35. Get Together!!!

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Part - 35

"Families That Play Together Stay Together"

Karthik's POV

After two weeks of blissful honeymoon in Ireland, we are back to Mumbai. Mithra slept the whole flight journey but I didn't get much sleep. Even now in car, she is sleeping like a baby, placing her head on my lap & curled up small on the rear seat. I smile looking down at her & smooth her hair with my fingers.

"Baby, wake up. We are here." I gently shake her shoulder.

"Hmm..." She moans.

"Mithra, wake up"

"Hmm... No! I am tired. Let me sleep, Karthik" she says sleepily & buries her face in my stomach. God! I am too tired to carry her & walk but I guess I don't have any other go. I sigh & ask my driver to bring the luggage & I step out of the car before leaning in & picking up my baby brat in my arms.

"Hey!" She shrieks & holds my shoulders tightly. "Don't put me down. Careful, okay?" she warns me.

"If you are awake why don't you walk on your own?" I ask, half deciding to drop her down.

"Karthik, I am tired." She says & pecks on my lips. Even I am hell tired so get down & walk woman. I wanted scream but I didn't.

"You are getting heavy" I tell her, softly.

"What?" She jerks her head off my chest to face me.

"Yes" I bounce her in my arms twice showing her how heavy she weighs.

"Put me down! Put me down, now" she says. With huge relief, I set her down on her feet. She pushes my chest & takes two steps away from me.


"Am I fat?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest & leaning her back on the mirrored elevator wall. I press the button for our floor & look at her.

"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean by 'you are getting heavy'? You think I am fat, Karthik?" She asks angrily. Have I offended her? I should handle this issue tactfully.

"No, baby, you are not fat. You look perfect..."

"Wasn't I perfect before that you find me perfect now?"

"No, I didn't mean like that... Well, um, you were so lean before with flat tits & butt... but now you are so full & curvy... I like the way how you look now more than before" I say eying her boobies. She hides her possessions with her arms.

"You are covering as if I haven't seen that before" I smirk.

"Pervert!" She snaps at me.

"What? Me?"

"Yes, you! Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!" She shouts.

"Then let me show what this pervert can do" I pull her & throw her over my shoulder as I step out of the elevator.

"Put me down!" She struggles. I swat hard on her delectable derriere to shut her screams. I don't want our neighbors to hear us.

She yelps but stops struggling.

Once I enter our apartment, I let her down and slam her body against the door closing it & kiss her roughly, showing her how a 'pervert' I can behave.

Gah! This girl is still in her sleepy mode, not at all responding to my kiss.

I yank her ponytail harshly, well not too harsh as I never will hurt my baby... well, pull her ponytail to bring her face up to meet my lips & I slow down the pace & kiss her tenderly but still she doesn't respond. What's wrong with my nymphomanic biwi?

"Get off me" She pushes me hard & quickly opening the main door she runs out. Is she gone mad?

I peep out to see her dragging our luggage sitting alone on the floor outside our apartment door. The car driver must have dropped the bags out.

"What if someone takes our bags?" Mithra asks dragging the trolley & other bags all by herself. She is unbelievable!

"Give me. I will take this" I say & take the handbag from her.

Once we bring in all our bags, I shut the apartment door & launch myself on the couch. Mithra snuggles next to me.

"Tomorrow we are going to my parents place for lunch" I inform Mithra with my eyes closed.


"My mom called me when you were sleeping in the car & invited us for lunch. I agreed to join them. Your parents will also be there"

"Hmm... okay" she says sleepily.

"Come, let's go to bed" I take her hand. She looks at me horrified. I chuckle.

"Don't worry! We are not going to do anything naughty, just going to sleep" I tell her grinning. She smiles & stands up from the couch.

"Hey! This way" I hold her & drag her to my room.

"No, this way" she pulls me to her room.

"Baby, what's this game? We share my room, right?" I ask her tiredly.

"Today, I wanna sleep in my room, so come this way"



"No, Mithra. Let's not argue over this silly issue. I am really tired. Come to my room and we will sleep"

"No. I won't"

Why is she always stubborn?

"I can't sleep with all your soft toys stuffed in your bed. I won't get any place" I try to make her see reasons.

"Then I won't sleep with you too" she pouts.

"You prefer your soft toys over me?"


"Are they cuddly enough than me?"


"Then fine, baby"

She beams thinking I am agreeing to her demand

"You can sleep in your room and I in mine"

I kiss her lips & run to my room not before hearing her scream "I will kick your ass if you come near me again"


After taking a quick shower, I put on my track pants & T-shirt and lay on my bed but I couldn't sleep. I miss my wife.

