21. Partying or Parting?

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Part – 21

“There Is No Remedy For Love, But To Love More” – Thoreau

(Karthik’s POV)

I walk into my room leaving my baby brat in the pool area and replying the first 'intense and proper' kiss we shared there over and over again in my head. The feel of Mithra's soft and sweet lips is still lingering in my mouth.

I am surprised to see this bold side of my Mithra. I know she is bold and always 'ready to put a fight' girl but when it comes to love, romance & intimacy she is such an innocent & naive baby but now she has changed, I guess finally her romantic side kick started.

She really is in love with me and she really is ready to be my better half finally & that's what she is trying to prove by getting all touchy & kissy because before she was scared of romancing her friend back but not now. I guess Tara is one good tutor.

I really enjoyed my baby brat's little seduction session in the pool. But... Gah! She made me wet by dragging me into the water. I need a shower. I asked Sanjeev to wait in my room but I don'tt find him here. I wonder where the hell he has gone but partly I am glad too for not finding him in my room as I don't want to answer any of his bullshits

I step out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower & pull my closet wide open to take my clothes out. I didn't bother to wipe my body, I mostly don't do as I like my shirt clinging to my wet body showing my perfect fit abs because I f**king love girls ogling and drooling at me but I never bother to give them two hoots. I just love to tempt & tease them.

I quickly pick my white shirt & faded blue jeans to wear. I put them on but let the center buttons and cuff buttons undone, to do for later as I decide to check few things in my drawer first. I want to make sure everything is in place and untouched when I was away from home & not using this room.

I pull the top drawer wide open & my eyes instantly caught with something special making my lips to quiver up and smile little.

I take out the precious thing in my hand...wondering what's it? Well, its a pacifier, of course my Mithra's. I love collecting... surely not STEALING... just collecting small special things of hers which she loved the most & surely this pacifier is one among them as you know she was a cry baby. I chuckle at the thought.

I could open a mini 'Mithra's museum' with all the things I have collected all these years. I don't even know why I have collected and still collecting all these special things of my Mithra's. Maybe it's my hobby like how few people likes to collect stamps & coins or it's my love for my baby. Well, I got this pacifier exactly on this day, Mithra's birthday but 20 years back, on her first birthday. So yeah, Mr. pacifier do have a little story. Wanna hear it?

You can never see my baby without this pacifier in her mouth when she was a baby as I said already. Her cute baby pink lips will always be hidden behind this damned butterfly shape pacifier.

Only at the time of feeding, her mom forcefully pull this damn thing out of her mouth & force feed her.

I loved to pull this thing out of her mouth & make her cry. That time I wasn't aware that her tears could hurt me.

On her first birthday she looked like an angel dressed in ivory colour fluffy silk gown. I was holding her & making her to pose for the photos & I hate the thing stuck to her mouth so I pulled it off & threw it away and she gladly didn't cry immediately as she was so excited & curious seeing the flash cameras otherwise she would bring the place down with her screaming cry.

Well, then at the time of cake cutting she started crying, missing her beloved pacifier. I didn't know where exactly i threw it so I couldn't find it easily. It hurt me so much to see her crying inconsolably that too because of me, so I thought to do something to stop her frying.

I took the cake cream with my index finger & inserted it in Mithra's mouth and only then she stopped crying as she got a replacement. My finger.

Once she finished licking the cream off my finger cleanly my baby smiled beautifully and that's the day she stopped using pacifier. And that's the day I found and kept her butterfly pacifier with me.

“Karthik..." Mithra enters into my room pushing the door noisily.

"I am here" I shout back & like a flash she is in my view dressed in a floor length silver gown. The dress, I approve as its elegant & fully covered. I also like her hair do. She has curled her hair and let them flow elegantly over her shoulders.

“Karthik, how do I look?" She models her dress for me. She looks stunning but I am in a teasing mood.

"Yeah, you look like frankie roll wrapped in a silver paper" I smirk at her. She pouts cutely in disappointment as she looked down at her satin silver gown.

"Can I go change then?" She asks.

"No. I just teased you, baby. You look so beautiful in this dress" I give her a quick peck on her cheek & she blushes adorably tempting me to kiss her hard on her lips.

"You didn’t get ready?" She asks.

"Why should I get ready?" I ask acting innocent.

