36. My Love Is My Pride

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Part - 36

"If I Could Give You One Thing In Life, I Would Give You The Ability To See Yourself Through My Eyes, Only Then Would You Realize How Special You Are To Me"

(Mithra's POV)

"Karthik... Please don't go!" I try my luck on convincing him not to go to Singapore on business for one last time.

"I have to go, baby. Work is important!" He says as he packs his travel bag.

"This is not fair on your part to leave your new wife here & go abroad" I pout. He shakes his head with a small quiver on his lips.

"Take me with you, Karthik?" I plead.

"Then what about your graduation ceremony if you go with me? Who will attend that in your place?" He asks. Yes, next week I am graduating.

"I want you to be with me when I get my degree certificate" that's one of the reasons for stopping him from going to Singapore but mainly I can't live a day without Karthik.

"As much as I wish to be with you on your convocation I don't think I can make it possible. If I can put off this meeting in Singapore then I would... But unfortunately I can't, Mithu. The project is in crucial stage & they need me there." He says caressing my cheeks.

"Can Mohan Uncle take your place?" I ask with eyes full of hope.

Ah! I know I am being selfish but I don't think I can function without my Karthik. He has become my support system and I know it's not healthy to feel that way but...

"Baby, I have been handling this project for months now & dad can't jump in my place at the end moment" Karthik reasons me. I am fighting hard to keep my tears in bay.

I know he worked so hard on this project and as his hard work will go to gutter if I hold him back here.

"How long will it take? When will you be back?" I ask hugging him as I finally let my tears run down my cheeks as I couldn't hold back any longer.

"I don't know. Maybe a month" he says cradling my head to his chest.

"Once my graduation function gets over I will come there, okay?" I ask in a whisper.

"Um... I will be busy with my work & I won't get time to look after you, baby. Why don't you stay with your parents for a month?"

"You don't want to have me there?" I ask, now sobbing loudly.

"Hey! Don't cry, please" he says & kisses my head over & over again but I continue crying. I know I am being silly & emotional but what to do? I love my husband so much and I can't stay away from him.

"Please, Mithu" He begs & wipes off my tears with his thumb.

"I will take the next flight after my graduation" I say with finality as I dash my tears away from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

"Okay" He agrees.

"You could have agreed much before" I complain and hit his chest.

"Baby, I thought you would get bored staying alone when I work in office most of the time so thought it would be better for you to stay with our parents."

"I will stay with them for this one week. After that I will come there to be with you"

"Okay, fine" he agrees. I tip-toe to kiss his lips and taking the cue he bends down to claim my lips, his hands slip on my waist pulling me closer to his body, sweeping me off of my feet as we kiss deeply seeking comfort from each other. It's a slow, tender kiss which last for a minute or two. "You are so sweet, baby" he breathes against my lips & peck it again. Once we break our kiss, Karthik sets me down on my feet but still holding me close to him as he rests his forehead on mine.

"I will miss you, baby" he whispers.

"I will miss you too, honey" I whisper back. He chuckle. I don't know what's so funny that he laughs whenever I call him baby or honey? I wanted to ask him the reason but I got lost in his kiss once again.


"Hello, Karthik" I say excitedly when finally I get him on line. I have been trying since morning but his phone was switched off. It's been four days since Karthik left to Singapore & we didn't get much time to talk as he was always busy with work.

"Hi, baby" he says and I hear him talk to someone at the back ground.

"No! Steph. I said redo it" he orders to someone named Steph. Who is she? I couldn't hear her voice.

"Do it, now" I hear Karthik barking at that girl. A moment later he laughs. Why he is laughing? What comment that girl made to change Karthik's mood?

"Karthik... Karthik... Karthik... I am still here on the line" I shout over the phone to get his attention back from that girl.

"Oh yeah, I am sorry, baby. Just a moment" he holds me on line, and then his voice dips as he talks back to that girl who is irking me to the core.

"Steph, redraft everything & bring it back in an hour. No arguments" he orders.

"Baby? How are you?" He finally acknowledges me.

"So how is Steph?" I ask irately. The jealousy in my tone is so obvious.

"Steph?" He asks confused.

"By the way who is she? I have never heard her name before?"

"Hey, hang on there. Firstly, it's not a SHE but a HE & now I guess you don't want to know about how is my team member Stephen George aka Steph is doing, do you?" I know he is laughing at me. I hit my head with my phone for my folly. Steph is short form for Stephen but I thought Stephie or some other girl name. Stupid you, Mithra.

"You there?" Karthik asks.