I walk out of my room to check on her.

"Baby?" I knock her bedroom door softly not wanting to wake her up if she has already fallen asleep.

"I am sleeping. You too go & sleep. Good night" I hear her voice.

"Will you let me in to kiss you good night?" I ask.

"No good night kiss. Get lost!" she shouts. I chuckle & went back to my room letting the door unlocked. My baby brat might come to my room in her mid-sleep.

After few minutes, my bed dips as Mithra gets on the bed and crawls under the duvet, snuggling closer to me. Ah! I was right! She came to me.

"I will kick you if you come near to me" I throw her own words back at her.

"Shut up, Karthik" she swats my arm playfully & hugs me. I chuckle & wrap my arms around her. Hmm... She surely is softer than her soft toys!!

"So good night kiss?" I ask. She tilts her head a bit for me to kiss her lips. Then we kiss each other briefly before falling asleep.


"Karthik, wake up. We have to go & meet our parents" she says sleepily shaking me.

"Hmm..." I fight to open my eyes.


"Hey! You go get ready first, till then I will sleep"

"But breakfast?"

Gah! This girl is waking me up to cook breakfast for her.

"Cornflakes for breakfast"

"I want Aloo paratha" she demands, forcefully making me sit upright on the bed.

"Then you go make it" I tell & flop back on the bed. I am not giving up my sleep.

"But I don't know to make parathas. You make for us"

"Tomorrow I will do, baby. Today adjust with cornflakes."

My dear sleep, please don't leave me. Stay with me for some more time!

"No! I want to eat now. Enough of your sleeping, now you get up & cook"

"Morning morning you started your tantrum, baby brat" I grumble.

"So it's true?" she mumbles.

"What's true?"

"Marriage kills love" she says in a sad tone.


"Then what? You are starting to get irritated of me so easily. You are not doing anything for me. You didn't want to sleep with me in my room... You said I was getting heavy...You are a bad husband... I will complain to your parents that you are making me starve..."

"Oye! Nautanki! Stop your drama" I place my finger on her lips to shut her bak-bak.

"Don't touch me" she swats my hand away. "I am not going to talk with you"

"Please do that, sweetie" I smile & peck her lips.

"Ahhh... I hate you!" She screams & jumps out of the bed, heading to the washroom.


A minute later she walks out of the washroom wiping her face with a towel. She just washed her face & brushed her teeth I guess. Then she throws the towel at me which I catch effortlessly & throw back at her, effectively. Glaring at me for one last time, she walks out of our bedroom. Is she really starving? I discard the duvet on the bed & clamber out of it to see what Mithra is doing?

"Good morning" I say. She glares at me & starts pouring milk on the bowl of cornflakes.

"Baby, you don't have to eat that. I will make parathas for you as you wished to eat"

"No, thanks!" She growls. I chuckle.

I start preparing parathas after washing my hands & face to feel fresh. Within few minutes, she finishes her breakfast ignoring me completely and drops the bowl in the sink with loud clatter.

"If you drop like that you will break it"

"I don't care. You just replace it if it gets broken" she says with a casual shrug. I just smirk at her & continue kneading dough. She makes herself a cup of coffee & heads to the living room.


After making piping hot aloo parathas, I walk to the living room to eat them with my angry bird.

"Eat" I offer a plate of food to her.

"I had my breakfast" she says not looking at me but the TV screen.

"Okay" I shrug. I sit next to her on the couch and start eating.

"Hmm... It's yummy" I say taking the first bite. She ignores me or tried to ignore me. I know she is tempted to taste it.

"Karthik, man, kiss the back of your hand. You excelled today in making parathas. Mithra, do you think I should start a restaurant?" I ask, sweetly. She looks at me, then at my plate & back at me.

"Here" she asks. I smile & pass my plate to her. She takes a small piece and tests the taste of the food.

"No, Karthik... you shouldn't go for hotel business" she says seriously & takes another piece before popping it into her mouth.

"Why?" I ask disappointed.

"You are too good in cooking & I want you to cook only for me, Okay?" she asks & snatches the plate from my hand. I laugh & kiss her cheek. She smiles & feeds me a piece of paratha before emptying the plate all by herself. I just sit & watch her eat heartily.


Now, we are at our parents place. Mithra's parents are also here.

"Hey, Guys!" Sanjeev & Deepa pays us a surprise visit.

