26. The Unexpected Night

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Part – 26

"Unless It's Mad, Passionate, Extraordinary Love, It's A Waste Of Your Time. There Are Too Many Mediocre Things In Life; Love Shouldn't Be One Of Them"

(18+ this part contains little bit of matured contents)

(Karthik's POV)

"Karthik, what you see there?" she points her hand to the ceiling. I smile knowing what she is referring to. Our laser gun night!

"Ceiling" I feign innocence.

"On that?"

"Fan is hanging" I continue teasing.

"No! Not that! Don't you see 'stars, moon, solar system, flowers, Dora, Mickey? &..."

"And what?" I ask softly. She puts an arm around me & draws herself close to me. Then I hear her softly say "I love you" near my ear

I bestow a gentle kiss on her forehead & whisper back "I love you too, baby"

When I pull myself away from her, even in the dark I can see her eyes glittering brightly with passion or is it the reflection of mine I see in her eyes? I don't know.

I caress her cheek with my thumb as we both gaze each other intensely. We know we are burning for each other with the way desire spirals through our bodies.

I feel her hand crawling up my chest in a caressing way.

"Mithra... I am sorry..." I want to distract from taking this moment further her but I do want to apologize to her again for what I said a short while ago when she said she would divorce me. Even knowing she was teasing I kinda overreacted.

"No... Please... don't say no to me now. I want you, Karthik" she slips her hand beneath my neck and draws my head closer to kiss me.

What? Is she thinking I am saying sorry because I don't want to make love to her? Well, I do want to make love to her ever since the day we got married, but I don't think this is the right time to do it now.

We were man & wife then but now? We are divorced. Yeah, you can say I am an old fashioned guy who expects everything to be done in a proper way and at proper time.

I do want to claim her body & soul but only after I make her mine by tying the knot & binding her to myself through a sacred bond called Marriage.

"No, I said sorry for what I said outside. I shouldn't have said what I said. I am sorry for making you cry. I am so sorry, baby" I repeat my apologies to her & rain kisses on her face.

"No, Karthik, I am sorry for what I said. I never think before I talk & end up hurting my loved ones. I know how deeply you were hurt with our divorce fiasco... I saw the pain in your eyes when I mentioned the word 'divorce'... but I regret it the next moment I uttered those word though I meant in a joking way... I am so sorry." I can hear genuine regret & remorse in her voice.

"Mithra, I love you" I pull her closer to me by her head & capture her lips with mine & kiss her tenderly but all too soon our kiss turned wild. We kiss as if there is no tomorrow. I hover over her with my body minding not to crush her broken hand so that I can find a better position to kiss her. I kiss her neck, her throat, her shoulder & I roughly pull her shirt wide open & I bury my face in her chest nuzzling her soft skin. I run my nose up her throat and skim my teeth on her jaw and up to her ear. She moans in pleasure as her fingers curl my hair & pulls my head up from the crook of her neck to meet her full pulpy luscious lips.

"Please love me, Karthik" she begs me against our lips. Hearing her voice I came to my senses & realized what I was about to do.

No! This is wrong! My Mithra should be honored as my wife before we consummate.

"Mithra... Stop" I pull myself away from her.

"What? Why?" she asks disappointed as she tries to pull me back by circling her arms around my neck. I shake my head at her with my eyes closed and then I rest my forehead against hers to control my raging heart beats.

A moment later I part myself away from her & sit up on the bed rubbing my face with my palms

"Your hand is injured" I point to her hand. Hope she buys that reason for stopping what we just started.

"That's not the reason." She is smart than I thought.

"I am sorry..." I whisper.

"Karthik? Why you are rejecting me? Don't you like me? Don't you want me?" she asks with her lips trembling as she pulls her knees up to her chest and hugs them with her arms.

I see hurt in her face and it nearly kills me.

"I am not rejecting you, Mithu" I say and groan inwardly. How am I going to explain it to her?

"Then what's it?" She asks as a lone tear rolls down her cheek and enters her mouth. Oh baby!

"I do want you Mithra more than you could ever want me but... I don't want to do it tonight. We will wait till we get married." I climb out of the bed & walk to the balcony. I can't see her hurt.

"We are married, Karthik" she says desperately following me to the balcony.

"Don't forget we are legally divorced" I remind her raking my fingers through my hair.

"Oh please! That damned sheets of printed paper can't decide our life. We belong to each other & no one can separate us."

"Mithra, I don't know how to make you understand..." I sigh.

"Then don't try to make me understand." She says childishly. "This marriage means nothing to me, Karthik." She blurts out.

"But it means a great deal to me, Mithra" I retort.

"Only this marriage messed our lives once & separated us!" she reminds me.

