28. Repercussion

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Part - 28

"You Are Free To Make Whatever Choice You Want, But You Are Not Free From The Consequences Of The Choice"

(Mithra’s POV)

Now, Karthik & I are in the car heading back home. He seems happy & relaxed. He softly hums the song playing on the music system fixed in the car as he drives the car looking straight at the road ahead & I steal the opportunity to admire my man.

"As if you are seeing him for the time, Mithra?" I chide myself. Hey, c'mon, he is my husband so I guess I have the right to admire him, why even drool over him.

"What?" he asks suddenly turning to my side.

"Nothing. Just looking at you" I tell with a casual shrug.

"Pretty face huh?" he winks. I laugh.

"Indeed" I agree. He smiles & takes my hand in his from my lap to his mouth to kiss my knuckles.

"You seem so relaxed?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. I have you now in my life so I am relaxed."

"Aren't you nervous?"

"Why should I be?" he asks with a frown.

"About telling our marriage to our parents?" I ask. I am so nervous & scared too.

"Are you?" he asks instead of answering me.

"A little" I lie. I am terrified actually.

"Well, you should have thought about that last night. We are done with the action & now it's time to face the consequence"

"Hmm... they are gonna be so mad at us" I tell biting my lower lip.

"Of course they will be but they are our parents & they love us so they will understand us eventually." he tells. I nod. "But I want you to maintain your temper, Mithra. Don't argue with them, okay?" he warns me gently.

"Okay, I will keep my mouth shut & you convince them" he is my sweet boy who tackles every issue so easily with his sweet tendency. I suspect my parents love Karthik a bit more than they love me but definitely I am not complaining because I am being loved more by my Karthik.

“Mithra, we are here. Our parents will reach home from Pune this evening only so if you want you can stay with me or you can stay at your house." he says holding my house key.

"Hmm... I will go freshen up & come to your house by lunch time." I grab the key from his hold.

"Lunch time? It's just 7 am. What are you gonna do for the next 4 or 5 hours?"

“Karthik, you didn't sleep well last night so I want you to catch some sleep. I will keep myself occupied by watching TV or surfing so you don't worry about me." If I stay with him under one roof now I don't think he will get to sleep. I will either keep babbling or we will indugle in some sexual activities.

"You can watch TV in my room."

"No. I don't want to disturb you"

"Oh c'mon. You won't. Just freshen up and come"

"Alright. I will come but I will busy myself in kitchen. I will cook lunch for us" I offer smiling.

"Sure" he says smiling.

"But I will make only fried rice" I suck in cooking.

"Well, that's far better than your two minutes noodles" he teases me.

"Husband, noodles for dinner!" I wink and ruffle his hair with a wicked grin playing on my face while he looks horrified. Laughing, I jump out of the car & walk to my house.


I sneak into Karthik's bedroom & walk in tiptoes towards his bed. Aww... my poor darling is still sleeping. I took a short nap, freshened up, came to his house, prepared fried rice & set the table for us but still he is asleep. No problem. I will also give him company.

I gently get on the bed and scoot closer to him under the covers. I don't know why Karthik is sleeping covering his body from head to toe with the duvet. I ignore it and wrap my arm around his stomach from behind but a moment later my hand was rudely thrown by him. In that force I roll on the bed and fell down, hitting my almost healed hand hard on the floor & it starts aching again. "Ahhh" I scream bloody loud in pain.

"Hey, What happened?" Karthik asks me. A second later he's by my side kneeling down on the floor & tries to take my hand but I push him rudely with my other hand. How dare he push me & now acts as if he's concerned.

“Mithra, show me your hand? Did you hurt your hand again? But how?"

"How? You idiot! You only pushed me down from the bed when I laid down next to you" I accuse him.

"You pushed her?" he asks looking behind me. With whom he is talking? To the wall?

"And you laid down next to him? Don't you have eyes?" he asks me angrily.

"What the hell is going on? I should be the one shouting at you. Not you on me. You pushed me rudely & see I got my hand hurt. It's paining." I show him my hand & wail. Well it's not that painful and I am kinda overacting but he needs to know what he did is inexcusable. His eyes soften as he scans my hand but then he rudely turns my face to look at my back.

“Sanjeev!!" I shout. He is sitting on the edge of the bed clutching the duvet so close to his chest, looking scared, as if I had tried to rape him. Bloody bas***d! How dare he push me?

"You pushed me?" I ask him angrily as I stood up on my heels. " Wait! What the hell are you doing on Karthik's bed? Get down. Now!!" I shout & at the same time jump on the bed ready to punch hard on his face for pushing me but Karthik stops me in time. Karthik looks freshly showered so he must be in washroom & this idiot was sleeping on Karthik's bed covering his shit face.

