37. Decision Making!

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Part – 37

"Once You Have Made Your Decision, Don't Look Back! Make It Work!"

(Karthik's POV)

"Mithra..." I call her in a whisper. She snaps out of her reverie & turns to my side. We are now at her parents places having dinner. My parents are also here.

"What?" She asks.

"Eat!" I insist. She is just picking at her food.

"I am not hungry" she whispers.

"You didn't like the food, Mithra?" Her mom Padmini asks, noticing her barely touched plate.

"No, mom, it's good" Mithra says softly.

"Then eat" her mom orders her. She nods & starts eating.

"When your work at Singapore will get over, Karthik?" My mom, Radha asks me.

"It will take another three weeks or so, mom" I reply her.

"Then what about Mithra..."

"I am taking her with me to Singapore, tomorrow" I say before letting her complete her sentence.

"Oh good" my mom smiles.

"Thank God! She was getting cranky & ratty without having you around her. Her dad & I had a hard time handling her. You better take your responsibility with you" Padmini aunty says dramatically. I just chuckle knowing she is joking.

"That's so mean, mom" Mithra says getting hurt with her joke.

"Mithra..." I take her hand & squeeze it but she doesn't realize.

"You will miss me only when I leave you & go far away for you" she says, dropping her fork on the plate and rudely walks out of the dining room.

"What's wrong with her? And what was she talking about?" Padmini aunty asks confused & worried too.

"You both had a fight?" My mom asks me.

"What? No! I will go talk to her" I tell them & follow Mithra.

"Mithra wait!" I shout when she runs to the terrace without stopping for me.

"Hey!" I sit next to her on the stone bench in the terrace.

"What's wrong?" I ask her gently taking her hand in mine. "It's not appreciable to walk away like that when we are with elders. It's not manners"

"I want to go home" Mithra says looking down at her feet.

"Why? We just came here half hour back, right?"

"I am a burden to my parents. Let's go" she whines childishly.

"Hey! Your mom was kidding. Don't take her words seriously." I coax her.

"No! She meant it. I am a troublemaker to her."

"Don't behave like this, Mithra" I chide her.

"See, you are also scolding me. No one loves me here. Is that why you want to drive me away to Australia? Okay, fine, I will go." She says & turns her face away from me.

"Baby, what are you talking? We all love you. Of course I would only be happy if you take up the offer & go to Australia to pursue your higher studies but please don't ever think I am driving you away from me."

I pull her up & place her on my lap. She rests her head on my chest.

"I am sorry" she whispers rubbing her hand over my chest, which she always does when she feels really sorry & wants to comfort me.

"I am confused, Karthik"

"I know, Mithra" I know she wants to go to Australia but scared of missing me. If she misses this great opportunity on account of her fear then she will surely regret it in future. I won't let that happen.

"You really want me to go to Aussie?"

"Yeah but I am going to force you. I will never force you into anything. I promise. You will go there only if you are willing to go."

"This distance will not affect our relationship, right?" See, this is her biggest fear.

"No, baby" I can feel the depth of her worry in her voice.

"Even when I am not near you... you will still love me the same way you do now, right?" She asks worriedly. What a stupid question to ask, baby? I have been in love with you all my life then why not now?

"Of course, Mithra, I will love you, always. Trust me, this distance will only strengthen our love" I assure her & kiss her forehead lovingly.

"Then okay" she whispers and bites her lower lip.

"You agree?" I ask her in surprise.

"I promise I will make you proud, Karthik" that's like my girl!

"I know you will. I love you, baby" I cradle her head closer to my chest feeling contented as I kiss the side of her head over and over again.

"I am happy that you are taking the first step towards your dream, Mithu"

"Why you always think about my happiness, Karthik? What about yours?"

"I find happiness in you, Mithra. Don't you know that by now?" I ask, smiling. She smiles with a head nod & throws her hand around my neck, hugging me tight, well, real tight as if scared I would evaporate in the thin air if she lets me go.

"Come, let's go down & take our parents assent too"

"Why we need their assent, Karthik? They clearly told I am your responsibility so you decide what's best for me & that's enough. No need to seek their permission." She sounds rude. I shake my head in disapproval.

"Mithra, I want you to cut down your snarky attitude." I say in a calm admonishing tone. "I don't like you being disrespectful to our parents or to anyone"

"You sound like my dad, not my husband" she scowls & gets off my lap.

"You will realize your mistake only when your daughter behaves the way you do now"

"Don't worry, she will find someone like you to tame her just like how you are taming me down" she smirks at me. I chuckle.


When Mithra & I returned down, our parents have done with dinner & now relaxing in the backyard. They, four, have occupied the chairs in the gazebo so Mithra & I stood a little away from them, leaning my back on one of the four columns and Mithra's back leaning on my front.

"I have something to share with you guys" I say, getting tired of our mothers' gossips & our fathers' boring business talks. My dad & Mithra's dad are keen business men. They even forget their family when they talk about business which I don't like at all. For me family comes first. Well, I am not complaining or criticizing. It's one's own choice.

"I don't know whether you all know or not..."