"Our marriage didn't separate us. You did that. You put us both in misery" I don't know why I am raising my voice now. I should talk calmly and make her understand things.

"Yes, I did because I was not ready for marriage then. Because I couldn't imagine you as my husband..."

"Then how could you now?" I ask. I really wanted to know what made her change her mind suddenly. She made it clear to me that she can never see her best friend as her husband but what happened to her resolve now?

"I love you now. I want you now."

"If marriage meant nothing to you then why the hell you proposed me & asked me to marry you in front of everyone?"

"If I could have you to myself all my life only by getting married to you, only by being your wife then I am willing to do that."

"So you feel obligated to marry me?"

"Not really" she presses her forehead with both her hands. "I proposed you for marriage because I know that's what everyone wants... even you want that, don't you?"

"What you exactly want from me, Mithra?"

"You, obviously, I want you all my life. I don't care whether we are married or not. I just want to spend my life with you as long as I live in this world" she sounds so obsessed for me. Am I her love or her obsession?

"You know what, Mithra? You love me because you need me but I need you because I love you and there is a difference between the two" I tell her softly, trying & failing miserably to hide the pain in my voice. She blinks her eyes not getting what I meant.

"Do you really love me, Mithra?" I ask after few minutes of silence. I never doubted her love before but now I feel the need to ask.

"Why do you ask me that? Don't you know that for yourself how much I love you?" she asks shaking my arm.

"I do...but at times you confuse me. Even now I could see more of your obsession for me than love. Obsession is different from love. Obsession dies very soon but love will last till eternity. So you better tell me, do you really love me? Or you just want me? Are you compelled to marry me because that's the only way for you to hold on to me?"

"No... No... Karthik... You are getting it all wrong"

"Mithra, do you still want us to be just friends? If so please tell me... I...I will stop everything... I won't run to Singapore to forget you... I will live here itself & look after you... I won't marry anyone, I promise... I will stay single forever so that you don't have to feel insecure of losing me to another woman... Our lives will be back to normal like before... I can do this, Mithra...I can even convince my mother...I just don't want you to enter into a forced marriage yet again, Mithra. That won't work for us."

"No, Karthik... That's not what I want... Well, I do want us to be friends forever. I don't want you to run away from me so that you can forget. You can never forget me and I will never let that happen..."

"Then what about marriage?" I ask leaning against the railing, crossing my arms over my chest and I stare at her to gauge her expression.

"I do want to marry you, like real soon...but more than that I want this night with you. I... I crave for you, Karthik" she whispers looking straight into my eyes, her slim fingers caressing my stubble cheeks. "I crave for your touch, your kiss, your love. I want to be loved by you, Karthik & I want to love you. It's not only you who got hurt by my stupid decision, even I suffered a lot after we got separated. I didn't realize what I was losing when I asked you for divorce or the day you gave me the divorce papers, or the moment the court declared our marriage was dissolved but..." she pauses for a moment and bites the inside of her cheeks to control her tears.

"Enough Mithra, don't torture yourself." I hug her securely. "I know we both were in a huge mess but now we have overcome that phase so don't worry, baby" I plant a kiss on top of her head and rub her back soothingly.

"The day you said I was your 'Ex-wife' in the Airport & left me alone here & went to Singapore, I realized what I had lost and I was no more a part of your life..." she cries hugging me.

"Mithra, baby, please stop, I am sorry, you don't have to explain me..." I kiss her head over & over again.

"I was deeply wounded Karthik, not because I lost you but because I failed to see your love for me and for the pain I gave you... I was mad at myself for hurting you..."

"No, baby, you didn't hurt me" I reassure her.

"I know I did hurt you so you dare not lie to me... but trust me, Karthik, hurting you will be the last thing I ever want to do in this world" she says sincerely and her tears refuse to stop flowing.

"I know...I know..." I kiss her tear stained cheeks and wipe off the tears.

"I... I never thought you would give me a second chance... I don't know how to express my love... I am all new to this strange feeling... but trust me... I love you... I love you... I love you more than I love anyone in this world including myself..." she frantically repeats her love to me clutching my arm hard & hugging me.

"Hush... hush... calm down... calm down... I know... I know you love me & I trust you... so relax... relax... I am sorry...I momentarily lost trust in you and in your love" I say softly holding her close to my chest. "I am so sorry, baby" I cup her face & plant a tender kiss on her lips.

"Karthik... I want to heal you & get healed by you, by your love... so without thinking I... I... asked you to make love to me...now you will think so low of me, right?" she asks looking down at her feet, embarrassed.

"What?" I shout pushing her a little away from me.

"You think I want you only for my physical pleasure, right?"