"Hey!" I smile at them & gesture them to sit next to Mithra & I on the couch.

"Hi, Leech-baby" Sanjeev teases her, obviously seeing her sticking close to me like a leech. Mithra snorts at him.

"So how was your honeymoon?" Sanjeev asks, cheekily. "Hope you had fun" he winks.

"Awesome! Yes, we had a great time." Mithra says and gives me a quick peck on my cheek.

"Karthik, first tell us, where you took Mithra for your honeymoon?" my mom asks. Yeah, I didn't tell anyone, not even my mom about the honeymoon destination. We spent two weeks in Ireland & we contacted our parents but still we didn't tell where we were.

"Ireland" Mithra jumps in before I could answer.

"Oh aunty, you & uncle should definitely go visit Ireland. It's such a beautiful place encompassed with so many stunning castles." she says excitedly. "Mom, dad, you two should go too." she says to her parents.

"Mohan, next time we will go to Ireland?" My mom, Radha asks my dad.

"Next time? You both have gone somewhere when we were away?" I ask my mom.

"Yep!" my mom grins.

"Where?" I ask surprised that they didn't tell me about their trip.

"Switzerland!" my mom says & beams at us.

"Oh really" I am shocked. My parents went to Swiss? Wow, such a romantic place which I missed to take my wife. I envy my dad for being so romantic.

"When you two went there?" I ask still finding it hard to believe my parents went to Swiss when I foolishly missed that place to pick that place to spend our honey moon... Well I know why I took Mithra to Ireland, I wanted to show castles to her as promised but still we could have gone to Switzerland from Ireland instead of spending two weeks in one place. But still we enjoyed a lot. Mainly the indoors rather than the outdoors... As we put use of every available surface in our honeymoon suite to make love.

"Two days after you left for your honeymoon we went to Swiss & returned home just two days back" dad replies. I nod my head. Ten days in Swiss is too much for them. What they would have possibly done there?

"So where are my Swiss chocolates?" Mithra asks.

"I have got lots of chocolates for you, baby girl. We have kept them in the fridge" My dad says smiling at Mithra.

"Love you, uncle" she throws a flying kiss to my dad before running to the kitchen to get her chocolates.

"Karthik, here" Mithra puts a chocolate bar into my mouth & I nibble it.

"You like it?" she asks as she takes a bite.

"Yeah, baby" I nod & lean back on the sofa resting my hand on Mithra's shoulder.

"Karthik..." She calls me in a whisper. I turn to look at her.

"I think we will have a 'Little Karthik' running around our house soon" she says with a cheeky grin

"What?" I ask with a confused frown. Little Karthik?

"BABY?" I shout.

"What?" Mithra's dad asks when I shriek suddenly. My parents look at me, curiously.

"Um... I... It's nothing. Just excuse us for a minute. Baby, come with me" I grab Mithra's hand & take her to our room.

"What were you saying?"

"I think you will soon have your little brother" she beams.

"Little brother?" I thought I will be having my son soon but what nonsense she is talking about?

"You know... um..." she blushes.

"What?" I ask, frowning.

"Your parents had their second honeymoon so you could expect a little you from them, right?"

"Gah! After all these years?" I shake my head in disapproval.

"Why?" she asks.

I don't want a little brother. I am very possessive of my parents and I won't share them. Oh and I want to be their only child. To the max I can accept them considering Mithra as their own daughter. That's all.

"Don't be silly. Every year they go on vacation but this time their choice of place really surprised me. My parents are incurable romantics"

"My parents are incurable crazies" Mithra says & laughs.

"For a moment I thought you were pregnant" I pull her in my arms & nuzzle her hair.

We have decided to have a kid, at least, after a year or two as we want to have some 'adult time', which is so f**king awesome between us, before taking the responsibility of growing a baby and that's why we are pretty careful while we have sex but sometimes in the heat of the moment, I would forget to use protection which I guess Mithra liked as she felt it so pleasurable.

"Nope!" she says and pouts.

"We will have a baby when the right time comes" I console her. I secretly know she is desperate to have a baby. Maybe I should let the nature takes care of it.

"A baby? Not like us... An only child! I want at least four kids"

"Four?" I guess my eyes popped out of the sockets.


"We will think about that later. Now, Come lets join them" I kiss her lips briefly & take her hand & we walk downstairs to join our family for lunch.


By evening Mithra's friend Tara visits us along with her boyfriend Sunny / Sunil. We are in our room chatting with our friends.