"Um... Yeah... Yeah... Tell me, how are you, Karthik?"

"Were you jealous?" Karthik asks in a teasing tone.

"Nope!" I lie.

"Liar" he says & laughs.

"So how is your work going?" I ask to change the topic.

"Yeah going good" he says tiredly.

"You sound tired? Are you okay, Karthik?" I panic.

"I am fine, baby. You don't get worked up" he assures me.

"Don't work too much, Karthik. Please take some rest & eat well" I am so concerned about his health.

"I am missing you badly, Mithu" I hear him say softly.

"Me too... I miss waking up next to you in the morning, miss you cooking for me, miss showering with you, miss eating with you, miss chatting with you..." and I start crying. I hate being away from Karthik.

"Oh Baby!" He groans. "Please don't cry" he pleads. How could he know I am crying?

"I am sorry for crying, Karthik. I really miss you"

"I know. I will be back as soon as the work here gets over" he promises.

"Hmm..." my voice dips.

"So you don't miss our sexing?" he asks cheekily.

"Love making! How many times do I have to tell you it's not sexing or f**king, you stupid?" I shout pissed. He laughs.

"Just teasing you, baby" He says. Then only I realize he purposefully said that to lighten my mood.

"Love you, Karthik" I whisper softly.

"Love you, Mithra" He says after a beat of silence

"Gotta go now, baby. I will talk to you later. Bye."

"Good night" I say & kiss over the phone. He chuckles.

"Good night" he says & hangs up.


My dad pulls the car into the college campus' parking lot & next to our car, Mohan uncle parks his car. Quickly my dad, my mom & I clamber out of our car to greet Mohan uncle & Radha aunty.

"Mithra, don't be upset." my mom chides.

"Yes, baby girl. Today is a very big day for you. You are getting graduated so you should be happy" my dad says hugging me side way.

"Yeah, dad but I just wish Karthik is with me here to celebrate my happy moment" I sigh. I miss Karthik. Even yesterday I asked him to try & make it possible to attend my graduation ceremony but he said he can't. I can understand his situation but still wishing badly to have him here with me. "It's okay, Mithra, once the event gets over, board the next flight to Singapore & go to your Karthik" I console myself.

"Mithra, don't worry; we will take videos & photos when you receive your degree certificate & send it to Karthik so he won't have to miss anything" Radha aunty cheers me. I smile.

The auditorium is crowded. My family has gone to sit with the other parents & well-wishes in the raked seating, while I make my way to sit amongst the other fellow students. I'm wearing my black gown & hat and I know I look funny. I turn & search for Tara & find her sitting two rows behind mine. She catches my eyes & beams at me, waving her hand enthusiastically but I just give her a weak smile. She is obviously with her fiancé Sunil and that's why she is beaming but me? I sigh sadly. I better call Karthik & talk before the event starts.

"Hello, baby" Karthik picks up the call after several rings.

"I miss you" I whisper.

"Are you in the college auditorium?" He asks.

"How do you know?" I ask suspiciously. Is he here?

"It's very noisy" he replies. I sigh.


"Graduation ceremony started?" he asks.

"No. Not yet. Chief Guest hasn't arrived."

"Hmm... okay"

"I am nervous, Karthik?"

"Why, Mithra? You didn't even get nervous during exam time then why now? In fact you are the topper then what's bothering you?"

"I am nervous because you are not here."

"I m so sorry, baby"

"It's okay. I guess they are about to start the event so I will hang up now & will call you later"

"Okay darling. Oh, by the way, congratulations!"

"Thanks!" I smile & end the call.


At ten precisely, our college principal appears into the auditorium, followed by the vice principal, and then the Chief Guest, a retired IAS officer who will be issuing our degree certificates briskly walks in with four senior professors trailing behind him. We stand & applaud for them. As the principal gets to her feet & kicks off the proceeding with her speech, I look down at my fingers, feeling bored.

Suddenly, the room erupts into applauses, snapping me out of my daydream & I look up to see the chief guest briefly smiling at the warm applause he got for his speech which I didn't listen as I was completely zoned out, and he walks back to his seat.

Then we begin the long, tedious process of collecting our degrees. There are over five hundred students to be given out & it takes over an hour before I hear my name. I make my way to the stage half sleepily. Yeah! I was sleeping in my seat for the past one hour.

I turn to look at my family seated in the auditorium gallery. They are smiling proudly at me & I smile back at them but before I could focus my attention back to the members on the dais waiting for me to receive my degree, one of the top gallery doors open slightly giving room for the light outside to illuminate in, followed by a tall man in dark suit. When he turns around to face the stage, my heart leaps to my mouth.