"Oh Good God! No! How can you even think I will think so cheap of you?"

"Karthik, please don't get mad. I don't know why I always say some bullshits and upset you."

"Get this clear, Mithra, I want you as much as you want me but I don't want to do anything which you might regret later."

"I won't regret anything. I am yours, Karthik" she says & kisses my lips. I reciprocate her kiss. I can't fight her anymore. I want this too.

I skirt my hands round her waist & pull her closer to me, flushing her upper body against my torso. I tuck the loose strand of hair behind her ear & my fingers gently caress the back of her earlobe. I can feel her shiver with my touch. "You were so insecure and you wanted everything to happen immediately as you feared of losing me in spite of me giving you assurance over & over again that I love you, I will marry you & we will live together forever... so I thought it was your insecurity forcing you to do things you don't want to do..." I say. She shakes her head showing that wasn't her intention. I nod. "Yeah, now I know that wasn't your insecurity... but your way of showing love" I lean forward & kiss her cheek before whispering near her ear "I love your way of showing love & you know what? 'The best nights are usually unplanned, random & spontaneous' so let's make this night the best" before letting her speak a word, I carefully scoop her in my arms making her squeal & I walk back to my room. I gently place her on the bed and look at her disheveled yet beautiful state. "Come, baby" she invites me with open arms. I chuckle. I lay my body partially on top of hers and give her a beseeching kiss.

"Karthik, Stop!" she says hurriedly & gently pushes me off her body so that she can sneak out of my hold.

"What?" I ask her with a frown.

"Wait. I will come" she says & runs to her room. I sit on my bed & wait for her to return, patiently.

"Karthik..." she calls me. I look up to see her wearing a red color chunri over her head.

"Marry me" she says, holding a small silver container containing vermilion in one hand & a nuptial chain in the other hand.

I take the mangalsutr (nuptial chain) from her hand & take a close look.

This is the very same mangalsutr I tied around her neck three years back and she took it off the very same night saying she didn't want to wear as it was a burden to her & also she didn't want to show any sign of her being married to the outside world. She even refused to put sindoor (Vermilion powder) on her forehead.

"I am sorry, Karthik" she whispers, obviously guessing my thought.

"No, its fine" I smile at her. I don't want to ruin this moment with yet another argument.

"Karthik, you want to make love to your wife so make me your wife by tying this chain & placing this sindoor on my head & this time I surely will value them & keep them as long as I shall live" she says earnestly.

"You said marriage means nothing to you?" I ask her confused.

"When I said marriage means nothing to me, I meant to say nothing is above our love. When we love each other madly then why we should hesitate to show it openly just because we are not married? But then I realize you respect this relationship & consider this bond sacred. I respect your feelings, Karthik." She talks maturely, surprising me. "You are ready to go against your belief for me & make love to me...You always do this, Karthik. You always put my happiness before your own happiness and sacrifice things for me...but from now on now everything is going to change...I am not going to be a selfish bitch and want everything to happen my way so that I can be happy...I want everything to happen your way so that we both can be happy."

"Mithra, you don't..."

"No, please. I am not just doing this to please you...I am doing this because I realized through this marriage I will completely belong with you."

"You sure?" I ask with a bright smile.

"Yes" she breathes.

"Alright!" I kiss her forehead and was about to tie the chair around her neck but she stops me.

"Wait" she says & slowly removes her sling.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask & try to stop her from removing her bandage.

"It's disturbing. Anyways, my hand almost healed"

"No, you still have pain"

"Yeah, I do but I don't need this sling bandage" she is always stubborn and I can't argue with her and win.

"Okay! Show me. I will help" this time she obeys my word & shows her hand for me to remove the bandage.

"Okay, shall we give our vows?" I ask her.

"Vows?" she asks and stuck her tongue out. "Um... you give your vows first. I will just repeat the same" she says cutely making me laugh.

"Okay" I say & cup her face with my palms & kiss her lips.

She cups my face and kisses my lips just like I did.

"I love you, baby"

"I love you, baby" she repeats. I couldn't help but chuckle hearing her call me 'baby'. Is she not going to edit my sentence?

"I promise to f**k you every night till you scream my name" I tease her. She looks at me open mouthed.

"Come on, repeat" I insist her & press me lips together to hold myself from laughing.

"100 Rupees" she asks recovering from her shock.

Oh shit! Now it's my turn to gape at her open mouth. She is unbelievable.

"Come on, I am growing impatient. Let's get done with our vows and start kissing and..."

"Fucking?" I ask with a smirk playing on my face.

"One more 100 Rupees you owe me"

"God!" I groan. "I love you so much for your craziness" I press a tight kiss on her forehead.