"Hey, watch your hand" he reminds me.

"Then you hit him Karthik...hit him" I order but he hesitates and asks "Don't you have sense man? Why the hell you pushed her & hurt her?"

“Karthik, don't listen to this little devil... nothing happened to her... She is one manipulative monster... " And there lands a hard punch on his face. I don't know why Karthik hit him... for pushing me down or calling me devil... monster... but I am just happy he got what he well deserved.

"Don't you dare call my wife names ever, got it?" Karthik warns.

"What the f**k!" Sanjeev shouts making me jump back.

“Karthik, 100 rupees?" I ask Karthik for the F word Sanjeev used.

"Why the f**k I should pay you when this f**ker used the 'f**k' word?"

"But now you used the F word. Thrice!!" I state him innocently showing my index, middle & ring finger.

"You are a manipulative monster & I am not going to pay a single penny, you little devil" Karthik shouts at me.

"See, I rightly named her. EVen you used them now" Sanjeev pipes in. Karthik growls at him.

"He is my husband & he has the right to call me whatever he name comes to his mind but you don't, you got that, idiot?" I bark at him.

"Just for defending me I will pay you for the F word he used, baby" Karthik pecks my cheek. Haha! I have my ways to get the money but yeah, I meant what I said. Only Karthik has every right on me & no one else.

"You really married her, Karthik?" Sanjeev asks with ill concealed disgust.

"Yes" Karthik says softly.

"But why?" Sanjeev asks emotionally. Why he is getting so emotional now? As if Karthik is HIS boyfriend & he cheated on HIM by marrying me?

"How could you do this to me?" he sobs.

"Hey, stop your girly crying act... you are not his girlfriend who got ditched by him"

"I am talking to my friend so you just shut your mouth, you boneless chicken"

"What did you say, you mean mouthed nasty piece of shit?" I scream at him.

"Will you both stop your stupid fighting & shut your mouths?" Karthik shouts pulling his hair.

Both Sanjeev & I got scared & I crawl towards Sanjeev & hide my face behind his shoulders.

"Your husband is one angry asshole" Sanjeev whispers to me.

"You don't say that, pig" I say and smacked his head.

"Ouch" Sanjeev yelps.

Before Sanjeev could hit me, Karthik pushes him aside and sits in between us protecting me from him. After a minute of silence, Sanjeev & I lean closer to Karthik & rest our heads on his shoulder on either side. Karthik pushes Sanjeevs head away & I smirk. I like it, husband. You want only my... Before I finish my thought he pushes my head too off his shoulder making Sanjeev smirk in satisfaction.

What's wrong with this moron? Why he is always pissing me off? I have put my 'Mission Murder Moron Sanjeev' plan on hold when I met with that accident but now I guess I should start working on it again.

"Why are you friends with him, Karthik?" I ask softly.

"Why you married her, Karthik?" Sanjeev asks matching my tone.

"I swear I will kill you both if you dare utter a word" Karthik threatens though I know it was an empty threat. Karthik will never kill me. Hahaha... I laugh mentally at that thought.

Then my tummy starts growling. I am hungry so I gently sneak out of the bed but Karthik pulls my hand & stops me.

"Where are you going?" he asks. I remain silent.

"Where else? To gobble some food, right, hungry hippo?" Sanjeev asks me, smirking.

I take the bed side lamp & hand it to Karthik. He looks at me confused.

"You swore you will kill us if we dare utter a word & he did open his big mouth first so kill him. Knock this lamp on his head & finish him off" I say evilly.

"She is scary" Sanjeev whispers to Karthik & finally Karthik laughs. He looks adorable.

I scoot closer to him & kiss him hard on his cheek.

"Eewww..." why Karthik is making a disgusting sound? I pull myself away from him to see Sanjeev kissing his other cheek.

"Eewww..." I make a puking face.

"You are a Gay!" I declare loud & clear to Sanjeev & run down to have my lunch because I can't stand any more of his nonsense.


(Karthik’s POV)

"She is crazy, right?" Sanjeev laughs.

"She is" I agree with a chuckle. "But why you kissed me?" I ask in disgust.

"To irritate her"

"But why you often irritate her, Sanjeev?"

"For fun." he shrugs.

"Make your death wish, Sanjeev. She will surely kill you one day" I warn him.

"She is a pussy cat" he smirks arrogantly. Even he is so childish like Mithra. But that's what making me like them more.

"So?" he asks after few minutes of silence.

"What so?" I ask frowning.

"Did that girl force you to marry her?"

"Not really" she persisted me to make love to her but I cant say that to Sanjeev.

"Hmm... so when you both got married & where?"

"Well, we got married yesterday night in our apartment" I tell him.

