32. Live Together! Love Forever!

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Part – 32

"Marriage Does Not Guarantee You Will Be Together Forever, It's Only Paper. It Takes Love, Respect, Trust, Understanding, Friendship And Faith In Your Relationship To Make It Last!"

(Mithra's POV)

"Come on, my slave, help me pack my bags" I order Sanjeev.

"Why? Are you going to elope with your secret lover? If so then I would thank the lord because it would save my best friend from his misery" he comments. Tara giggles. I glare at Tara who quickly hides her face behind a magazine she's holding in her hand.

"What nonsense? Karthik asked me to start packing my luggage as we will be leaving for our honeymoon in two days." I say slightly blushing.

"Where? Where he is taking you? Do you know?" Sanjeev asks me lounging on the couch.

"No! I don't know. I thought he would have told you?" I ask shooting my eyebrow up.

"Well, he would have told me if had hang out with him but you didn't let me spend a minute with my friend?" he grumbles.

"Did you forget? You are my slave & only tomorrow, just a moment before my wedding you will be released..."

"Then Karthik will be your slave, forever" he laughs. Tara joins him, laughing. I kick his leg and slap her arm.

"Tara! You are my friend" I remind her. She presses her lips to compose herself.

"You know, I laughed my ass off when you sang 'Tujh Mein Rab dikhta hai' (I see God in you) song (From Rabne Bana di Jodi movie) for Karthik in your Sangeet function" Sanjeev says laughing.

"Of course, he is. He is my lord, my savior, my protector, my love, my life... you understand that, moron?" I ask. He nods his head and quietly he helps me in folding the cloths.

"Mujh mein kya dikta hai? (What you see in me?)" Sanjeev asks blinking his eyes, acting like an innocent kid.

"Bulldog!" I say smirking.

"Rightly said, Mithra" Tara and I hi-fied. Sanjeev makes a face.

"You know what, Mithra? My heart melted when Karthik sang 'Tum hi ho, ab tum hi ho, meri zindagi ab tum hi ho' song for you. It was so melodious & touching. His love for you was so palpable in his eyes when he sung that song. Aww... for a minute I wished I was Mithra" Tara envied. But she is right. Karthik didn't take his eyes off of me while he sang and that made me feel like I was the only one in his world.

"Tara! Back to earth" I waved my hand in front of her face. "Dream on your boyfriend, not on my husband" I warn her.

"Okay Chill" she grins. She better know how possessive I am for my Karthik and dare not think of him.

"Even if he hadn't expressed his love through that song, we already know you are his zindagi (life)" Sanjeev states. I smile agreeing.

"I really enjoyed this evening" I tell them. Mom-dad, Uncle-aunty and all our friends dancing to 'I to go crazy te jab vajde Punjabi wedding' song & enjoying themselves really made me & Karthik happy. We would have missed all the fun if we hadn't agreed to marry again for our parents' satisfaction.

"God! I can't wait for the wedding" I groan loudly.

"Just one night Mithra." Tara consoles me.

"Yeah, I know" I sigh.

"Okay, we will leave you to sleep. Take rest. You will need your energy tomorrow" Tara whispers & winks at me. I slap her arm playfully. Then she walks out & Sanjeev follows but stops & turns to me.

"What?" I ask smiling. I am smiling because he's smiling at me so lovingly. How much ever we fight & eat each other's brain I know he treats me like his own sister & cares for me so dearly & I love him like my brother too.

"I am so happy my best friend is marrying my little sister. Just make sure you make him happy because he only knows to love others but not himself so you better pour all your love & make him feel cherished" Sanjeev says caressing my head & then kisses my temple affectionately.

"I know, Sanjeev. I promise I will never let Karthik regret the decision of giving me a second chance & marrying me"

"That's like my little devil" he chuckles. I push him out of my room and slam the door right on his face for calling me devil.


I launch myself on my bed with my mobile in my hand to make a call to my darling.

"Hello, Honey!" I hear Karthik chuckling hearing me call him 'honey'

"Yes, baby" he says and I can sense his smile.

"What doing?"

"Just now came out of the shower"

"Can I come & wipe your body with a towel?" I asks blushing, getting excited. Karthik's wet body will set my body on fire.

"You have a one track mind, Mithra?" he laughs.

"Who is saying that?" I ask shooting my eyebrow up. "You never leave a chance to kiss me"

"You can't blame me. Your lips are so sweet like strawberry & you know I love strawberries"

"And you love me too"

"That I do" he says softly. "So what you are doing?"

"Me? Applying balm to my legs. It's paining with all the dancing"

"Then take rest baby" he says.

"Wait!" I didn't let him cut the call.


"I made all my packing for our trip" I tell him.


"Um...are you going to give me a hint about where we are going for our honeymoon?" I ask him getting pissed.

"No, Sweetie! It's a surprise so you have to wait to know"

"Okay! Fine" I grumble. He chuckles.

"Karthik, I am nervous"

"Why, baby?" he asks concerned.

"Um... I... er..."