"Mithra, you look so different. Your face is glowing" I hear her friend Tara gushing.

"I am so happy, Tara" Mithra says & entwines her fingers with mine. I smile at her.

"Hey! We got you all gifts" Mithra announces & went to bring the gift bags. She has already given our parents their gifts. Irish Traditional jewelry set for our mothers, knit sweaters, coolers & shirts for our fathers. She even got me so many shirts and jeans and shopped so many dresses and shoes for herself.

"This is for you, Deeps" Mithra hands Deepa a gift wrapped box.

"Wow! Pretty dress. Thanks, Mithra"

"Thank, Karthik, Deeps. I am sure she swiped his credit card" Sanjeev smirks.

I maintain a dignified silence. Of course, I paid for all the shopping Mithra had done.

"But I guess this dress won't fit, Deeps. It's too small" Sanjeev says casually making deepa mad. Haha... He is screwed! I chuckle.

"What do you mean it won't fit me? Am I too fat" she asks giving him a death glare. Why do girls get offended when we state the fact? Even yesterday night Mithra fought with me when I casually mentioned she was getting heavy. But that doesn't mean I love her any less. I guess Sanjeev would feel the same way for his girl.

"Baby, I... I didn't..."

"Am I too fat?" she asks again.

"Fat... er... but not too" he says, his voice cracks.

"Karthik, Sunny, honestly tell me guys, am I looking fat?" Deepa asks.

Dare we mess with these crazy girls? They can turn real ugly & bitchy.

"No!" Sunny & I say in unison.

"You look perfect" I comment. "Yes, gorgeous" Sunny takes Deepa's hand & kisses it making her blush. Sanjeev fists his hand ready to punch him & Tara fumes seeing her fiancé kissing other girl's hand. Mithra giggles.

"Okay, guys. Chill! No fighting!" I say. They agreed.

"Sanjeev, this is for you" Mithra hands him a scent bottle.

"Right gift, Mithra. He surely needs that perfume as he stinks to high heaven" Deepa says making a disgusted face. Ah, she took her revenge on him.

"No, Deeps, that's a wrong gift. This lazy idiot with never bath but just scent his body" I say faking a horrified look. Sanjeev scowls at me and the girls giggle.

Then Mithra gives Tara a dress & Sunny a suit which they both liked I guess because they are smiling widely.

"Guys, shall we watch some movie?" Tara asks to kill some time.

"Okay" we all agree.

"What you wanna watch, Tara?" I ask her because she was the one who suggested the movie idea.

"Horror!" Mithra beats her.

"Romance" Deepa says.

"I go with Deepa" Tara says

"Comedy" Sunny says.

"Po*n movie" Sanjeev mouths at me and I growl at him. Seeing my scowl, Deepa smartly guesses his option & slaps his thigh so hard.

"I will go for horror movie" I decide.

I have plans!

Dark, Thrilling & loud screams from the movie will help me to have some fun time with my lady love.

"I knew it. You will always go with Mithra's choice" Tara pouts. I grin. I can't help but grant my girl's wish.

Once the room went dark & the movies started, we all couples snuggle with our mates.

I don't know about others but I didn't watch a single scene in that movie but busy making out with Mithra.

How much ever she tries to focus on the movie she couldn't as she gets so turned on with my appropriate touch on inappropriate places.

I just wish I could kick all our friends out & have my room & my wife for myself.

"Karthik... hmm... please..." Mithra's moans are suppressed in the loud screams from the horror movie. I pull her shirt slightly down her shoulder and bite her collar bone. Then I suck the place & kiss it gently.

Mithra turns her face to stare at the TV screen but I turn her to face me and I capture her lips. I kiss her lips hungrily & she kisses me back with equal vigor. I drink in her sweetness & tease her inner cheeks with my tongue.

Suddenly, our bedroom lights turned on & Mithra quickly pushes me off her shoulder.

"What the f**k is your problem, Sanjeev?" I bark at him when I find him standing near the switch board.

"Get a room, dude" he winks. Stupid Sanjeev, he is in my room & saying me to get a room.

"First you get out of my room" I growl at him.

"Of course, we are leaving home as the movie got over" he says grinning.

Movie over huh? I didn't realize we were making out, passionately throughout the movie.

Soon our friends bid their goodbyes & good nights to us & left to their houses.

Then Mithra & I without wasting a minute rushed to our room to do what we were doing for the past few days/weeks... Love Making!

We have become bunnies!

... To be continued!!!


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