27. Blissful Beginning

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Part - 27

"Baby I'm Yours And I Will Be Yours
Until The Stars Fall From The Sky
Until The Rivers All Run Dry
In Other Words Until I Die"

(Karthik’s POV)

Such a long night! I thought looking at the dark sky illuminated with the beautiful moon as I sat on the wooden floor in the balcony accompanied with my guitar. I play a soft romantic tune. I position myself in way I see my baby brat sleeping peacefully curled up on the bed through the glass door.

I lean my head back & close my eyes enjoying the cold breeze caressing my face.

"You didn't sleep?" my eyes flung open hearing Mithra's soft melodious voice. She is standing in front of me with her drowsy eyes, wearing only my white lenin shirt which I discarded on the floor earlier and that barely covers her thighs. She looks alluring in this lack of attire and I am tempted to take to her to bed and make love to her again.

"Did I disturb you?" I ask. She shakes her head in no.

I place my guitar down beside me & hold my hand out for her. She takes it with a smile & I pull her down to my lap.

"How are you, baby?" I ask hearing her slight wince.

"Good" she whispers & curls up like a kitten on my lap & leans her body against mine, resting her head on my chest. I lean forward & kiss her head & bury my nose in her silky hair.

"You smell divine" I whisper nuzzling her hair. She tilts her head up & smiles at me. She still has the innocent baby smile on her face. I love her smile. I dip my head down & kiss her sweet lips tenderly. 

"Why you left me alone in bed?" she asks accusingly.

"I couldn't sleep"

"Oh why?"

"Simply" I reply & pull her close to me, tightening my arms around her waist.   

"You were completely worn out & passed out in between our session... I hope you remember what we were doing earlier?" I ask teasing her.

“Karthik... stop" she slaps my arm playfully.

"How was it?" I ask. I could sense her blush.

"Weird" what a choice of word. I chuckle hearing her reply.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No. you were amazingly gentle" she says & kisses my cheek lovingly.

“Karthik..." she softly calls me.


"I love this apartment, Karthik... this is our home... our sweet little home... so shall we stay here from now on?" she asks sweetly.

"Alright, baby" I kiss her hair. Even I had the same plan in my mind. I feel so connected to this house.

"Come, you are getting cold. Let's get in" I tell rubbing her arms, shivering in the chill breeze.

"Hmm... I am comfortable here" she murmurs half asleep.

"Baby, Get up. We will sleep in bed" I say. She nods & staggers when she stood up on her feet I pick my guitar & lead her back to our bedroom. She slumps on the outer edge of the bed so I jump over her & lie on the inner side of the bed & draw her into my arms.

“Karthik... I am hungry" she says with her eyes closed.

"Hungry for what?" I ask.

She opens her eyes & looks at me, blinking her sleepy eyes.

"Food, actually" she whispers.

"Oh!" I sigh inwardly. I was hoping for another round of sex.

How she gets her appetite at this wee hours?

"You have something to eat?" she asks.

"Eat me, baby" I wink at her.

"Oh puh-lease!" she groans and giggles.   
"Go, eat the left over pizzas" I tell.

"All over" she pouts. I turn to my front & bury my face on the pillow to catch some sleep.

"What a wonderful husband you are? Your wife is hungry here but you are going to sleep?"

“Mithra, don't forget this house has been kept locked for so long so there is no food here." I explain her patiently.

"What's the time?" she asks.

"4.30 am" I tell checking from my mobile phone.

"Okay, come lets go out"


Is she gone mad? She wants me to take her out now? I didn't sleep for a wink and I am so tired. Well, I can't blame her for that. I kept her awake for long too making passionate love.

“Mithra, its so early in the morning. There won't be any shops."

"There will be some street vendor selling vada pav or egg omelet or something. Let's quickly grab something to eat."

"But that's unhygienic"

"Oh cut the crap. I am going. You are coming or not?" She threatens jumping out of the bed.

"Coming" I say sulkily.

"That's like my dutiful husband" she pulls my cheek & runs to her room to get dressed. 


"I don't think we will find any shop at this time, that too when its looks like raining" I say glancing at her as I drive the car.

"Take left. I am sure there is one chaat shop"

"You could have just controlled your hunger & slept off" I grunt.

"You know how cranky I go when I get hungry & I can't sleep if I didn't feed my tummy" that's true. She gets hard to handle when she is hungry. I have seen that side of her since she was a little baby. Well I have seen every side of her. She is no stranger to me. But still I failed to stock some food for her to eat. If I had then I won't be driving this damn car around the city & searching for food stalls at this time.

"Daily night you will wake up & eat huh, Mithra?"

"Of course" she shrugs. I know my baby brat is a foodie who keeps on munching something but never thought she will wake up in the midnight or early morning & go in search of food.

"There!" she shrieks almost making me jump from my seat. Finally we found a small tea stall.

"You wait in the car. I will go get something for you" I gently order.

"I will come along with you, Karthik, please" she pleads.

"It's drizzling out, Mithra" I tell her but she doesn't listen to me. She quickly jumps out of the car & we both went to the tea stall across the road.

"Two Bread omelet & two cups of tea" she tells what she wants to eat to an aged lady in the stall who is beating & whisking the eggs for omelets & sandwiches. Next to her an old man is preparing tea, I guess he is her husband.

"Please sit" the lady invites.

"No. It's Fine" I tell her but Mithra drags me into the small shop with few tables and stools.

"Husband & wife?" that lady asks us, obviously noticing the red streak on Mithra's forehead. I nod smiling.

"Such a beautiful couple you are" she compliments. Mithra grins widely. I smile politely. Then the old lady places two plates of bread omelet in front of us and Mithra attacks the food immediately. She eats as if she was starving for months. She never bothered about the surrounding as her hunger is primal for her always. I just sip my tea & watch her eat. She looks so adorable. Wish I could kiss her hard now.

