5. Gun - Toting

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Part - 5

"YOU Wanna Know Who I'm In Love With? Read The First Word Again"

Karthik's POV

"I demand an explanation, Mr. Karthik Kumar" Idiot Sanjeev barges into my cabin with a gun and shouts like a madman. f**k! Am I dreaming? I imagined him pointing a gun at my head & now he is with a gun. Will he really shoot me if I ever try to cheat on Mithra? Is he my friend or Mithra's?

"Hey, drop the gun & stop your filmy dialogues" this guy can be theatrical.

"Okay" he agrees & places the gun on my desk and it's still pointing towards me so I subtly turn the gun so that the muzzle is facing Sanjeev and by any chance the gun fires automatically this stupid annoying infuriating friend of can die & go to hell.

"So what gives?" He asks.

"Sanjeev, it's not what you think. There is nothing between me & Nisha. I agree we dated each other but that's all over the moment I got married"

"Oh really? Then why she is here now?" He asks me staring at the gun.

"Why you need a gun when you come to meet your friend?"

"Why do you think?" He asks me back. Obviously, to kill me, if I step out of my line. Gosh! This is an extreme move by him. Even I never tried to protect my Mithra this way.

"Do you think I will get scared seeing this silly gun? Then you are mistaken. I know you don't have the guts to really shoot someone mainly when he is your friend." I say with a smirk.

"Just answer me Karthik. Why Nisha is here?" He asks. Nisha's entry is a shock to me too but she is not gonna play any evil role here... She is my nice trusted friend.

"Nisha is participating in a fashion show here in Mumbai, which is tomorrow so she came here from Singapore. We accidentally met yesterday in your party... Well I could even blame you for our meet. You indeed gave me a shocking surprise along with your engagement news by making me encounter with my Ex. Well, she wanted to see me personally to know I'm happy. I told her I am... & I asked her to forget me & move on in her life as I am married to Mithra and I can never ever think of other women. Okay?"

"Okay. I believe you that you won't cheat Mithra."


"Okay. Tomorrow you are coming with me" Sanjeev tells me. Why the hell I should go with him? & where the hell he wants to take me?

"Wherever it is I won't come with you. I am not a useless idiot like you. I have a business to run & a wife to look after at home. So I am not gonna waste my time with you. Go spend it with your fiancé"

"I can't take her to this place. She will kill me" where the hell he is planning to take me?

"Where you wanna take me?" I ask as I can't take the suspense any longer.

"To your ex-girlfriend's modeling show" he tells me grinning sheepishly. "So many colorful chicks... We both can have fun by feasting our eyes. I got two passes." He beams at me.

"How the hell you managed to get the entry passes? I thought it's all sold off" I ask shocked.

"Nisha gave me. She is a darling. When I asked if I could get 2 entry passes for her show promising I will bring you, she readily gave me. One for you & one for me" he grins.

"What?" I jump from my seat.

"Um... well, I saw you two in the cafe"

"What the hell you were doing there? Were you spying us?" I ask pissed.

"Doh! I wasn't spying you. When I called you I was in that mall only. I came with Deeps as she wanted to do some shopping & there I saw you with Nisha & then only I called you to check whether you were telling me the truth or hiding something but you answered me honestly."

"I never lie, Sanjeev & you know that" I tell him rubbing my forehead.

"Yeah, I know... But still I was testing you."

"Testing? f**k!" I growl at him.

"Then after you both ended your conversation & once you left I thanked Nisha for being so understanding & not being a vamp. She is a sweetheart, Karthik" Sanjeev says coolly with a ridiculous smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I am beyond shocked now. From where the hell he appeared the moment I left? Was he stalking us for long?

"Cool dude. You might wonder about my timing of entry. It's easy because I was sitting right behind your seat & over hearing your conversation" this is gross. Bloody f**ker! He was sitting behind me & eavesdropping & now he came barging in here with a gun and he even dared to threaten me over the phone.

"But neither Nisha nor I noticed you?" how could he possibly escaped from our view when he was sitting so close to us?

"That's all Sanjeev's special talent, dude" he laughs.

"Stalking is not special talent. It's creepy" I tell him but he ignores it.

"You were sitting right behind me & called me huh?"

"Don't be a fool. Of course I went to a distance to collect my coffee & called you while standing near the counter" from where he got the brain? I thought he has clay in place of brain? But he proved me wrong.

"So you & Mithra are having marital problems?" God! He heard that too? The shit has really hit the fan now.

"You said you came with Deepa right? Was she too hearing us?" I ask him to distract.

"Nope. She kicked me out when I demanded to choose sexy lingerie for her so I told her I will wait in the coffee shop till she finishes her shopping & there I saw Nisha coming towards you & you two hugging which irked me so I stealthily sat behind you & over heard everything." He should become a detective. He is not a f**king fool as I thought.

"Since you heard everything there is nothing much to tell you about the problem going on between Mithra & me." I tell him warily.

"Hmm... Okay. I am not going to force you because I got the clear picture of your issues." He says. I just nod thanking my stars that I don't have to tell everything from start. I am really tired.