"And I, you... Well, not for your craziness but for putting up with this crazy girl" she says. "Well, we love each other so I guess there is no need for any solemn promise."

I nod agreeing with her and I put the nuptial chain around her neck & hook it. Then I take a pinch of sindoor & gently place it on her partition.

"What's this?" I take a pearl drop of tear from her cheek with my index finger & show it to her.

"I don't know. I got emotional. I am so happy, Karthik" she hugs me, hiding her face in my chest and cries soaking my shirt.

"You want this emotional cry all night or you want some pleasurable cry?" I ask her tipping her chin up and looked down at her beautiful pair of eyes.

"I choose the latter" she says shyly. I grin salaciously before taking the chunri off her head & discarding it unceremoniously on the floor & undo her shirt button so that I can peel it off her body. Then I skim my index & middle finger in her waist band & yank her skirt down. She stands in front of me only in her bra & panty. I couldn't help but feast my eyes on her long, slim gorgeous legs. Fuck! They are really supermodel legs but I am glad she's not a model because I'd hate other men ogling her.

My eyes hungrily take in the rest of her loveliness. "God, she is so beautiful" I want to peel her off from what little cloth she is wearing & hiding her assets.

"Stop, Karthik... You are not playing fair. I am starving too. Feast my eyes with your sexy body"

"Fair enough, baby." I agree & was about to remove my shirt but she insists on doing it for me. I let her do. She slowly, seductively rubbing her body against me undoes my shirt button.

Now, I am partially naked & she plays her hand on my taut torso. By her furious blush & erratic breathing I know she is very much affected with my close proximity & clearly having some pretty erotic thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" I ask her wanting to know what's making her blush profusely.

She looks up at me & blushes even more. "Okay, I can guess" I tell & peck on her cheek.

"Wait, here" I leave her & walk straight to the balcony to lock the glass door & pull the curtains, letting the darkness consume us.

When I return she waits patiently in the exact place I left her, chewing her bottom lip.

"Nervous?" I ask.

"Hmm..." she nods not meeting my eyes.

"f**k!" I can't resist anymore so I grab her by her wait and swiftly turn us around; pushing her against the wall I slam my lips on hers.

"Hundred..." I tried to speak but I forcefully cover her mouth with mine not letting her ask for the damned hundred rupees. I grind my hips hard against her as my pulsing, aching erection demands for some sort of contact with her.

I lift her face up so that I gain access to the sexy, full pouty mouth of hers. I love kissing her lips. She moans & parts her lips letting access to my tongue to invade her territory & possess her mouth. She tentatively responds to my ferocious kisses forcing me to go gentle with her. How much ever irresistible and desirable she is now I need to be gently with my baby. I don't want to scare her of with my wildness. I slow down & kiss her sweetly mating our tongues.

"You are so f**king sweet, baby. You taste, you smell, you feel... incredibly sweet"

"So you do, Karthik & don't forget to put three hundred rupees in my piggy bank." she whispers against our lips. "Hmm..." I groan. I feel like she has wielded a spell on me & I find it hard to break myself away from her. Without breaking our kiss I lift her up in my arms and take her to our bed.


"Oh Shit!" I pull my thing out as soon as I put it in her.

"What?" she asks, hating my withdrawal?

"I don't have protection" I curse myself in my head for not buying condoms but I never needed them before so I don't have stock.

"Oh, that's fine. I don't mind getting pregnant" she tightens her legs around my waist making her point clear that she wants me to enter in her and spill my seeds.

"You sure?" I ask as we gaze intently into each other's eyes. Her beautiful eyes are shining with desire & excitement. She really wants me & is ready to have my child, I can tell that.

I blow air on her navel region before licking around her belly button. She grips my arms tightly with her eyes screwed shut and arches her body letting me to explore her.

Her pale flawless skin is simply exquisite and I want to kiss every inch of it & I will.

She releases my arms & grabs my head, twisting her fingers tightly around my hair and pulls me up to kiss my mouth, stopping me from trailing kisses towards south.

"Oh baby! You are so f**king beautiful. I want to mark you thoroughly with my kisses." I murmur. I palm her breast and pinch her nipple earning a melodious moan from her. She fits perfectly in my palm. She moans again, completely aroused. From her heavy breathing I know I'm working her up into a frenzy that will have her begging me to f**k her.

"Stop dilly dallying & make us one, Karthik" she pleads in frustration.

"Alright, love" I chuckle before removing all the barriers between us & slowly, I ease into her. She screams a cry so I stop moving deeper and let her to adjust with the intense sensation and then after getting her assent I start moving, all the while declaring my love to her as I claim her precious virginity & lost mine to her.

... To be continued!!!



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