20. Fools in Pool

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Part - 20

"Everything Which Is Done In The Present, Affects The Future By Consequence, And The Past By Redemption"

(Mithra's POV)

I march straight into my house biting my nail, lost in my storming thoughts.

I don't know what am I gonna do now to stop Karthik's marriage. I know he is no help to me this time as he has given his word to his mother so he will never disappoint her. He will definitely marry the girl his mom chooses for him.

Hmm... Will Radha aunty even consider me for her son? No! She is just being kind to me and treating me like her daughter like before but I know she is still angry with me for spoiling her son's life. Well, can I blame her? No! She is right at her place. She has the right to see her son happy, even I want that, always but Karthik loves me right? Then only I can make him happy, right?

If he had wanted he could have married anyone in the two years since our divorce but he didn't.

Even when I tried to hook him up with Nisha... God! I feel sick at my own skin when I think what all stupidity I did in the past & what all suffering Karthik had gone through because of me... but yeah, he didn't give a chance to Nisha, he always remained true to me because he was and he is always in love with me.

"Mithra..." My dad calls me, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Happy birthday, darling" he envelops me in his arms, I feel so calm & comfortable.

"Your mom & I were waiting for so long to see our baby girl & wish her but she totally forgot us" Dad pouts & I smile at him.

"When you are with Karthik you forget the whole world, don't you?" Dad asks

"He is my world, dad" I mutter softly. Cliché! I know but don't mind it because only now I started saying such clichéd romantic lines.

"Mithra, eat this" Suddenly from nowhere mom comes rushing to me & feeds me kheer.

"You like it?" she asks.

"I love it, Mom. Thanks" I smile & take the kheer bowl from her hand & settle myself on the couch to empty the bowl first.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Mom asks sitting beside me.

"Oh yeah" I say sarcastically. "So many shocking surprises" I smirk.

"Good" My dad smiles missing my sarcasm.

"Karthik is getting married" I tell softly.

"Yeah, Mohan was talking about that this morning. But he wasn't sure whether Karthik will agree or not"

"He agreed" I say as I slowly retrieve the spoon from my mouth. Damn! This kheer tastes too good.

"Oh really?" Mom asks in surprise. I nod.

"Thank God! At least now Radhaji will find some peace. She was so worried for her son. Even Your dad & I were feeling guilty for putting that nice boy in such a huge mess" yes, I am the 'huge mess' they are referring.

"Dad, I want to get married" I tell him placing the empty bowl on the tea table. Dad laughs.

"What's so funny, dad" I ask pissed. I am talking seriously but here he is laughing at me.

"You are so young. Mithra. You didn't even complete your college. We know when to get you married." he reasons.

"What? Me? Young? If you could please rewind to the time you got me married to Karthik I didn't even start my college then. I was young & immature then not now. I didn't even know the value of that pious relationship then. I messed up everything because of my immaturity, dad" I say gritting my teeth. I am not angry with my parents but with myself.

Both my dad & mom looks at me astonished.

"Are you in love, Mithra?" dad asks.

"Yes" I agree. Mom seems surprised with my acceptance. Dad regards me coolly.

"Hmm..." dad nods his head pressing his lips to a straight line. Is he considering what to do next?

"Is the guy pressuring you to get married soon?" Dad asks.


"Then what's the hurry?" Mom asks.

"His parents are forcing him to get married to some other girl" why do parents force their will on their kids? I will never do that to my kid.

"That boy really loves you right?" dad inquires.

"Yes. He loves only me" I say with full confidence.

"Then he should fight for you" dad says

"He is helpless; his mother emotionally blackmailed him so he agreed."

"If his mother is so important to him then let him marry whoever his mother likes. You can't trust such boy" dad says ridiculously.

"I trust him implicitly. I love him more for the love & respect he has for his parents. So don't rubbish about him or his family"

"So what you gonna do now?"

"Fight for him. Confess my love for him in my birthday party & also let his parents know about my love and ask them to get me married to him"

"What? Your lover & his parents are coming this evening for the party?" Mom asks.


"You didn't even confess your love to him?" Dad asks.

"He knows"

"He knows you love him but you didn't tell him openly yet?"

"Not exactly"

"What do you mean?" Dad asks me confused.

"I hurled a huge list of blames on him & in that I expressed my feelings for him, I guess. Though not sure & that's why I am gonna propose him formally"

"What blames?" Dad asks.

