4. I'm taken so no chance!

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Part – 4

"I Fell In Love With The Way You Touched Me Without Using Your Hands."

Karthik's POV

"Karthik" Mithra panics & takes my injured hand to tend the wound but I snatch it away from her. I am mad, f**king mad at her. I am hardly holding my temper. I don't want to burst out in anger at her, at least not now, not here.

"Nisha, I am sorry. I will talk to you, tomorrow" I say & stand up from my seat.

"Sure, Karthik. Take care" Nisha says wisely sensing my f**ked up mood & realizing that I need some time to calm down.

"Yo! dude, what's going on here?" Sanjeev asks me coming back from the dance floor probably hearing the commotion. He looks completely clueless of what's happening around him and so is Deepa. I couldn't see where the hell Ria & Rahul are. But I am just glad they are not around so I don't want to answer more people. Anyways I am not going to spoil Sanjeev & Deeps special night by telling my sob story.

"We are leaving" I tell Sanjeev

"Why? What's happened? & why your hand is bleeding?" He asks me in concern.

"Nothing. I am fine. I will call you, tomorrow" I say & he nods understanding. Then I turn & glare at Mithra before walking ahead. Just follow me Mithra without opening your mouth. I pray.

Oh thanks f**k! This girl got my look & sensed my anger and she is following me to the parking lot without asking any senseless stupid question.

"Karthik... Why are you so angry?" She opens her mouth when I rev the engine & ease it out of the parking area & sped the car on the traffic free road.

Oh Mrs. Innocent, you really don't know why I am angry? Well how the hell you will know it when you are so innocent to hook up your husband to his ex-girlfriend right? I thought.

"Karthik... Your hand is bleeding badly." She says worriedly & brings her hand to take mine in hers but I just shoot a cold look at her which scares her and she takes her hand back. I grip the steering wheel more harder putting pressure on it till my hand hurts as the glass pieces pricks my skin deeper. I just wanna feel the excruciating pain in my hand so that I can forget the pain killing my heart.

"Karthik, please talk to me" I remain silent not trusting myself as I know I will say something in my anger which will hurt her.

"Karthik..." She will never give up. She wants me to talk to her. f**k!

"Just shut up, Mithra" I say calmly. I am anything but calm. I am burning in rage. How dare she say I should start dating with Nisha? Oh for crying out loud, I am married to this stupid girl who might not value this sacred relationship but I do. I might be kicking & cribbing initially about this marriage because I know it's all too soon for us & we never saw each other more than friends. But later when we had no other way to go I adapted myself to the present situation but Mithra? She is being so stubborn & stupid & senseless to think it's all a child play.

"Karthik... I just want you & Nisha to be happy so I told all that. See, she still loves you so it's better you give her a chance. It's only best for your life"

"I know what's best for my life so you just mind your own business" I say coldly. Yeah, I can't take her bullshit anymore.

"Karthik... I am your friend. I want you to be happy"

"Oh really? You want me to be happy? Then first go find where my happiness belongs to" I whisper not taking my eyes off the road ahead.

"Where? Is it not with Nisha?" She asks confused.

"Nisha... Nisha... Nisha... Why the hell you are bringing her name? I told you clearly, Mithra that I am not in love with her. I was never in love with her" it's you damn it. It's you I love crazily and I realized it little late.

Should I spell out my love loud to her? If I say will she understand my feelings for her or will she just turn me down saying 'I don't love you. We are just friends. I don't consider this marriage crap' & hurt me more?

"Please don't shout at me, Karthik" she says. Her voice tumbling. I know she is in the verge of bursting into tears which I can't handle now. It will only rile up my anger more.

"I am sorry. Please give me some time to calm down" I tell her softly. She nods. Then we both remain in silent till we reach our apartment.

"Karthik, your hand" she points to my hand. It's not bleeding anymore and the blood has dried down.

"I will bring..." She starts but I cut her off saying "You don't bother, I will manage" I watch her walk to her room upset & then I walk straight to my room & slump on my bed without tending my wound. I don't give a f**k about my hand.

In my sleep I feel some movement in my room, some sounds, then I feel someone taking hold of my hand & I wince in pain. I come awake & see Mithra kneeling on the floor beside my bed with my hand in hers.