"Karthik, Mithra cares for you" Sanjeev tells me as if I don't know that already.

"I know" I smile & look at my bandaged hand. I remember her tears while dressing my wound; she was crying for me, she could feel my pain.

"She is young & immature, so don't go hard on her, Karthik." Sanjeev pleads me.

"Sanjeev, you really don't have to tell me all this. I love my baby brat & I know her better than you" I tell him politely. I am so happy my friends really care for my wife and it assures me that I can rely on them to look after her whenever I am away from her.

"I know, Karthik but I want to make sure you don't lose your temper & hurt her with your harsh words because I know she is unknowingly hurting you badly and you might feel the urge to hurt her back. It's a natural reaction but..." that's true. I am tempted to spit venomous words at her for hurting me but I can't do that to my baby.

"I'm really finding it hard to hold my temper after hearing her bullshits but I'm trying"

"I understand but try hard"

"Yeah, I will" Hurting Mithra will be the last thing I ever want to do.

"And Karthik..." Sanjeev drags.


"Don't leave her yaar."

"I won't." I say but I have doubts in my own words. I have this gut instinct that I can't hold the last string of our life for long. I never want to leave Mithra, she is my very life and my oxygen to breathe but I can never force Mithra to stay with me if she doesn't want to.

"Good" Sanjeev smiles. I smile back.

"Karthik, I like Nisha's idea actually. Why don't you go for it?" Sanjeev says showing excitement.

"What idea?" I am clueless.

"That trip idea." I glare at him as if he is mad.

"Oh come on. Don't tell Mithra that you are taking her on a honeymoon trip... you just tell Mithra... um... it's just a holiday trip... Like you know in two weeks her college will start & then she won't get much time for outing & all so you can take her now right? That will help her to keep her mind free from all this mess & she might also get romantic with you... What say?" he asked smirking.

"I will think about it, Sanjeev" I actually like this idea of taking Mithra out. Now Manohar uncle is also getting better so nothing to worry about. We can take up a short trip. But to where?

"Okay. My work is done here. I will take your leave & don't forget about Nisha's show, okay?" He says & stood on his heels & turns to walk but I call him.

"Hey! Take your gun" I remind him.

"Give it to your baby wife" he says grinning. Why should I give this dangerous weapon to my baby brat? She might mess with it & harm herself. I look at him wide eyed.

"Chillax dude. I got the gun from a toy store in the mall. As we know Mithra is crazy for gun toys & gun key chains I got it especially for her. You know it's a laser gun. She can switch off her bedroom lights & shoot the gun at the ceiling and see colorful stars, flowers & some cartoon characters. She will love it"

Fuck! It's a toy? This bas***d scared the shit out of me with a toy gun? But yeah, Mithra like guns. When she was a kid she was so obsessed for soft toys, guns & remote cars, that's why her room is filled with soft toys even now but she is not playing with guns & remote cars anymore. She is not that much of a baby now.


When I return home in the evening, Mithra is sitting on the couch & watching discovery channel. Man vs. wild. She favorite show & she is f**king crazy for that guy, Bare Grylls.

"Hi. How was your day?" she asks me with a smile. This one smile is enough to make my day.

"Hi. Good. Thank you" I smile & sit beside her on the couch.

"How was your shopping? Did you get all your necessary stuff?"

"It was fun. I had a great time with Tara. I got few jeans & tops & dresses & others stuffs. I will show you later" she says. I nod.

"I saw you & Nisha in the mall..." Mithra starts.

Oh shit! What all were doing in the same mall today? Was it the only mall in Mumbai to shop?

"Yeah, we had a chat & she invited me for her fashion show, tomorrow"

"You are going?" Mithra asks excitedly.

"I don't know. I have work to do. I have a crucial project to finalize by the end of this month"


"But Sanjeev is pestering me to go to the show with him. I'm not sure if I could find time or not"

"Hmm... okay" then we remain silent for few minutes before she starts. "It was so nice to see Nisha and you all close, hugging, smiling & laughing..."

Uh-Huh! She took our friendly gestures in a different sense I guess.

"Nisha is leaving back to Singapore after the show ends so I met her as a friend. That's it"

"My friend Tara was also with me & she was shocked seeing you both so close and she asked me 'am I not feeling jealous?'" Right question asked by Tara, she is matured enough than Mithra I guess. This little wife of mine should actually fight with me for seeing my ex-girlfriend, shouldn't she? Wives do that right?

"But I felt happy seeing you both together." Why won't you feel happy? You are ready to get rid of me from your life right? I sigh sadly.

"Tara told me to keep an eye on you so that you won't go behind another woman" Mithra tells & laughs. Do keep an eye on me, baby. I will be only happy if you do so! I guess I should send Mithra to more shopping with Tara, that girl can seed some brain to my brainless wife.

"You both looked great and perfect together."

Nisha said Mithra & I look perfect. Now Mithra is saying Nisha & I look perfect. Hence proved, I look good with all pretty women. You have still got it Karthik. Even after getting married your charm is working on women. If Mithra is not feeling jealous or possessive for me then it means only one thing... that she doesn't love me. Great!