"That's a very long list, dad. Just leave it"

"What is this Mithra? You didn't even bother to inform us before? Suddenly you come & say you love someone & want to marry him?" Mom asks angrily.

"Mom, I myself didn't realize I loved him for long, even after realizing I was in confusion state but finally I am out of my confusion. I am clear & made my decision too. I want him for all my life. That's it" I say & stand up to go to my room.

"Mithra, we are not over yet?" mom stops me holding my hand.

"Padmini, It's her birthday, so don't shout at her" Dad shakes his head. Wow! Birthday is one nice escape from getting scolding. I better place all my demands on my birthdays.

"Let's talk about this issue later, now tell me, darling, what gift you want for your birthday?" Dad asks sweetly.

"I want..."

"Yeah tell me"

"I want Karthik... I want to marry him... I love him" I guess I stunned my parents once again. Surely they didn't expect this from me.

"Are you gone mad, Mithra?" Dad shouts at me.

"Malik, it's her birthday so don't shout at her" Mom throws his own words back at him.

Dad & I sharply turn & glare mom. How silly? She wants to set the score with dad at this serious time?

"So you were talking about Karthik all the time?" Dad asks.


"But you both are divorced" he reminds me.

"That's why I wanna marry him again. If we hadn't divorced I wouldn't be having this discussion with you guys now. I would have easily & happily started my life afresh with him though I am going to do the same now but with perfection. I want to be a perfect wife for my Karthik. He deserves nothing less than the best" they both looks at me strangely.

"If you both are still in confusion then please link the Karthik's marriage story & my love story you will get clarity"

"So you love Karthik & Karthik loves you too but now his parents emotionally blackmailed him to get married & he agreed right?"

"That's a fair & accurate summary, dad. You are a genius" I smile proudly at him. He kinda blushes.

"So only Karthik & his parents are coming to the party, not any new members' right?" she asks. I nod. "Good" Mom sighs in relief.

"Why?" I ask not getting the reason behind her sigh.

"I was worried I should cater extra food for your lover & his family" she says with a dreadful expression on her face. Dad laughs. I scowl at her. she can't be serious.

"I'm talking about my future but you are so concerned about cooking extra food?" I shout in exasperation. She has the grace to flush. Gah!

"Mithra, once you let us down and put us in shame in front of Karthik and his family so you better not do any stupidity again" he warns me.

"I was stupid, dad but not anymore. You don't worry, I will handle everything. You and mom please support me with my decision"

"You always take wrong decision, Mithra so it's to trust you"

"You can't be this brutal mom" I scoff.

"Mithra, You are just scared of losing Karthik so you want to bind him with you forever & that's why this marriage thought raised in your mind" Dad says logically.

"I don't think so, dad. It's not my insecurity or fear of losing Karthik making me to fight for him but my love... Yes, I really love him & I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"Mohan & Radha will not accept for this marriage" Mom tells worriedly.

"I know"

"What you are gonna do now?"

"The same what you guys did to Karthik & I" I smirk.


"Force. I am gonna force them to accept me and agree for our marriage as you all forced us into an unwanted married 3 years ago, remember? This is my payback time" I say smirking. My parents stood still in their place witnessing my audacity.

"Mithra, let that poor boy live in peace. Why you wanna spoil his life now?" Mom sympathizes for Karthik.

"I am his peace... I am his happiness... I am his everything, Mom and he is for me." I tell with heart full of love for my Karthik. Mom & dad stares at me. I don't have anything else to say so I walk to my room.


(Karthik's POV)

I walk to the backyard in-ground pool to relax. I can't sit in my room & think anymore about what's happening around me and what's gonna happen this evening in the party.

I sit on the edge of the swimming pool & immersing my legs in the water I dangle them.

This place is my most favorite place in my house. Mithra & I used to play a lot here in our childhood. Even after growing up we used to play pool volley ball & have pool parties inviting both our friends.

Mithra's house has a huge kitchen garden at the backyard while we have a swimming pool. Mithra loves playing in water so she always sneaks from her house to mine to play in pool.

Suddenly I get an uncharitable thought of one of my most dreadful childhood incident. Mithra was five years old then. My cute little angel was sitting at the outer edge of the pool & floating paper boats on the water. I was watching her from my room as I study. I had an exam the next day so I didn't come to play with her like always but I couldn't help keep checking on her for every now & then. She was a complete distraction to me.