"Tell me, Mithra?" he insists. I don't know how to tell him my worries. "You want me to come to your room?" he asks

"No!" I shout & look at the wall clock in my room. It's already way past midnight. "We are not supposed to see each other before wedding."

"Yeah, I know. Mom told it's inauspicious for the bride & groom to meet before wedding and only in the altar we can see" he says with a huge sigh.

"Now tell why you are nervous?" he asks.

"Karthik? You know I will never hurt you, not even in my dreams, right?" I ask.

"Yes, baby"

"You know I love you so much, right?"

"Yes, baby"

"You know I will give my life for you if needed, right?"

"Yes, baby"

"You know..."

"Mithra, stop. Just tell me what's bothering you?" he asks.

"I don't know... My mom, dad, well, practically everyone is advising me to keep you happy which I fully intend to but I am scared. What if I fail them? What if I fail you?"

"You will never fail me." he says softly but sincerely. "Besides, just having you by my side will make me happy"

"I might do something stupid & end up hurting you..."

"Still I will love you, unconditionally, so stop worrying" he says cutting me off. A smile breaks on my face hearing him say that.

"Now wipe off those unwelcoming tears & go to sleep, baby" he says. I wonder how he knows I am crying.

I nod.

"Don't nod your head. We are on phone conversation, Mithu. Talk!" he chides me.

"When you can hear my unsaid words and say every move of mine even without seeing me why should I talk?" I ask & hear his laugh. It's such a magical sound.

"Because I want to hear your sweet voice, baby" he says and now it's my turn to laugh.

"I love that sound"

I blush

"Stop blushing and go sleep'

"You know me so well"

"Yes, baby"

"You know..."

"Don't start again, Mithra. Hang up & sleep" he orders.

"Yes, Sir" I say disarming him.

"Love you, baby"

"Love you, honey" I giggle before hanging up.


(Wedding day)

"God! Why this lehenga is so heavy. I can't even walk properly wearing this. Pray, I won't trip & fall down in the altar while taking the pheras" I groan & pace in my room holding up my heavy wine red lehenga with gold beads & embroideries with both my hands showing my pale calves.

"Mithra, stop cribbing" my mom chides me

"Mom, I am not cribbing. Seriously, all these ornaments, heavy cloths and this stupid veil over my head...ugh! Everything is suffocating me. I wish I could wear a shirt & jeans & walk down to the altar with easy grace"

"Oh baby, you look beautiful in your wedding costume" Mom says caressing my head.

"Really?" I beam at her forgetting all my discomfort. "Karthik will like me in this costume, right?"

"He will" I hear Radha aunt's voice. I turn back to see her walking into my room with a velvet box in her hand.

"Auntie" I smile & hug her.

"Here. This is for you" she says & reveals a beautiful necklace of diamond & ruby stones.

"Wow!" that's all I could utter seeing the stunning necklace.

"You like it?" Radha auntie asks me excitedly.

"I love it. It's so beautiful. Thank you" I smile widely. I see my mom is also admiring the beauty of the necklace.

"Thank your Karthik. It's his small wedding present" she says.

"Oh" I blush.

"Come, I will help you wear this" My mom says. I nod & turn my back to her. The necklace goes perfect with my red lehenga.


(Karthik's POV)

The day is dragging & I am losing my patience. I want to see my Mithra, my beautiful wife & make her my wife once again. I know my mom & her mom are helping her get ready, upstairs. Wish I could meet her once before our wedding but I am forbidden to enter her room.

I hope she likes the necklace. I have custom made it for her. My wife deserves the best in everything.

Ah! I am so eager to see her in her bridal dress. I just hope it nothing heave & over the top that will swamp my petite & delicate Mithra. But I know she will look beautiful to me even wearing a sack.

Sanjeev seems to find my impatience and bubbling excitement amusing, & keeps goofing around me saying stupid things which just irritates the f**k out of me.

"It's not too late to change your mind, Karthik. Just say 'No' to the marriage & I'll whisk you away from here" he jokes.

"f**k off, Sanjeev"

"Maybe your little devil will change her mind and run away from the altar" he jokes again.

I glare at him, murderously.

"I think that's enough joking, Sanjeev." I warn him. I know Mithra is all mine but still I couldn't help but worry that I might lose her through the tip of my fingers.

"Chill dude!" he says patting my back.

"Karthik?" Nisha calls me.

"Yeah!" I nod at her.

"You look dashing in this Shervani" she winks at me. I smile. I'm wearing a royal blue sherwani.

"Well, Panditji is calling you. Come" she informs & walks ahead of me.

Uff! Finally, my wait is over.

I find my dad, Manohar uncle & Padmini aunty already there in the altar waiting for me. My mom must be with Mithra in her room.

Padmini aunty smiles at me brightly as she caressed my head, affectionately. I smile back at her.

"You are looking so handsome, young man" Manohar uncle pats my shoulder. My dad smiles proudly.

"My daughter is so lucky. We will be forever indebted to you for giving my baby girl a second chance & making her happy by marrying her." Manohar uncle says emotionally. I notice Padmini aunty dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief. She is crying. Happy tears I presume.