"My party is gonna start, Karthik" she reminds me as if I don't know. Well, lets test the water.

"I told you I won’t come"

"Oh please. I know you will come. If not also I will drag you forcefully." She tells with a wicked smirk.

"No, Mithra" I deny her.

"It’s my birthday, please" she looks at me with pleading eyes.

“Mithra..." I start but she shushes me.

"I can’t plead anymore. Come on get ready like a good boy" she orders & starts buttoning up my shirt.

Well, I don’t like my hands kept untouched so I put them on her waist & pull her little closer to me. She doesn't struggle to escape out of my hold like before but smiles shyly.

"Show" she asks for my cuff links to be done. I reluntantly pull my hands off her hips and hold them out for her. I have curled my right hand fingers to a ball.

"What are you holding?" She asks curious.

"Nothing" I say.

"Show me" she demands.

“Mithra, stop being a demanding baby" I admonish her.

"It’s my birthday so you have to show me"

"Don't you think you have used that card so many times today?" This girl nah! I tell you, she uses her birthday excuse to the fullest and gets all her demands fulfilled.

"This is the last time I am going to use this card. Please" she swears pinching her throat. I ignore her & walk past her.

“Karthik, No! You have to show me..." She screams. I turn quickly & put the pacifier in her mouth shutting her up & then I start laughing.

"You look cute" I say & quickly taking my mobile phone I click few pics. She doesn’t react. She simply stares at me still holding the pacifier in her mouth.

After a beat she snaps out of her shock & pulls out the pacifier & examines it closely.

"What do you have to do with this thing?" She asks me.

"I don’t have any business with that thing. It was used by you, baby, when you were a baby" I explain her. Her eyes went wide.

"You still have this?" She asks in surprise as she eyes shone with an emotion familiar to me. Love!

I nod. She hugs me in such a force making me take a step back to regain my lost balance."Don't cry & wet my shirt" I warn her. She hits my arm playfully on my chest.

"Come" she wraps her hand around mine & drags me out of my room and to her house.

"I am so happy, Karthik..." Mithra smiles as we walk into her house. Omg! So much crowd. I already feel suffocated. Can't her parents throw a simple party inviting close friends and family to celebrate their little girl's birthday?

"Why?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Because you are attending my party" her happiness is written all over her face. She has a bright smile plastered on her face. I smile seeing her smile.

"I didn’t come on my own... You literally dragged me here" I tell rolling my eyes showing attitude though I know I wouldn't have missed her party because I know she will get hurt if I do so.

"Anyways, I am happy you are here with me" she says slipping her hand around my waist & hugging me sideways.

“Karthik!" Padmini aunty yells my name. I turn towards the source of sound with a smile.

"Try this. I made this specially for you" she says & stuffs some roll into my mouth not even letting me see what's it actually. I take a bite of the roll & grab the rest in my hand.

"How is it?" She asks.

"Frankie roll... Hmm..." I chew. "Super... I love it. Thanks aunty" I say to her but my eyes are fixed on Mithra and her eyes are fixed on the roll in my hand, wrapped in silver paper.

A cute little frown marred her forehead. I guess she is thinking about the comment I made about her silver dress looking like a frankie roll wrapped in silver paper.

"You want?" I ask Mithra. She shakes her head in no.

"I will come now." She says and turns on her heels.

"Hey! Wait. Where you are going?" I ask.

"To change my dress" she says. Ah! I was right. She was thinking about the stupid comment I made on her dress.

"Hey, you look really good in this dress. Please don't change." I reassure her.

"Nope." She is being adamant as always.

"Okay, go!" I tell knowing full well it's a waste of effort to argue with her.

"Don't go anywhere. Wait for me. I will quickly change and come. I have something important to tell to you and to everyone." She says and runs upstairs to her room.

(Mithra’s POV)

"I don't know what to wear now. Karthik didn't like this dress. I need to change. Please help me Tara. I am really clueless" I tense as I go through my closet full of dresses.

"You should wear something sexy and impress Karthik" Tara winks at me.

"You like this?" I pull out a pink color knee length dress.

"Oh great. You will look like a cotton candy" she teases.

I groan in frustration & show her a red wrap dress without strap. I myself know very well Karthik will hate to see me in this revealing dress.

"I guess orange will look good on me" I say to Tara.