My Karthik is here! Am I dreaming? No! He is really here! He smiles his breathtaking smile & waves his hand at me.

"Karthik!" I shout his name, bouncing excitedly & wave my hand back at him. The crowd cheers making me aware of where I am standing. Karthik rubs his forehead with his index & middle fingers, embarrassed I guess. Then he mouths 'Go' & points to the Chief Guest waiting for me holding my Gold medal & Degree. I nod & walk happily to receive them.

"Congratulation, young lady" the chief guest congrats me, shaking my hand with his before handing my degree.

"Thank you, sir" I beam.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he asks softly pointing to Karthik tilting his chin towards Karthik who is now leaning on the side wall clapping for me, happily.

"My husband, Mr. Karthik" I say, proudly.

There was a time, I wanted to hide my identity but now I want to shout to the whole world that I am married to best man ever in this world.

"Good luck for your future" he says smiling & hands me my degree & gold medal for getting the top rank in business administration.

"Thank you, Sir" I almost snatch them in the hurry to meet my Karthik.

But unfortunately I couldn't make my way out of the auditorium till the remaining students receive the degree so I reluctantly resume my seat but every now & then my eyes keeps checking on Karthik to make sure he is still there. He has now taken a corner seat next to his dad & nodding his head at him for whatever Mohan uncle is saying.

After an hour the ceremony ends, our teaching staffs & principals lead the chief guest out first, then slowly we, students make our ways out through the lower exit doors while the parents & well wishers seated at the upper gallery exits through the doors at the upper half of the auditorium.

"Karthik!" I squeal as I jump and throw myself on him. "I am so happy to have you here. Thank you" I say wrapping my arms around his neck, tightly & he has his arms around my waist. "I thought you would not come."

"I will never miss your big day for the world, Mithu" he smiles.

"When did you come?"


"Oh. I was surprised & ecstatic when I saw you in the auditorium. You gave a heroic entry" I grin

"I was actually waiting outside the auditorium for them to call your name so that I can make a 'heroic entry' as you put. In fact I was in the college campus when you called me. To surprise you, I didn't tell you about my arrival." he grins sheepishly at me. I grin back at him.

"Here" I show my medal & certificate to him first.

"You are my pride, Mithra" he says with a hint of tear in his eyes & hugs me briefly. My heart swells with the love I feel for him.

"Karthik, will you let me give my daughter a hug?" My dad asks, enviously if I am not wrong.

"Of course, uncle" Karthik laughs & lets me out of his hold. My dad hugs me & says "I am so proud of you, baby girl" I am overwhelmed with joy so I couldn't say a word. I just smile at him & hug him back. Then my family takes turn to wish me & hug me. Karthik takes few solo pics of mine with me still wearing that funny black gown & hat. I look dorky in this attire so I want to take it off as soon as he snaps few pics for his album.

"Is that you, Karthik?" Our college principal identifies Karthik even after several years. Karthik was quite a popular guy in college & even he was a gold medalist, a topper in Economics.

"Ma'am" He acknowledges her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. How are you?" she asks patting Karthik's shoulder affectionately.

"I am doing well, thank you, Ma'am. How about you?" Karthik asks her politely.

"The almighty is keeping me fine, my child" she smiles.

"Ma'am, meet my wife Mithra" Karthik says & slipping his arm around my waist he drags me closer to him.

"Mithra, Karthik is your husband?" she asks me surprised. I nod smiling.

"Karthik, can you please meet me in my office for a minute. I need to have a word with you" she says. I frown.

"Sure, Ma'am" Karthik agrees. "I will be back soon" he says & follows the principal to her office.


"You are coming with us nah, Karthik?" Radha aunty asks when Karthik joins us back after talking with princy. He seems slightly distracted. I wonder what he is thinking.

"Mom, I am talking Mithra to our apartment" Karthik says & looks at me. I beam at him. I would want nothing more but cuddle with Karthik in our bed, in our apartment, in absolute peace.


"Mom, please"

"I have prepared lunch ready for us at home" My mom, Padmini pipes in. she always cares about her food going waste. I snort at her.

"Aunty, save the food for night. We will join you for dinner" Karthik says convincingly.

"Okay" my mom agrees.

"Bye!" I wave my hand at them & happily went with Karthik looping my arm in his.