"Sorry... Sorry... I... I am just cleaning the dried blood & applying ointment. Luckily I could find no glass pieces. You will be fine, Karthik" Mithra says & wipes her tears with the back of her hand & continues to apply the ointment while I just keep looking at her in daze.

"You sleep" she whispers.

"You too go to your room & sleep. Good night, Mithra"

"Good night, Karthik" she says & walks back to her room not before switching off my bedside lamp & covering me with a duvet. I love this girl. My Mithra. My baby brat.


Morning I get up early before my usual time as I couldn't sleep long & quickly made a call.

I come out of the room all ready for the day I see Mithra doing something in the kitchen. I simply ignore her & take my shoes & sit on sofa to put them on.

"You are leaving?" Mithra asks with a small smile. It's always the same for Mithra. Raat gayi baat gayi! Her strong principle is that to never carry the fight we put at night to next morning. And I like that principle of hers more.

"Yep" I nod.

"Breakfast?" She asks.

"I am not hungry. You eat. Bye. I will see you in the evening" I reply softly.

"Karthik?" She calls me when I am about to leave the house.

"Yeah. Tell me" I stop holding the door.

"Your hand?" She asks concerned.

"Um... It's healing. Thanks"

"Karthik... My college is starting in two weeks. I have lots of shopping to do. Can I go for shopping today?" She asks me. Why she is asking me?

"You will go alone?" I ask. If she wishes I can accompany her but not today. May be I can take her on Sunday.

"Um... My friend Tara is coming over here. So we both are planning to go together" Tara is Mithra's school friend. They are so close... well, not as close as Mithra & I are.

Are we still close like before? I don't know. Tara is the only one to know about our marriage. Mithra didn't tell any of her other friends as she kept it a secret. Tara also got seat in the same college in which Mithra is gonna join.

They both can go shop & have some girly time. I don't have any objection.

"Oh okay. Use this card" I hand her my credit card which she can use for her purchases.

"Um... I have money" Mithra hesitates to take the card. Oh please. No arguments.

"Just use this card & buy whatever you want. Bye" I thrust the card to her & walk straight to the elevator not giving her a chance to defy me.


"Hi" Nisha says walking straight to me & giving me a quick hug. Yeah, I called Nisha this morning asking her if she can meet me & she readily accepted & asked me to come to a mall where she has some shopping to do. Now we are in a coffee shop in the multiplex.

"Hi" I hug her back & we sit opposite to each other.

"Nisha, I don't like beating around the bush so I will come straight to the point. I love Mithra & there is no second innings for us like Mithra hoped yesterday." here, I said it.

"I know." Nisha smiles surprising me. "I saw your love for your wife yesterday. I saw your possessiveness when you introduced her as Mithra Karthik. I saw your face grimacing when your stupid little wife..." I raise my eyebrow. How dare she call my wife stupid? "... um... sorry... your little wife asked me if I love you." haan, that's better "I saw the pain in your eyes when she asked me to take you back & we can date as she doesn't have any objection & I realized your heart has broken into pieces along with the glass when she mentioned about your divorce" when she noticed all this? I was thinking she was busy talking with my wife & even thought she was happy hearing all her nonsense & hoping to get a chance to get back into my life? But this smart girl was studying my facial expressions closely.

"Well?" I ask.

"Don't worry. I am not a vamp to plot something wicked & spoil your marital life. I actually came to Mumbai for a modeling show but yeah I really wanted to see for myself that you were happy... But sad thing you are not..." she whispers softly. She cares for me. She is a nice girl. I know that for sure.

"No, Nisha. I am happy" I try to fool her.

"We might have dated for a short span of time but I have learned the knack to read your face, Karthik. Your face holds no secrets. It's an open book." She says & I just sip my coffee not knowing what to say. I guess she is right.

"So? What's her problem?" She asks after a pause.

"Her age. Our friendship. This forced marriage. Her stubbornness to accept this new relationship. She is not even trying to make our marriage work, thats the sad thing, Nisha... Well, these are all her major problems" Am I not understanding her feelings? Am I forcing her to accept this marriage like I accepted? Am I making her do something which she really doesn't like to do? Am I binding her in this unwanted relationship? Is she right in saying that we are not meant for each other? Am I fooling myself that I love her so one day she will also love me back? God! This is so messy!