"Yuck! You will look like Miranda bottle" Tara smirks. I pull out all my clothes from the closet & pile them on the floor as I didn't like any of them.

I hear a knock & I open it with irritation, ready to blast whoever is disturbing me now but quickly I change my facial expression & smile at Radha aunty.

“Mithra, busy?" Radha aunty asks.

"Um... No aunty. Just finding my dress to wear for the party. Come on in" I open the door wider for her to enter in.

"Oh why? You look good in this dress." She says walking into my room.

"Yeah but I want something better than this one"

"So you found one" she asks looking at the mess I have created.

"Um... No" I tell with an audible sigh.

"Hmm... Okay, here is my gift for you" she hands me a gift wrapped box. I say thanks & quickly unwrap it.

I smile seeing a beautiful white lacy saree with pink roses knitted on it. It’s simple yet elegant.

"Can I wear this now for the party?" I ask her.

"Of course you can. It’s yours." She smiles.

“Mithra, I will wait down. You get ready & come" Tara says & runs before I could stop her.

"Um... Aunty, can you help me drape this sari? You know I don't know how to do" I ask hesitantly.

"Sure, dear" Quickly I rush to my changing room to remove my gown & put on my sari blouse & in skirt. Then I call Radha aunty into the changing room to help me.

“Mithra, you remember right?"

I frown.

"You surely will show my future daughter in law tonight nah? I don't want to delay with my son's marriage. Who knows? He might change his mind & refuse to marry so I better speed up with the bride finding process" Radha aunty says.

"Yeah, aunty"

"Who is she? Tell me Mithra. This suspense is killing me" she asks eagerly.

"Make a guess, aunty" I test her. Tell my name... Tell my name... Please, tell my name, aunty. I mutter a silent prayer.

"Do I know her?" She asks for hint

"Yep. You know her very well." I smile. She wonders tapping her chin with her index finger.

"I got it" she shrieks.

"Who?" I ask holding my breath.

“Tara, right?"

I feel like someone have punched me hard in my gut.

Tara? Really? Of course she is my best friend but sorry, she is no match for my karthik. No one is perfect match for my karthik but me.

"I really love, Tara. She is such a nice sweet girl. I know she will make my Karthik happy" she says excitedly. I stare at her impassively not even blinking my eyes.

"But what about Karthik?" No. Karthik will not agree to marry my friend. Tara is just a friend to him. I am his one true love.

"I know Karthik won't agree but you convince him. He only gave you the right to choose his wife nah?"


"I know Tara will also agree for this marriage. Who will not want to marry my son?" She asks.

Her voice is filled with pride. Yes. Karthik is a sweetheart. Probably he will be the world's best husband & I was lucky enough to have him in my life once but he slipped through my fingers. I couldn’t hold him & love him back the way he loved me. I really don't deserve a second chance. I really don't deserve his love. I am not the one for him. God! I messed everything. I fight back my tears ready to escape from my eyes.

"Perfect. You look beautiful" Radha aunty drapes the sari showing my perfect curves.

"Thanks, aunty" I mutter meekly. She kisses my cheek & tells me to come down. I simply nod. Before going down I open the chest of drawer & take out an important thing with which I will end things once & for all and give Karthik & myself peace.

I walk down the stairs & my eyes search for my Karthik. He is at the farthest corner in the hall, chatting with his friends.

I march straight to him & the moment his eyes land on me, he dazzles me with a heart melting smile. I think he is delighted to see me in sari.

"You look beautiful. Not that you didn't before, but now you look thousand times more beautiful" he says in a husky voice sending shivers down my spine. Then he leans down and plants a soft kiss on my temple.

"Thanks" I smile weakly & grip his arm tightly as if my life depends on it.

"Are you okay, baby?" Karthik asks me. I nod & lean my head on his chest.

"What's wrong?" He probes. He can easily say something is bothering me.

"Look at me" he tips my chin up to face me eye to eye.

"I am sorry, Karthik" I whisper to him with trembling lips.

"For what?" He asks confused.

"For everything" I tell swallowing the lump forming in my throat & keeping my tears in bay.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He panics. I try to release myself from his hold but he grips me harder by my waist.

"Mithra, just tell me what’s going in your f**king mind" he says gritting his teeth.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." I whisper near his ears & gently push him away from me.

... To be continued



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