As soon as we enter into our apartment, I can feel that pull, that delicious electricity between us. Desire - acute, liquid & smoldering, combusts deep in my belly. I throw my bag on the couch & launch myself at him. He lifts me off my feet & crashes his lips against mine. His lips grow more urgent against mine, his hand moves up from my waist to the side of my head holding it in place as he deepens the kiss, leaning into me. I put my hands at the back of his head as I run my fingers through his hair, then twisting my fingers into his hair. He groans loving the painful pull I give his hair.

"I missed you, Mithra" He leans his forehead against mine and lets us to catch some breath.

"I want you. Karthik" I whisper. I am never shy to want for what's rightfully mine. Karthik is mine & I want him, big time.

Without any preamble, he scoops me up in his arms & heads to our bedroom. He disposes me on our bed & tops over me, trailing slow & leisure kisses on my neck, my throat, my jaw, and finally his mouth covers mine, our tongue strokes, playfully.


He closes his eyes & presses his forehead against mine, giving us both the opportunity to slow our raging breaths, after having an intense make out session.

After a moment, he kisses my forehead before rolling off my body to his side of the bed taking me along with him & he covers our entwined body with the quilt.

"Baby?" Karthik calls me when I was about to doze off.


"What are you going to do next?" he asks.

"Persuade you to make love to me again" I say, snapping out of my sleepy mood. He chuckles.

"Not that, silly"

"Then?" I ask leaning up from his chest to look at his face.

"Your future plans?"

"Hmm... firstly I want to learn cooking... I want to look after all your needs... Um... then I want to have your babies... I want to help them grow up... I want to be a perfect wife for you, Karthik and a perfect mother for our children"

"You are already perfect for me, Mithra. I am asking about your higher studies" he clarifies. I know where this discussion is heading to.

"So princy told you about the scholarship to study Masters in Melbourne Business School, right?" I ask.

"Yeah, principal called me to talk about your scholarship which you denied to accept. She asked me to try & make you agree. Why you denied the offer at the first place, Mithra?" he asks, sitting up on the bed resting his back on the head board. I sat up too clutching the duvet closer to my chest.

"I don't want to go Australia, simple as that" I whisper.

"But it's a nice offer. I am so happy to know you are one among the five best students they select every year to study in Australian university. Why you want to turn down that offer?"

"I am not leaving you & going anywhere for such a long period, Karthik" I say with finality.

"Mithra... what you are talking about. It's just two years, baby, which will go in a whisk & soon you will be back to me"

"Two long years, Karthik? I can't even bear to stay away from you for two weeks... then how you expect me to stay away from you for two years." I am trying not to shout at him because I know he is saying all this because he cares for me but my voice is slowly rising in frustration. "Karthik, please, I will do MBA here in Mumbai"

"But it's not going to be the same." he argues. "Mithra, didn't you dream to one among the best five students of the college when you joined college? Didn't you tell me you wanted to do MBA in abroad?"

"That was before marriage" I whisper.

"Now why change your mind? I am willing to let you go & study in abroad. I don't want to hold you to myself away from your dreams, Mithra." He says and I remain silent.

"I want to be your strength not your weakness, baby" he cups my face and talks in a soft tone as if making an errant child understand something beyond their understanding capacity. "You are getting so dependent on me. I want you to create an identity for yourself, Mithra"

Am I getting so dependent on him? Well, if Karthik feels so then it must be true.

"Baby, this is the best offer anyone could ever get"

I know he thinks the best for me but I can even pursue my higher studies here in India & create a name and career for me, right?

"Karthik, I understand but the distance scares me. You know what we went through & how I got you when I almost lost you" I say leaning on his shower as I cry, silently.

"Baby..." he presses a kiss on my head "...the situation is different now. We are happily married & madly in love with each other then why worry unnecessarily?" he asks. I remain silent because I don't want to burst into loud sobs.

"Mithra, I will visit you there more often & you can come here during your vacation..."

"You are already jumping from India to Singapore handling business at both places, then how will you manage time to visit me? If you are away, at least, I have our parents here but in Australia? Whom do I have?"

"Mithra, you are a grown up woman & you can manage staying alone"

"At least now you acknowledge me as a grown up woman but not a baby" I say & hear his chuckle. "Well, I really don't like the idea of staying away from you..."

"Look, I am not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do. I just want you to know that I will support & respect whatever decision you take. But I want you to think hard & reconsider this decision of yours because this opportunity is not something you slip through your fingers" he says. I nod.

"I will always keep up your hopes & dreams as I vowed to you on our wedding, Mithra" he says with a smile & kisses my lips.

"I know, Karthik, but remember this you are my dream & my reality. I love you" I kiss him back.

"And I love you"

... To be continued!!!

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