"Oh oh... That's quite a number of problems. She seems childish & immature"

"She is" I chuckle.

"So what you are gonna do?"

"I have no idea. I am asking her to give us some time & take things slow. But she is hell bend to end this relationship I guess... & for that her first step is to hook up us. Nisha, I don't want to play with your feelings & bring hopes in you. I will never be yours." I say it loud & clear to her.

"I understand" she sighs sadly.

"What's her age? Is it a big difference?"

"She is 18 years. For Mithra, 7 years is a very big difference"

"Bullshit. Seven years is no big difference & look at you, you are so young & handsome. You are an eye candy, Karthik... I wish you were mine." she sighs "Well, you both look great together. A perfect match. She will grow up soon, trust me, we women show our age soon unlike you men. We give birth to one baby, and then we are aunties." I just smile at her.

"You know what? I actually wish my husband is at least 5 years older to me so that he will understand me, hell, I want my husband to pamper me... but here, Mithra got a matured understanding handsome caring husband who is always pampering her & spoiling her rotten" Am I spoiling my baby brat? I laugh mentally at that thought.

"You mean to say that you were just pretending of dating me but when things cook up to marriage level you would have ditched me & marry someone older to pamper you as we both have just a year or so difference right?" I joke. Nisha laughs.

"Of course I would have ditched you then." she jokes back.

"Glad I dumped you before you could do" It's nice to tease each other forgetting everything.

"You are the looser" she slaps my arm playfully. Yes, I am a big looser.

"I agree" I tell her with a sad smile. Then I hear my phone ringing. I fish it out from my pocket & see the screen, it's Sanjeev. What the hell he wants?

"Sanjeev" I answer.

"You said you will call me today?" he accuses. When? Oh yesterday. He wants to know what happened yesterday night in the party.

"I'm with Nisha, I will talk to you later Sanjeev" I say.

"Nisha? Your girlfriend?" yeah, Sanjeev knows everything about me, even when I was in Singapore, he managed to keep in close touch with me. I even told him about me dating Nisha. "Yesterday also she was in the party & now you are with her? What the hell you are doing man?" What I'm doing? Just clearing the air. I don't want to lead on Nisha. She deserves a better life. "Are you cheating on my sister?" f**k! Why would I? He is getting this all wrong.

"Did Nisha say something to Mithra in the party?" No doubt he is a foolhardy. God! Nisha didn't say anything but my silly wife rambled all nonsense. "If your girlfriend hurts my little sister then sure as hell I will kill you & your hot shot model."

Oh Oh cool dude! Firstly get this right you fool, Nisha is my ex-girlfriend.

I never knew Sanjeev is so possessive for Mithra to treat her like his own sister. I know all my friends like & care for Mithra knowing she is an important part of my life but this extreme reaction from Sanjeev is really shocking to me.

"Sanjeev, Chill. Come to my office, I'll be there in an hour. Then we can talk." I say calmly.

"You better have an explanation for your meeting with Nisha" he says angrily.

"I do" I cut the call saying that. Thanks f**k! Nisha doesn't ask me about the phone call.

"Karthik, you better take your wife for a trip" Nisha suggests.

"Trip?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"I mean honeymoon trip. You know you can use sex as a weapon" f**k! Mithra will freak out. We are not even sharing a room. Sex is nowhere in the agenda.

"Our relationship is different & quite complicated, Nisha. You won't understand but I'm not going to make you understand as I feel it's my personal life and I should handle it on my own"

"Hmm... okay." this girl never probe much. She knows her limit. If she speaks out of her turn also she immediately stops when I ask her to. I like this so much about this girl. She is sweet and understanding.

"What she is gonna do now? Join college or be a house wife" house wife? I just want to laugh my ass off. She is not even using the term wife. Our life is like two friends sharing an apartment, no husband & wife thing.

"She is starting college in two weeks"

"Oh that's nice. She might grow up & get little matured when she mingles with different people & she might start being responsible & even value your relationship"

"I hope so"

"But be careful, she might grow a little more & fall in love with some other guy in college" No! My Mithra won't betray me by loving someone, will she? I remember her comment of joining my college to feast her eyes by looking at hot men.