"But why suddenly?"

"I don't know how to explain Sanjeev. I know it's all sudden but we felt that was the right time to... start over & ..."

"So everything over?" he asks grinning.

"What to you mean?" I feign innocence.

"Come on, don't bluff" he dashes his shoulder with mine.

"Stop it, man" I am not telling him about my cozy night with Mithra. That's my personal pleasurable life.

"Did your parents know?" he asks. I am glad he dropped that topic & moved to next one. "No. they are in Pune attending a wedding. Will come home this evening. Then only Mithra & I are planning to drop the bomb"

"Hmm... They missed their children's wedding while attending others." He laughs. "Anyways, congrats. Keep my little Sis happy" he hugs me slapping my back.

"Will do" I smile at him. How much ever he annoys Mithra, he truly loves & cares for her & even Mithra knows that.


"You both really got married?" Manohar uncle asks incredulously. None of them can believe we really got married. That's because of the way Mithra blurted out the news. "Hello everybody! Karthik & I got married last night. Now give us your blessings." they all thought it was a prank. Then I have to tell them what she said was true.

"Dad, you have asked the same question four times already" Mithra says losing her patience. I hold her hand & gently squeeze it to make her calm. Both our parents have just arrived from Pune & not even giving them a moment to relax Mithra foolishly blurted out the news & now they all are seated on the sofa in the state of shock, absolutely not expecting this move from us.

"What is this, Karthik? We didn't expect this from you" My dad, Mohan shakes his head in utter disappointment. Why they are all reacting this way? We didn't do any crime or something unforgivable.

"It's not like we are against your love and you felt the need to get married without our knowledge? We only wanted you to be happy so we got you engaged the day you both got back together & soon we thought of fixing your wedding... in fact it was you who postponed the wedding for six months but now?" he has a point. I only asked them to postpone my wedding with Mithra. I wanted Mithra to finish her exams, her graduation & give her a grand wedding... but I messed up everything now so they have the right to be disappointed on me.

"Dad, I am sorry."

"You both didn't feel it's necessary for your parents to be presented at your wedding & bless you?" Padmini aunty asks with teary eyes. I feel so bad for her, for our parents.

"Aunty, I am sorry" I tell her sincerely. "We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. We just thought that was the right time to rectify the mess we created. We were behaving like immature adolescents all the while not taking our lives seriously but only now we have started to act our age, I guess" I say looking no one in particular.

"This is also an immature move, Karthik" my dad snarls, angrily. He is really pissed at us... no only on me. Mithra is his darling baby girl. His best friend's daughter is above his own son. He will never scold her or blame her so I should suck up all the blames and wrath and I am okay with that.

"Uncle, there is no need to take that tone on Karthik." Mithra jumps in to defend me.

“Mithra..." I shake my head indicating not to argue or fight with them. They are our parents & they should be respected. "Then what, Karthik? We didn't do any crime. We love each other madly & in the heights of madness we decided to get married & start our life afresh... but they are blowing this simple thing and creating a huge fuss" though she is right she needs to cut her snarky attitude & be little more polite when she talks with elders.

"Just shut up, Mithra" I whisper. She is blowing up the situation.

She opens her mouth to say something to me but refrains herself from commenting & sits next to me with her head held down.

"Marriage is not a child play. So many rituals are associated with it but you didn't do any of that" Manohar uncle states.

"Dad, last time when you got us married we did all the rituals but still were it got us to? We got divorced..." why don't she f**king shut her mouth?

“Mithra, this is not the way to talk to your father" I warn her softly. She is stepping out of her limit. She might be right at the place where she stands but I don't want her to argue with our parents & hurt them more than we have already hurt them.

“Karthik, they should understand us & just feel happy for us" she f**king argues. Why can't she plaster her mouth with a tape for a while? I am so tempted to do that.

"Baby, please" I should not lose my temper.

"I'm sorry" she whispers back & looks down at her knotted fingers. I am just glad that finally she shuts her mouth.

"I never thought you will be so irresponsible..." My dad continues his rant on me & I bow my head dow & take all his scoldings, holding Mithra's hand tightly to stop her from bursting out again. Finally having enough my mom intervenes "Enough, Mohan. They are kids. Kids do mistakes & we elders should know to forgive them" I shoot a grateful look to my mom & she smiles at me. "Sorry, Mom" I mouth at her. She nods.

"Radha, I agree Mithra is an innocent baby but Karthik? he is grown up enough to take right decisions" So it's not only me who still thinks Mithra as a baby.

“Mithra is not a baby. I know she is behind all this drama" Padmini aunty says matter of fact.

"Mom" Mithra whines.