When I looked up from my book after studying a page to check on her, she went missing & the pool water rippled. I got scared & rushed to see my baby brat floating on the water unconscious. I quickly dive into the pool & pull her out of the water. I tried to revive her consciousness but she didn't respond to me. Then we quickly took her to the hospital & gladly she was saved. Even now my body shivers at that thought. I could have lost my baby that day.

Then I taught her how to swim so that she won't ever face such dreadful situation. I shudder once again & look up to notice paper boats floating near my legs.

"Hi" Mithra beams at me & floats another paper boat. She is wearing a bathrobe. Why? Is she gonna swim now?

"You shouldn't have saved my life then... If you had done that then I wouldn't be troubling you now" she says grinning.

"How do you know I was thinking the time you drowned in pool?"

"You were so lost in thoughts not even realizing I was sitting beside you & floating paper boats & suddenly your whole body shuddered so I guessed you must be thinking that incident." she shrugs. Suddenly I pull her into my arms & hold her tight as I kiss her head over and over again.

"I thank the almighty every day for saving you & giving back to me." I whisper to her.

"What's the use in giving me back to you? You are going to throw me out of your life & happily marry someone else" she looks upset but I know she is just teasing. I am sure she will never let me marry anyone & frankly I am happy for that.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm gonna relax myself by swimming" she smiles which makes me smile back.

"Don't you have a party to get ready?"

"Yes, I do. But still lot of time is there. I had a row with my parents so I wanna calm my nerves." she says, standing up & removing her bathrobe.

I stare at her without blinking my eyes seeing her in her swim suit. I have seen her like this many times but now it feels strange. My blood rushes south, my breathe quickens & I get an immediate hard on. She has a very sexy body, so slim yet curvy & her long slender legs are so tantalizing.

"Enjoying what you are seeing?" I hear her ask with her eyebrows wiggling, teasingly. I quickly shake my head & turn to the other side.

"You can watch me, Karthik. You have the right"

"No. I don't. I am your friend"

"Yes, you are my friend. That will not change ever. But now I want you to be more." she tells earnestly.

"Why you didn't accept for that when I asked you for the same that we can be both friends & married couple?" I ask her. "Why you took 3 years to realize this?"

"Karthik I was young then. I thought I could never get intimate with you. I thought I could never see you more than a friend. I was not in love with you then. Well, I loved you always but not the way couples do..."

"I can understand" I nod my head at her. Then we remain silent for a while.

"You fought with your parents?" I ask her breaking the silence. I didn't hear her reply. Something like a flash passes from my side.

"f**king shitting idiot" I shout at her for diving into the water like a fool. The water splashes and wets my body completely. She giggles throwing her wet hair back.

"Join me, Karthik?" she holds her hand out for me. I am tempted to get into the water but I resist myself knowing what will happen if I get in. I will kiss her and even do lot more to her which she will love. But that's wrong. Our parents trust us. Karthik, you both are adults so you can do whatever you want! A voice from the back of my mind reminds me but I ignore it.

"No I don't want to" I shake my head. She pouts cutely.

"So what happened at your home?" I ask distracting myself from gawking her.

"I went home, mom gave me kheer, it was yummy, and dad asked me what gift I want for my birthday?" she stops. I know what she would have asked.

"You asked me as your gift right?" I smirk at her.

"Yes. I said I want you. They were stunned. We argued..."

"Mithra, your dad is a heart patient. What's the need to fight with him?"

"I didn't fight, Karthik. I was at my best of best behavior, today. I clearly told them with finality that I want you, I want to get married to you & then I went to my room like a good girl. And from my room I saw you sitting here alone so I came to give you company" she swims & comes close to me & rests her head on my lap surprising me.

"Please Karthik, I'm really sorry for what I did in the past...but don't punish me for my mistakes. I can't bear it. Please just give me a second chance to get back to my home. Your heart is my home. Please don't shut me out" she cries and pierces my heart.

I take her head between my hands & pull her up. She balances her upper body weight on my thighs & floats her lower body in the water as I capture her mouth with mine.

I kiss her deeply pouring all my love for her & consuming all her pain in me. Without breaking the kiss I set her back in the pool island & she entwine her fingers in my hair & drags me in with her to the pool. She hugs me hard not even letting the water to come between us. I don't know for how long we are standing in the water hugging each other.

"Mithra... you didn't forget about my soon to be aunty-ape-bitchy-wife right? If she finds us like this then she will dunk you in this pool" I ask her teasingly. She pushes forcefully on my chest. I lose my balance & fall back taking Mithra with me as I tried to hold her hands for support.