"About what?" my dad interrupts.

"Mithra has got a scholarship..."

"Oh really, Mithra? You didn't tell us?" Mithra's dad asks in an accusing though he's a proud smile on his face. I knew she wouldn't have told them about her scholarship because she was not ready to take up the offer. Thanks to her principal for letting me know & asking me to convince Mithra.

"She's been selected as one of the top five best students of the year..."

Again Mithra's dad cuts me off by congratulating his daughter. My dad hugs her too. Our mothers are beaming, proudly.

"So she is going to pursue her MBA in Melbourne"

"Good!" our dads say in unison.

"What?" our moms shout in unison. "No" they protests.

Ah! Our ladies are sharper than our gents. My mom & Padmini aunty heard well the word 'Melbourne' & they are also well aware that the place is in Australia but our dumb fathers haven't realized it yet.

I turn to look at Mithra and she is giggling with her head bowed. What's so funny that she's giggling? Is she finding a way to put off this offer? I won't let that happen. I will convince our parents... If I couldn't I will make the final verdict!

"No! She is not going anywhere" Mithra's dad says.

"Right!" Padmini aunty agrees with him.

"Uncle, please try to understand... Mithra will have a bright future if she takes up this offer. She is also willing to go so why you guys wanna stop her? Just give her your blessings & send her happily."

"Karthik, that's so long... What our baby girl will do there staying alone?" My mom asks. Mom, please, not you too. I send a silent message to her through my eyes to support us. She pouts. Why the hell all are against this issue?

"It's not safe for her to stay there, alone, I presume" Padmini aunty says worriedly. I sigh.

"I will make arrangements for her safety" I assure her. I will never put my baby's life in danger. Mithra smiles at me & I know she trusts me.

"I think she can do her higher studies here in Mumbai" her dad says as if dismissing the idea of sending her to Aussie.

"Karthik, you both just got married... So enjoy your life instead of this unnecessary commitment." My dad waves his hand casually.

"This is not unnecessary, dad" I growl at him. She studied really hard to get top rank & be awarded with this prestigious scholarship. What really surprised me is she managed to get top grade & scholarship despite of having all the marriage tension in head.

"She really worked hard to get this scholarship & I am not letting her effort go waste" I am losing my cool now.

"No means no. You both will stay together" my dad warns.

"Then I will move to Aussie with her" I retort but I know I won't take such hasty decision. Shifting office is one option I will look for but it will cost me high, take time & will be a tedious task.

"Karthik, you have a business to run. Thousands of people depend on you. Don't forget your responsibility." My dad says, angrily. I will never forget my responsibilities. I know to balance my family & my work.

"Mithra is also my responsibility & I am sending my wife to Aussie for her higher studies with or without your consent..." I turn to Padmini aunty & finish the last part "... & I promise you, your daughter will be safe there so don't worry" There! I have said it loud & clear. "Now, if you will excuse, I am leaving home" everyone stares at me stunned. I guess I was bit rude. I will ask my apology later when they start thinking rationally & agree with us.

"You're coming?" I ask Mithra. She nods & walks along with me. This meeting didn't go well. I sigh.


"Why are you laughing, Mithra?" I ask her pissed, when we're in the car.

"Nothing!" She tries to hide her laughter but fails.

"Come on, tell me?"

"Someone often lectures me that I should be polite & respectful when I talk with elders... I should not walk on them in between a discussion... I should not shout at elders... Blah...blah...blah... & what you have done today, my darling husband?" she asks ruffling head. I roll my eyes at her.

"At least I got out only on the final over. If it was you, you would have got out on the first ball itself." I snort at her.

"Yeah, right, I would have started yelling at them right after they all said a big NO!" She laughs. I chuckle.

"I don't know what's wrong with them today, Mithra. Even my mom was being irrational."

"Simple! They all want us to stay together. Even they have witnessed what we went through..." her voice cracks. God! I don't even want to think about that dark phase. "...so they are trying to protect us"

"Baby, honestly answer my questions, will you?" I ask.


"We reached home." I park the car & walk around the passenger side to open the door for Mithra to get down.

"Come!" I take her hand in mine & lead her to the elevator.

When we enter into our apartment, I walk straight to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

"Hey! I want to ask you something" I shout from the kitchen when I see Mithra heading to our bedroom.

"Hey! We will talk in the bedroom" she replies.

"No! No! We will discuss in the living room or balcony"

"Why, Karthik? I am so tired and I want to rest my legs on bed"

"No, baby, I will forget everything if we get on the bed. You know what we will do... so not there, please"

"Okay!" She laughs & walks back to the living room & sits on the couch. I sit next to her, maintaining a reasonable distance from her.

"Shoot your questions!" she says scooting closer to me and throws her legs over mine. I control myself from getting tempted & taking her to bed.

"Do you think I am forcing you into something you don't want to do?"


"So you are happy with your decision?"


"Aren't you scared of staying alone for two years?"

"Nope, I am not a baby"

"Good. You won't miss your parents, right?"

"Yep, I will miss them but I will miss you more" she says softly.