"You are not going to eat that?" she asks pointing to my bread omelet licking her fingers.

"No. you eat" I say smiling & push the plate to her side as I know she will ask for it. Then I look up to see the lady looking at Mithra with a smile.
"Cravings?" she asks. What? Oh okay!

"Yeah, my wife is pregnant" I tell grinning at Mithra.

"What?" Mithra asks mid chew. "Wife? Pregnant? You have one more wife?" she asks in a shocked whisper.

"No! Only you!"

"But you said..."

"Shut up & eat, baby" I gesture to concentrate on her food & surprisingly she obeyed to my words.

Maybe, she is hell hungry. Now, I think sacrificing my sleep seems worthy.

"How far along is she?" the lady probes.

"Um... very newly pregnant. 4 or 5 weeks" I tell her. I wonder how easy is to lie.

"Who?" Mithra asks. She is totally clueless about whom we are talking.

"Oh. Then you should be very careful, dear" the lady caress Mithra hair lovingly.

"Me? Why? Okay!" she wonders first but then agrees to her with a shrug & resumes eating, ravenously.

"So what are you wishing to have?" the lady asks.

It took me few seconds to understand her question. Okay! she is asking about what baby we are wishing to have? Boy or girl?

"Omelet" Mithra replies showing her index finger indicating one egg omelet. That made me & the lady to burst into laughter. We are laughing at my baby brat's expense. Too bad!

"What? Why are you laughing?" she asks confused.

"Nothing baby, you eat"

"What eat? Only empty plate is there to eat" she chides me. 

"I want an egg omelet with extra onions" she asks the lady with a gentle smile. She nods & walks away to prepare it.    


"Had enough?" I ask Mithra after she completed her food.

"For now, yes" she grins.

"Come" I say and let her walk ahead of me.

She waits for me a little away from the stall while I pay for the food items we ate with a generous tip.

"Thanks dear" the lady smiles.

"Thanks for feeding my pregnant wife" I smile back.

"By the way, I want a baby girl. A replica of my beautiful wife" I tell her.

"God will surely bless you both with a beautiful baby girl" she wholeheartedly blesses me. I smiles & walk back to the car with Mithra.

“Karthik, stop the car" she shouts. I apply the break & pull over the car on the side of the road.

"What, now?" I ask.

"Shall we go for a walk on the beach?" she asks.

"You are not tired? You don't want to sleep" Hell! I want to sleep.

"It's almost morning, Karthik..."

"But we didn't sleep whole night, Mithu" at least she slept for an hour or two but what about me?

"Okay, fine" she understands my need of sleep & kisses my cheek. And that's enough for me to melt and take her for a walk & make my baby happy.

"Come, baby" I walk around & open the door for her.

"No, Karthik, we will go home. You need to sleep. I am sorry. Let's go for a stroll in the beach some other day."

"It's okay, darling. We are here so why not spend sometime before we head back home" I say & pull her out of the car.

"Thank you" she pecks on my lips.


"Our first dawn after our marriage. It's breathtaking nah?" Mithra asks leaning on my shoulder, my hand draped around her waist as we look at the horizon. It's still slightly dark & cloudy so the sun hasn't made its appearance fully yet but just taken a peek.

"I always wished to go to beach when it was raining." Mithra says looking up at me. It's still drizzling and it gives a romantic feel.

I look around and find no early morning walkers or joggers so take the opportunity to steal a quick kiss from my brand new wife.

“Mithra..." I turn her to face me & just by looking at desire palpable in my eyes Mitha gets the cue. She steps forward & wraps her arms around my neck & tip toes. I bend a little to meet her lips.  

I cup her head to hold her in place & kiss her lips softly, drinking in her sweetness.

"You are unbelievably sweet, baby"

"So are you, Karthik" she breathes & rests her head on my chest, her hands hanging around my neck & my hands enveloping her waist and we stand like that for what feels like an eternity.

“Mithra, rain is picking up speed" I whisper to her though not willing to part her away from my embrace.


"Shall we get back to the car?" I ask her.

"Shall we stay here for some more time?"


"Please, Karthik?"

"Okay, sweetheart" I let her enjoy the rain though I worry that she might fall sick.

"So you want a baby girl huh?" she asks shyly. I could see the blush creeping on her cheeks.

"You heard?" I ask though I know already she heard me say that to the tea stall lady.

"Yes" she smiles at me. I smile back at her.

"So?" I ask.

"Would love to" she softly says & hugs me. I can't wait to have our baby.



"What we will say to our parents?" she asks worriedly. I look down at her with a frown.

"I don't know how they will react to our marriage news. They are gonna be mad at us, I guess" I say and see her panicking.

"We didn't do anything wrong. We just got married & set everything straight." I tell her calmly.

"But they wished to see our wedding, Karthik"

"Then we will get married again. Simple" I shrug.

"You mean we will get married for the third time?" She asks, wide eyed, shock.

"That's upto them to decide on what they want"

"What? I didn't get you, Karthik?"

"Baby, the simple marriage we had last night means a lot to us. We both wholeheartedly accepted each other & got united. But still if our parents want to see us getting married in their presence with their blessings then we will do it for their satisfaction. Our bond will only strengthens by marrying again & again." I tell & kiss her wet cheek.

"What if they simply accept our marriage?"

"That will be really smooth though I wish they want us to get married again." I say.


"I still owe you a grand wedding so I will take this chance to fulfill my promise"

"I love you, Karthik" she says & hugs me.

"I love you, baby" I hug back and kiss her head.

... To be continued!!!



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P.S - From Nov 1st to 10th I am having my Sem exams so next update will be only after my exams!

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