10. Hello! Hello!

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Part - 10

"I Can't Promise To Fix All Your Problems But I Can Promise You Don't Have To Face Them Alone"

Mithra's POV

"Mithra, Karthik called me as he couldn't reach you huh? What happened to your phone" my mom Padmini informs me about Karthik's call. He must have called me to talk with me properly as he was busy with Nisha when I had called him during lunch.

"No charge in my cell so it got switched off" I reply her in a soft voice not even looking at her.

Mom nods & asks me have my tea & snacks

"I don't want anything. I have college work to do" I tell her & walk straight into my room without hearing her say anything. I am upset over Tara's scolding & accusations. I lock my room door behind me so that no one will come in and disturb me & then throw my backpack on the chair beside my bed. Then I put my phone on charging & launched myself on my comfy bed & bury my face in the pillow as I start sobbing. I was holding back my tears for this long since Tara blasted me with her words in canteen. Strangely I didn't get angry on her for getting mad on me. My cell phone rings & I reach for it without getting up from the bed.

"Hello" I say in a meek voice which is surely inaudible to the other end.

"What's wrong Mithu? You sound so low? Are you upset over something?" It's Karthik. My Karthik. I smile & cry at the same time. See, even without me telling anything but just by hearing my one single word 'hello' he comes to know something is wrong with me.

"Are you crying?" Karthik asks surprising me again. I look around the room to find any hidden cameras are fitted in so that he can see me crying?

"Are you seeing me?" I ask.

"Yes... I mean no" he says.

"Yes or No?" I ask him.

"Well, I am seeing our photo on my desk while taking with you otherwise no."


"Tell me? What's bothering you, Mithu? Had any fight with Tara?" He asks & I laugh forgetting everything.

"Why are you laughing?" Karthik asks me. I guess shocked with my strange reaction because one minute I was crying & next minute I am laughing like an idiot that I am.

"Karthik... You know what? No one knows me better than you, not even my parents." I tell him & start sobbing down the phone.

"Mithu, baby, stop crying..." I hear him plead.

"Karthik I miss you..." I whisper amidst my tears.

"I miss you too, baby. Tell me what's wrong?" He insists me.

"What's there to tell when you have guessed everything right?" I chuckle. He doesn't reply. We both remain silent for a moment. I take a cleansing breathe getting myself ready to pour down all my problems to him.

"Karthik?" I want to check he is still on line.

"Yes. I am here. Did you calm down?" He asks.

"Yes. I want to ask you something." I tell him.

"You can ask me anything & I will give you that, be it an answer or a thing. You know that right?" He asks.

I know he is referring to the divorce I asked him & he gave me for my happiness. That's what Tara said when I thought I did it for Karthik's happiness.

"Are you happy?" I ask him. He went silent again. So he is not happy.

"Do you hate me?" I ask him not bothering to hear the answer for my previous question because I know he is not happy and I feel terrible after realizing that.

"No. I don't hate you. How could you even ask me such stupid question Mithra? How will I hate my best friend?" He asks. I don't know why I feel this time I don't find it nice when he referred me as his best friend but not his wife.

"Ex-wife" Karthik's words from the Airport convo hits me back like a squash ball. So yeah, I am his friend... & that's what I tortured him to say every single time he used the word 'wife' when we were together. Now I have lost the status of being his wife. Well I don't want to be his wife. I can't be his wife. I'm no match for him. We are just best friends, nothing else. I remind myself.

"Please don't hate me ever, Karthik. I can't bear it. You know right? You mean the world to me" I tell him sincerely.

"Why you are talking like this, Mithra?"

"Everyone hates me. Mom & dad said I let them down. Radha aunty stopped talking with me & Mohan uncle stopped playing chess with me. I don't know what's wrong with all your friends. They are not treating me like how they did before, no care and no affection in their gestures or words. Even Tara says I am selfish with capital "S". Am I?" By the end I burst into tears & he slams the phone down cutting our call. Now, I am feeling even more miserable. Even my Karthik hates me. Now where I will go & tell my worries? I lost my best friend too. I pull my knees up to my chest & weep silently.

Karthik's POV

"What the f**k is happening there?" I snarl & bang my fist on my desk in anger. I need to sort this out immediately. I can't let everyone treat Mithra like that. How dare they can all ignore my baby and make her cry? Nothing is more painful than being ignored by someone we love. I know how emotional person she is.

Oh God! My poor baby is crying her heart out worrying everyone hates her. I can feel my heart clenching in pain for her. No, I will fix it up now. I grab my phone again & dial my mom's number.

"Hello, Mom, what's wrong with you? Why are you treating Mithra indifferently now as if she is a stranger to you?" I call my mom first to make her understand things. I know she was little upset with Mithra but I thought she will get over her upset soon and start behaving normal with her but still she is cross with her & not talking to her. No, this is not good.