"Mom, we didn't plan anything... it just happened & we are really happy with our decision. We don't regret what we did but we just feel sorry for doing it without letting you all know & not in your presence" I calmly tell my mom as she seems the only rational person here to understand & support us.

"You don't have to explain me, Karthik. I can understand" she is so sweet.

"Thanks, mom" I smile at her & she smiles back.

"Just get married again for our happiness" she says. I expected this from her. She will never miss seeing her only son's marriage.

"Okay" Mithra jumps in excitedly. I nod agreeing with her. I just want to satisfy our parents wish too.

"Then we will keep this so called marriage of yours under wrap. I don't want the society to talk nonsense" Dad agrees to mom's decision but with a condition.

"Dad, we acknowledge & value our marriage so don't mock it & I don't give a fu... I mean I don't care what this so called society talks about." I never use cuss words in front of my parents so I held my tongue from spilling out the word 'f**k'. Mithra seems disappointed for not getting 100 rupees. She never fails to amuse me. Even when we are in the heights of passion or in the middle of an argument, she very keenly asks me the penance.

"We don't have any objection in getting married again but it's just to please you all as we do respect your feelings & want to be blessed by you all" I tell them sincerely.

Then my dad & Manohar uncle starts discussing about something serious. Maybe discussing about our official wedding.

Mithra is getting scoldings from her mother.

"You are a fool, Karthik..." My mom whispers sitting next to me. I look at her confused "you could have just hid your marriage from us & pretended as if nothing happened"

"Mom but..."

"If you had done that you wouldn't have got unnecessary spiteful lash from your dad" she chides me. I look at her in shock.

"In spite of saying all that I am really glad you both honestly told everything when you guys had the chance to hide it from us." My mom is so wonderful. She never holds grudge or hatred on anyone. She rarely loses her temper & gets angry. I guess I am taken after her.

"Dad is really mad at me, mom" I tell worried.

"I don't know why your dad is taking too much footage in this episode. When it comes to ranting you he will be the first person in the queue but you don't worry my baby... I am here for you & I will make him understand things." I am seeing my dad this mad at me after so many year. Lastly we had a huge row when I refused to go to Singapore to take over the company there as soon as I completed my college education, not even letting me to enjoy my youth life but at the end I agreed to his wish.

"I love you, mom" I smile at her & she strokes my cheek with her fingers lovingly with a happy smile on her face.

"Coming Monday Mithra's final exams are starting..." Manohar uncle starts.

"Then we will have the marriage this Sunday" Mithra cuts him off. God! She is messing things again!

"Show some shame, Mithra" Padmini aunty chides. My mom giggles. I press my lips from laughing.

"After she's done with her exams, we will have the official wedding" my dad says dryly.

"No!" Both father & daughter shouts at the same time.

"Yes, dad, tell uncle to keep the wedding soon" she is so desperate. Mithra is never known for patience.

"No! I was coming to say we will have the marriage once she gets her final exam results. If she keeps any arrears, the marriage will get postponed till she clears all the papers and successfully gets graduated."

"This is cruel" Mithra says in frustration.

"Hey! Cool. I know you are a bright student so you will pass with flying colors so don't worry..."

"No! It's not about passing my exams but the waiting. I don't think I can stay away from you" she argues in a mere whisper. Stay away? She is stay right next to my house? We can easily jump from one house to other through our balcony or terrace. We still can have naughty time.

"Why are you doing this?" she asks her dad.

"If you argue with me Mithra I will postpone your wedding further. I will get you married to Karthik only after you work in our company for a year or two"

Just f**king agree with them Mithra!

"You can't threaten me, dad! It's not fair" she shouts.

"You can't talk to me like that, Mithra" he warns

"Okay fine! We will get married whenever you want us to but I am moving in with Karthik" this idea of hers is so appealing to me. We both can move out and stay together in our apartment.

"No!" there comes another 'No'. I sigh tiredly.

“Mithra, you are staying with us. We know to give your hand to Karthik at the right time, till then be patient" Uncle says.

"Why you all are hell bent to split us?" she asks pissed, throwing her hands in air. I hear my parents chuckle.

Both Manohar uncle & Padmini aunty closed their eyes in embarrassment.

Poor parents got a crazy daughter!

“Mithra... Sit" I pull her down to the sofa.

"This is not fair, Karthik. They are deliberately doing this to get back on us for what we did." she blasts.

Does she means to say our parents are punishing us for what we did? No! I won't agree with her. They will never do that. They are just going with their initial plan. A grand wedding plan!

"Hush!" I silence her. "We will do as they say & that's final" I tell her sternly. I don't want anymore arguments. She bites her lips & stares at me for a moment then shouts a "OKAY!!!" & marches out of my house. She has a hot temper! And I f**king love her this way!

... To be continued!!!



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