Then once again I take her lips and kiss her hard under the water, minding not to gulp the chlorinated pool water & abruptly I release her from my hold & came up gasping for air. Then I swim to the other end & hopped up and sat on the floor edge.

I feel her kissing my toes under the water & she bites my little toe sharply. I poke my other leg's big toe on her cheek pushing her away from biting me. She giggles as she resurfaces from the water.

"Karthik, just heard from aunty that you agreed for marriage. Thank god, finally you are out of that little brat's magical spell. She is a little witch you know." Sanjeev says laughing not even noticing Mithra standing in the swimming pool.

"How dare you?" Mithra shouts & before Sanjeev could see her in her swim suit I dip her down the water to hide her treasures. She struggles to come out of the water but I press her shoulders hard & let only her head up in view.

"What are you doing here?" Sanjeev asks.

"Shitting bricks" she says angrily.

"Good job" he grins at her.

"I was so worried for my friend that all his life he will have to babysit you but thanks to his lucky stars, you are out of his life"

"Sanjeev stop it, man. You will make her cry it seems." I growl at Sanjeev.

"I'm not out of his life, you moron" she shouts at him. He ignores her.

"Karthik, don't play with this girl in pool & all from now on. Your future wife might not like your closeness with your baby brat" Sanjeev riles her up. She snarls.

"Aunty told her ex-daughter-in-law is choosing her future daughter in law. So how the selection process is going on?" Sanjeev asks Mithra eagerly. I want to burst out laughing seeing Mithra's face going red.

"Where is Deepa?" I ask. As if on cue, Deepa enters the pool area waving her hands to me.

"Hi,Karthik. Glad to know you are getting married. Hey, Mithra, happy birthday once again" Deepa smiles politely.

"Thanks Deeps" Mithra smiles & looks Deepa in amusement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Deepa asks. "I'm surprised, you didn't start showing up yet" Mithra asks innocently but I know she is taking her revenge on Sanjeev. I press my lips hard to stop laughing as I look up at Sanjeev who looks like he ate something nasty.

"Show up?" Deepa asks confused.

"Sanjeev said while returning from Singapore that you might be pregnant as he forgot to use... um... protection while... er... you guys have... you know...so I was expecting you to see heavily pregnant but... I actually thought of asking you about this last night..." she stammers as her cheeks turn pink.

"What?" Deepa shrieks.

"You didn't know?" Mithra asks blinking her eyes, innocently. Sanjeev tried to crawl out but Deepa hooks her fingers in his T-shirt collar.

"You didn't use protection? How could you be so stupid? Thank godness! I didn't get knocked up. If I was then you would be dead by now"

"Sorry, sweetie, I kinda forgot, anyway we would have eventually got married & had that baby. Simple!" he shrugs.

"I told you I don't want babies any time sooner" she shouts at him.

"Why she is so bothered about getting pregnant?" Mithra pulls me & asks in a whisper.

"I don't know. Maybe she doesn't want to lose her beauty."

"But I don't care about losing my beauty or getting fat or awkward & uncomfortable. I love babies. Babies are blessings, right?" Mithra tells me with a dreamy smile.

"I love babies too & you are my blessing" I kiss her forehead.

"Come on, let's make one baby in this pool itself" she says grinning seductively. I never knew she can be a seductress.

"I can't believe you said that?" I blink at her.

"Yes. I said"

"You are getting brazen, baby but No!" I answer chuckling & she hides her face in my chest feeling embarrassed of asking us to have sex in pool I guess.

"No. Sex!!"

"What?" I ask Mithra in shock. No sex? Then how come we make babies?

Then I hear one more 'What?'

"I didn't say that" Mithra looks up & laughs. Oh cross talk. Deepa said that 'No sex' to Sanjeev.

"You are not going to touch me till we get married & decide to have babies & that will take years" Deepa says & walks back into the house.

"Mission accomplished" Mithra says laughing. Sanjeev turns & looks down at Mithra murderously & shouts "Argh!!! I am gonna kill you, little devil" but before he could grab hold of her neck to strangle her she flips back like a dolphin & went away from him swimming.

"You wait in my room, Sanjeev. I will come" I send him back to the room. I stand up & ruffle my wet hair.

"Don't forget to attend my party, okay?" Mithra shouts, swimming backwards.

"Don't forget to show my future wife, okay" I shout back & wink at her.

"Hayee... Mein mar jaa waa" she says placing her fist over her chest. I chuckle & walk into my house leaving her in the pool.

... To be continued!!



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