"Hello, Karthik, how are you, beta?" she asks me calmly.

"Terrible Mom! I feel terrible. You know what Mithra means to me right?"

"You know what you mean to me right? You are my only son, Karthik. I can't see you like this...so broken!" she retorts and I hear her weeping.

"Mom, please don't cry. Please." I beg. It hurts me. I can't take it when my two most special women, my mom and my Mithra cry. "Please try to understand. I am happy with my new life. I am glad that still I haven't lost my friend in all the mess."

"But I lost my son, Karthik" she says. Her voice cracks.

"Mom, please. I'm here only. I am happy. Trust me" I assure her.

"No, you are not. Don't lie to your mother."

You can never hide your pain to your mother. After all she is the one who breathe life into you & bring you into this world.

"Okay. I'm trying to forget the last one year. I will get better soon" I tell her. She doesn't reply.

"Mom, you often say nah, Mithra is like your own daughter? Mithra has spent most of her time with you, with us, than her parents ever since she was a toddler, Mom. And now today she is crying because she thinks you all hate her... it hurts me, Mom. Please don't do this." I plead her

"Why do you care for her so much, Karthik?" Mom asks me.

"Mom, you remember the day Mithra was born? You remember what you said? You gave me the small baby in my arms & asked me to take care of her & never to hurt her. I am sticking to your words, Mom"

"But she is hurting you" Mom says. I sigh.

"She herself doesn't know that she is hurting me. She thinks for my best, she doesn't want to make me wait all my life for her to fall in love with me when she clearly knows she can't. She cares for me like I care for her. Our feelings weren't mutual so we parted our ways but still we are friends. That bond & love is still there, Mom. Are you hearing me?" I ask her when she goes completely silent.

"I am sorry Karthik. I wasn't thinking straight. All I could see was my son's pain but I didn't realize Mithra is also my daughter."

"Mom, please don't feel sorry... I love you" I tell her. I miss my mom. I hurt her too with my decision of coming back to Singapore & keeping myself away from them. I want to do something for her to make her happy.

"Mom, why don't you come here to me? I will take care of you" I ask.

"You know I can come leaving your dad here and he won't move to Singapore as he has his business here"

"Hmm... yeah, that's right"

"Karthik... will you get married again?" My mom asks after a moment of silence.

What? No!

"I will find you a best life partner for you? Or if you wish choose a girl you like. This time everything will happen as per your wish, Karthik. I want you happy" she says & sobs.

"Mom, please, let's not discuss about this now. I am not ready for it yet"

"Okay. I won't force you this time" mom whispers.

"Take care of yourself & dad. And please talk to Mithra"

"Sure, Karthik. I will."

"Thanks, Mom. Bye" I cut the call and then dial another number.

"What's up, dude?" Sanjeev says picking up my call in his ever so enthusiastic tone.

"Shit! Shit has hit the fan so can you please come here & clean it?" I ask him warily.

"What?" he asks in confusion.

"What the f**k you are doing?"

"The same f**k you are doing there. I'm working man. What's your problem?"

"I told you to look after Mithra in my absence" I growl at him over the phone.

"I can't babysit that brat" he says arrogantly.

"Then all your brotherly care & concern for her was a fake act?" I ask him.

"You know I love her like my own sister but she ditched my best friend"

"That's not your concern."

"How is it not my concern, Karthik? You care so much for your best friend and I do for mine, okay!" he roars.

"I know." I sigh. Why everyone cares so much for me when I can take care of myself so well? "Look, Sanjeev, I know you are my true friend and that's why I'm asking for this favour. Please... you know Mithra..."

"Don't start. I know Mithra is a delicate doll & I will handle her with care. Sunday we have planned to go to amusement park & we will take her along"

"Thanks. Behave nicely with her and don't show your rude attitude to her"

"Yeah, I know man. So tell me how you are?"

"Grand" I smile.

"Did you find any hot chick for yourself & settled in life?" he asks me

"Finding a girl is not hard for me. I can do that in a snap of finger... finding someone like Mithra is hard" I tell him.

"Yeah right. It's hard to find a girl so childish, immature & stupid like your baby brat Mithra." Sanjeev laughs.

"Sanjeev" I admonish him. I don't like anyone making fun of my Mithu.

"Okay, chill dude. You just stop worrying about her and you take care of yourself. Now, hang up. I have work to do."

"Okay, bye"

Then I called Tara & politely made her to see reasons from Mithra's side too. But I can't blame her too... she sympathizes for me like everyone else do.

Tara tells me she will be there for her friend forever but she doesn't regret her outburst.

