back ground and shading it + for once highlighting parts a bit.
total time taken: 5hours and 8minutes.

Back ground info!

Angle is an Shiny (Mega)Absol who has feelings for a Male Houndoom. Somehow she's allways in mega form with out having a mega stone on her. Anyhoo,Angle has a crush on the side... but... sadly Houndoom is a dense child. So he ends up friend- and Brozoning her over and over again. Even though it hurts, she continues hanging around him when she can, trying to tell the dude she's in love with him, but having a reputation to uphold and both being  guardians of specific territories the two can't allways see or spend time together. Angle decides to tell him one night, asking if they could smart up that night and Skull(the houndoom) agrees. After discussing patrol reports Angle resides it's finally time to tell him.

Ok, ok that's all! Ill be working on the other art pieces/requests/contest art! BYE! ♡

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