"Uncle, you got it the other way. I am the lucky one here. I got something so precious that I thought I lost forever." I tell with a smile. My life would have been lifeless if I hadn't got my baby brat back in my life.


After rambling few incoherent mantras, the priest announces to bring the bride to the altar.

Mithra is about to make her entrance!

We are about to get married!

She is officially going to be mine!

I take a deep breath & turn to see her walking down the stairs with my mother & our friends Tara, Deepa & Ria walking behind her, giggling. Nisha & Sanjeev are standing near the altar. Mithra has her head cast down but I can see the hue of blush creeping up her cheeks, clearly.

"Oh my Mithra" I whisper and she looks up at me as if hearing my whispered words.

Oh my my! Mithra is a vision of loveliness. She is looking beautiful, so amazingly beautiful but she looks little nervous & anxious. I know why she is so. She is waiting for my approval.

I dazzle a smile letting her know I am happy with what I am seeing. She visibly relaxes & smiles back showing her pearl white teeth.

When Mithra reaches the altar I help her to sit down beside me.

"You look breathtakingly beautiful, Mithra" I whisper near her ear.

"So you do, Karthik" she says shyly. Shy and blushing Mithra is something to hold. I am fighting the urge to kiss her right now, right here in front of the throng of guests.


After performing few more rituals together, we are asked to stand up to take saath pheras (7 circles around the pious fire). The first four rounds I lead the way to Mithra & the next three rounds she leads me, holding each other's hand. Then the priest asks me to put sindoor (vermillion) on her forehead marking her as mine & knot the mangalsutr (nuptial chain) around Mithra's neck. Though we have done all these things already when we got forcefully married for the first time & when we privately got married in our apartment, still this moment is so fascinating & heart touching and I will cherish this moment, forever.

I take the nuptial chain firmly in my hands from the priest's hands & turn to face Mithra. When I take my hands forward to her neck, she slowly lifts her head up and meets my eyes.

"From this moment I bind our hearts & souls together" I whisper & hook the chain around her neck. She gives me a heart melting smile. Then I take a pinch of sindoor between my thumb & forefinger & with my other hand, I gently take her head set making way for me to place the vermillion on the partition of her head.

Once I am done placing the sindoor, I cup her face with my palm and wipe off her pearl like tear drop with my thumb.

"I promise to love you & cherish you so dearly & deeply in my heart. I will protect you in the shelter of my arms. I will always respect you & keep up with you hopes & dreams. Above all I will be your faithful partner!" I vow to her earnestly.

"I will annoy you till you go insane... irritate you till you bang your head on the wall... and fight with you for every stupid thing... but then I will also love you unconditionally, Karthik. I will devote my life to you. I will be with you in your good times & bad. I will share your happiness & sorrow. And I hope & pray we live together & love forever!" she promises back making me smile widely. She made me the happiest man alive by saying those sweet promises.

"I love you" I whisper to her.

"I love you more" she says making me chuckle.

"Karthik, man, finally you are trapped!" Sanjeev roars making others giggle & laugh but neither Mithra nor I found it funny.

"Karthik, I am so happy for you & Mithra" Nisha say giving me a side hug & pecks on my cheek.

"Thanks, Nishu" I smile. Soon all our friends & family start showering their best wishes & blessings on us.

My Mom hugs me & cries emotionally. "Mom, please don't cry" I hold her tightly in my arms and kiss her head

"I am so happy for you, baby." she smiles at me.

"I know, mom. Even I am happy"

"You deserve to be. I only want you & Mithra to be happy all your life & also make us even happier by giving me my grand children soon" she grins.

"Mom! Mithra & I just got married & we are still young, well at least Mithra is so young. She is just 21 years old. She has dreams. She wanted to pursue her higher studies, get a good job... Well, we will think about kids when she is ready. Till then have some patience" I gently tell her. She pouts.

"Okay, take it slow. But make sure your love keeps growing if not her tummy" my mom says with a wink.

"Mom, you are crazy" I laugh & hug her again. After a beat, Mom releases herself from my hold and moves towards Mithra who is chatting with her friend Tara. My mom hugs her and whispers something near her ear making her blush profusely. I guess she has made some cheesy remark. For God sake! You are not a giggling & teasing school girl, please act your age mom.

"Karthik..." Mithra whispers my name, once we are left alone. I turn to her & raise my eyebrows questioningly. She doesn't reply me but holds my jaw firmly with her fingers & with her forefinger she wipes my cheek.

"What?" I ask puzzled.

"That... Kiss... Her lipstick mark..." she says hesitantly. Oh! She is referring to Nisha's friendly peck on my cheek.

"Oh my possessive, B.I.W.I" I drawl. "That was just a peck. Not a kiss" I tell her, smiling. She shakes her head disagreeing with me.

"You are mine, Karthik. I won't tolerate anyone kissing you or you kissing anyone but me so don't let that happen again" she says in a warning tone. I laugh & pull her in my arms & steal a quick kiss from her.

... To be continued!!!



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