I couldn't argue much with Tara as she was right from where she stands.

But Tara is one smart girl, quickly understood what I was trying to tell her & agreed to talk with Mithra like before.

I want my Mithra to be surrounded with her friends so that she won't miss me.

Finally I made a call to Manohar uncle and Padmini aunty. After a brief talk I was able to convince him, saying we both are happy with our decision & we will be fine.

Mithra's POV

I hear my phone ringing again. Karthik? Without seeing the caller ID I grab my phone & answer the call.

"Hello, Karthik..."

"Hello, Mithra..." It's Radha aunty.

"Aunty, how are you?" I ask her softy.

"I am good. Hmm... Tomorrow can you come over here for lunch as its Saturday and you don't have college right?" I nod before saying a croaked yes realizing she can't see my nod. "You can have lunch here, play chess with uncle, he misses playing with you & by evening we both can go to temple" she tells her entire plan to me.

"Um... Aunty... You... You are not angry with me?" I ask her confused. Till yesterday she was mad at me but now?

"I was. I really was angry with you but not anymore."

"Thanks aunty. Sure. I will come and meet you and uncle, tomorrow." I say smiling in relief.

"Good. Bye then" she says & hangs up. The moment she cuts the call I got another call.

"Hello, Sanjeev" I answer.

"Sunday we are all going to amusement park. I know you love amusement park so come with us, okay?" he orders me more than asking me.

"No. I won't come. You all will treat me like an alien. I won't come out with you people ever without Karthik."

"Karthik, can't come from Singapore to play in park with you okay? Just join us without putting over scene" he says with attitude & slams the phone. What the hell is happening here?

Immediately after Sanjeev cuts the call my phone starts ringing again.

"Hello, Mithra... I am sorry for scolding you harshly... But I don't regret whatever I said to you because I know I said the truth." Tara apologizes as soon as I answer her call.

"I know you said the truth. I know you care for me Tara. I am not at all angry with you..."

"Thanks Mithra." Tara say and I can sense her relieved smile. Then we chat for few more moments before hanging up.

"Hello, Karthik" finally I got his call. I grin widely.

"Sorry Mithra. My call got disconnected & before I could call you back, I got an important call from my client and I was talking with him..."

"Karthik, when did you start lying?" I ask him smiling. I know he only called everyone & told them to behave normally with me.

"I...I didn't..." He stammers.

"I know it's you who called everyone & asked them to talk with me. I know!" I say firmly and no defying.

"Mithu... Baby... These all silly things so don't ever get upset over them okay? Today I was able to fix your problem but every time I can't right? So you should learn to face your own problems. You should speak up to them & tell your reasons politely & make them understand why you did what you did."

"No one listens to me, Karthik? Everyone blames me. I wanted you to be happy & I know I can't give that & that's why I asked you for divorce..." I choke.

"I don't want to rehash that topic, Mithra. That's all over. I understand you better than you do yourself so you no need to give me any explanation." he says irately. He doesn't want to talk about it and I can feel the hurt in his voice. "I am your friend. I have been looking after you all these years & I will do that in future too. I will never let anyone hurt you & make you cry. That's my promise!"

"Karthik... come back to me... I miss you... Please" I plead him.

"I am sorry baby. I am needed here."

"I understand" I whisper to him.

"Okay, wash your face & go have dinner. Uncle has bought your favorite chocolate ice cream for you & aunty has made your favorite aloo parathas." He tells me.

"You talked to them as well?" I ask him, smiling.


"Thank you, Karthik. I love you so much"

Then I hear nothing from him. Just silence.

"So?" I ask Karthik.

"What so?" He asks me back.

"How was your lunch date with Nisha?"

"Oh it went great. You know, she was waiting for me to come back to Singapore & was dying to meet me. We had a good time seeing each other nearly, after a year."

"Oh. That's nice." I tell him but I could feel a tinge of pain in my heart. Why? This is what I wanted right? My Karthik being happy with his loved one? 'Karthik loves you not Nisha' Tara's words resurface at the back of my head. Karthik always loved me... he always cared for me... but why all are seeing it in different light now? Or Am I the one still in dark not seeing Karthik's true feeling? Oh God, this is so confusing.

"I gotta go, Mithra having some work to do. Talk to you later" He says dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Um... Sure, Karthik. Bye. Take care." I whisper.

"Yeah okay and you don't cry... ever. Have your dinner & sleep well. Bye"

"Bye" I say & discard my phone unceremoniously on the bed before lying flat on it and looking up at the ceiling I busy myself with my own complicated thoughts. Well, one thing I know for sure that only my Karthik can make me happy but where I am getting confused is whether I am the one for him to make him happy as well?

... To be continued!!!



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