"I trust my Mithra" I say more to myself than to Nisha.

"If you say so then fine, after all you know her for how long?"

"Right from day one she was born." Nisha's eyes pops out.

"Such a strong love huh?" she asks.

"I don't know whether I loved her back then or not. May be I loved her as a baby; she was so cute & tiny. I loved to play with her. I adored her & when we grew up together I took care of her. But love? Love... I don't know exactly when it happened... but I am sure as hell I love her like crazy now... after marriage what I feel for her is so different from what I felt for her before. I love her with my heart, with my soul, with every fiber of my being. She is the center of my universe. I can't think my life without her" I say earnestly & look up to see Nisha. She is crying. Why?

"Nisha, why are you crying?" I move from my seat & went around & sit next to her. She hugs me taking me by surprise. Oh what's this?

"Sorry, I got emotional" she says breaking the hug after a moment.

"You are a nice man, Karthik. A gem. I envy Mithra for snatching you from me. If you were mine I would have worshiped you for the way you express your love... it's so pure, so divine... but your little wife is so blind to see your love. You go man, go & propose your love to her. Say exactly what you said to me a moment before, I could see & feel the intensity of your love for her so surely she will understand too & I swear she will love you too" Nisha encourages me. Should I confess my love to Mithra?

"What you are worrying about, Karthik?" Nisha asks seeing my hesitance.

"I'm scared she will reject me" I tell her my deepest fear. I can't bear if Mithra rejects my love. Is she matured enough to understand the depth of my love? That's another major thing to think about. I don't want to impress her with my words & gifts & be her teenage crush; I want to be her true love, a love for the life time.

"If she rejects you, consider me, Karthik" Nisha says sincerely. This girl can't be serious.

"You are crazy" I smile at her.

"Crazy for you. I'm getting crazier for you now more than ever seeing your love for Mithra."

"Move on, Nishu. You are a sweet girl and you will get a better man than me" I say & add "& a man older than me too" to make the situation light.

"If I am getting you I don't mind you are older or younger to me, I still know you will pamper me like you do pamper, Mithra"

"You are not a baby, Nisha, to pamper you" I laugh.

"So is Mithra. She is an adult now, not a baby"

"No way. She will always be a baby to me, the one day old baby girl I took in my arms. My baby brat" I am suddenly teleported to the day my darling was born. My cute little angel. I remember sucking her little fingers, it was soft & sweet. I remember her kicking me on my chest with her tiny legs which had tiny toes & those tiny toes had little perfect nails.

"See, you seeing her like a baby is the reason for her not being able to see you as her husband." I don't get what she is saying. If I have a baby in future also I will still see Mithra as a baby.

"Okay, leave that all, tomorrow I want you to attend my fashion show" Nisha orders.

"As your boyfriend?" I wink at her. Suddenly Sanjeev pointing a gun at my head image flashes in front of my eyes. He will surely kill me if I go with her to the show as her boyfriend.

"I would love that" she winks back.

"May be in next birth, you better be my baby brat and I will be your boyfriend then"

"In next birth also you want to be your 'baby brat's' boyfriend but not Nisha's" Nisha smirks at me. I laugh.

"Okay, bring your wife too. She will enjoy the show, hopefully"

"No way am I bringing my wife anywhere nearer to you" I declare.

"Why?" she asks me puzzled.

"She might get me married to you" I joke but who knows my stupid wife may do that too.

"Oh! Then surely bring her. I will happily marry you & whisk you with me to Singapore" she laughs. I can't help but laugh with her.

"I am taken so no chance, baby" I chuckle. Nisha grins at me.

"I will try to attend your show, if not I will see you off in Airport" I promise her.

"Okay" she agrees & get ready to leave.

"Nisha, stay happy" I whisper to her & hug her for one last time.

"You too." she smiles & blinks her eyes to keep her tears in bay.

"Karthik, can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I smile encouragingly.

"Can we stick as friends? I don't want this to be our final good bye" she says.

"Of course Nisha. We are friends already & we will be friends forever. I will be there for you always" I say & we hug.

"Bye" Nisha says.

"Bye" Then we both walk our own ways.

... To be continued!!!



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