"I will miss you too, Mithu" I take her hand & kiss it. "So you will manage things on your own, there?"

"I guess so... but..."


"Food? What I will do for food? You know I don't know cooking..."

"I will make arrangements for your accommodation; hire a housekeeper who will take care of your needs & a bodyguard for your safety who will be around you 24*7 and he will also drive you to the university & back to home, Okay?"

"You have already planned everything?"

"Yeah, even I have talked to a retailer to look for a house nearer to your university."

"How? When?" she asks, surprised

"How? Through Sanjeev I get to talk with the retailer. When? This evening while you were sleeping" Sanjeev being in Hotel & tourism business, he has wide links all over the world so I easily got hold of the retailer to see a suitable place for Mithra.

"I see" she bites her bottom lips which I would love to bite.

Keep focusing Karthik! Shit! No, don't focus on her lips; focus on the matter in hand.

"What?" I ask her when a frown marred her forehead.

"So you were sure that I would say 'Yes'?"

"Well, you know I can be little persuasive" I say sheepishly.

"I know" she says & moves comfortably on my lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask though I didn't push her off my lap.

"Nothing" she says innocently & taking my hands she wraps them around her waist. I slightly lift her top & caress her bare skin & squeeze her belly, gently.

"Now, my turn, Karthik"

"What you wanna squeeze, baby?" I ask, mischievously.

"Eww! Karthik, you talk dirty" she slaps my arm and I laugh.


"Will you stay alone or have company when your wife is away?" she asks tipping her chin up and keeping a straight face.

"Why do you think I am sending my wife abroad? Only to have sexy chicks in my bed" I wink at her.

"Oh really?" Mithra leans forward & sharply bites my neck like a vampire. I clutch her neck & push her back.

"I will leave hickeys on you, for the world to see, if you dare to bite me again" I threaten. How much ever her biting turned me on it really pained me like hell. She seriously bit me hard.

"Why don't you stay with your parents, Karthik?"

"No! I will stay here in our apartment"


"Simply" when she stays alone I guess I should alone too.

She arches her brow not at all satisfied with my answer. "You know... I don't want to come in between my parents' romance, besides I can work peacefully here." I say making Mithra laugh. I am sure she will take this answer giving regard to my parents' PDA!

"What will you do for food?" she asks, concerned.

"You are asking as if you are cooking till date for me, sweetheart?" I tease her. She pouts. "I know to cook so don't worry, baby" I peck her blushing cheeks.

"And that reminds me, your cook will cook on weekdays & on weekends she will assist you & you will be cooking your own meal, okay?" I inform her.


"I want my wife to learn cooking & cook me with her beautiful hands one day" I take both her hands & place kisses on them.

"Awweee... I will learn cooking for you, darling" she says and smacks her lips on mine.

"You want a bodyguard for your safety?" she asks smirking.

"I am big & ugly enough to take care of myself so don't bother about my safety, sweetie" I reply, chuckling.

"But I guess I need to keep a spy"

"Spy?" I smirk.

"I don't want any bitch to hitch you?" she says seriously and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Will you visit me often?" she asks.

"I will" I promise her.

"Okay!" she says sweetly & bunches my hair with her fingers & pulls me back to kiss my throat. It feels so good when her nails scrap my scalp.

"God! I will miss you seducing me, Mithra" I groan. She giggles against my throat & starts trailing kisses again.

"Karthik?" she whispers my name softly as if it's a prayer.

"Yeah?" I ask, my eyes closed & my head leaning back on the couch.

"Why don't you get me pregnant? I will take our baby for my company" she asks, sweetly. I sit upright and stare at her as if she has gone mad.

"Is this a joke? Then it's a stupid one" I scowl at her.

"Why? What's wrong in me asking for a baby?" she asks in a hurtful voice looking down at my chest. I cup her face making her look at my eyes.

"Mithra...Do you think I will get you pregnant & let you stay alone? I want to be with you, every single minute, when you are pregnant with my child & this is not the right time to have a child because I know you... No, we are not ready. We need to learn a lot before we bring a baby into this world so first you focus on your career and then we will have a baby, okay?" I explain to her as patiently as I can.

"Two years time, okay? Once I return from Aussie, finishing my course, we will have babies... Plural!"

"Plural?" I chuckle.

"Yes, I want lot of babies"

"We will think about that later!" I will be happy settling with only one baby girl.

"Okay" she agrees, reluctantly.


"What, baby?"

"Our parents?"

"Don't worry, darling. We will calmly talk to them again & make them see logic. They will understand us." I assure her.

"I love you, Karthik" she smiles. I take her lips in mine showing her how much I love her by kissing her tenderly.

"I guess we had enough of talking" I say & run my nose down her cleavage. "Let's go play"

"What? Business game?" she asks, giggling.

"Yes, you are my business board & I am going to capture places in you" I wink at her & lift her in my arms.

"Gah! Karthik... that's so cheesy" she chides me at the same time laughs.

"Not cheesy! It's hot!" I say & crash my lips on hers kissing her passionately as I kick our bedroom door shut.

... To be continued!!!

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