"Mithra, I am hungry, shall we eat" I change the topic because I could feel my control slipping from my hand.

"Yeah, sure" she says & switches off the TV & walks to the dining table to set the table while go to washroom to freshen up.

I join Mithra in the dining table five minutes later. She has already started eating.

Uh-huh! No rice huh? Mithra has made Rotis & Dal. Now only she started learning to make Rotis so it's slightly burnt but I don't mind.

How I will eat this rotis with my bandaged hand? I wonder looking my bandaged hand. I have cuts on my fingers too so I have plastered it as well with a band-aid. I just sip my orange juice without touching my plate.

"Eat, Karthik"

"Yeah, I will eat" I try to tear the Rotis into small pieces but I find it hard to do not only because my hand is injured but Mithra's Rotis are really so hard, no ghee, nothing.

"Karthik, can I?" Mithra points to the plate asking me if she can feed me.

"No, its okay. I can manage" I tell her & try again. This time Mithra moves from her place & stood beside me & takes a piece of roti to feed me. But I stop her.

"Mithra, I'll eat on my own. You please tear the rotis into small pieces then it will be easy for me to eat" I don't know why I feel the need to eat on my own. May be I am mad at Mithra for her earlier talk and I feel the need to avoid her.

"Karthik, please, let me feed." she says softly.

"Then you should have made Rice & Dal" I comment.

"I'm sorry. I forgot about your injured hand. But I'm willing to feed you nah then why are you not letting me do?"

'Don't go hard on her, Karthik.' Sanjeev's words hit me.

"Sorry, feed me, Mithra" I smile. I like the feel of her fingers touching my lips. I wish I could kiss each of her fingers.


"Karthik, you just ate one Roti"

"I'm full"

"You didn't like it?"

"No it's fine. Thanks"

"Karthik, why are behaving like a stranger? When you started telling me sorry and thanks?" she asks with tear brimming eyes. Don't cry, please don't cry.

"Mithra, I'm just tired. Sorry" I tell & walk to my room without looking at her.

I keep tossing & turning in my bed. I couldn't sleep. I felt bad for behaving rudely with Mithra. I should apologize to her. That's when I remember Sanjeev's gift to Mithra. That stupid gun. I will give that to her. She might feel better & happy. I take the gun from my office bag & walk towards her room & knock the door.

"Karthik, you want something?" Mithra asks opening the door.

"No. Actually I want to give this to you" I hand her the gun. She smiles happily. I could feel the relief rushing through my body.

"You got this for me?" She asks smiling.

"Nope. Sanjeev got this for you as you like guns"

"You won't believe me Karthik, I searched for this gun in all toy shops in the mall, today. Tara even got pissed at me for behaving like a child & searching for toy gun. But you know it's a laser gun. I love it." she kisses the gun. Thanks Sanjeev. I owe you one for bringing a smile on my baby brat's face.

"Yeah. Sanjeev told me it's a laser gun & asked you to shoot it on the ceiling in the dark & see the effect"

"Okay. I will try now" she says excitedly.

"Okay. Good night" I tell & walk back to my room & lock it but I hear a gentle knock on it a moment later.

"What?" I ask Mithra.

"I thought we both can see the laser effect of the gun together" she says. I want to say I'm not interested but I don't want to hurt her again. I don't know why I'm in a foul mood today.

"Come" I invite her in. she quickly jumps onto my bed & lies on it.

"Switch off the lights, shut the curtains & get on the bed, Karthik" She is so excited. I do as told, I switch off the light & close the curtains to make the room completely dark & then I join her on the bed. She scoots closer to me. Our bodies touching. My hearts starts pounding & my breath quickens.

"Shoot" she giggles & looks up at the ceiling.

"Awe..." she wonders seeing the stars in red laser light. She keeps shooting & the images keep changing from stars to flowers to Dora to Mickey & so on.

I didn't pay much attention to the changing effects as I am busy drooling over Mithra. Even in dark I can see her face clearly. Ah! She is a natural beauty. I am mesmerized with her beauty and the melodious sound of her giggling. She moves even closer in her excitement, her head resting on the croak of my neck and I inhale her gorgeous unique scent. It's so intoxicating. Her silky glossy hair fans on my face. I just close my eyes & relish the closeness.

"I LOVE YOU" I hear her soft voice. I jerk & shoot my eyes open to look at her but she is staring up at the ceiling, her eyes transfixed. Did she just say 'I Love You'? OMG!!! Mithra, please look at me and tell. I'm dying to hear the three magical words. "Mithra" I gently call her but she doesn't turn and look at me. I tear my gaze off her face & follow her gaze. I look above & it shows 'I love you' on the ceiling. Damnit! It's the gun. She just read what's projected on the ceiling. Then she shoots the gun again & the three magical words disappear leaving an aching feel in my heart & some heart shape balloons appeared. I'm just staring at the ceiling but I don't see anything. I'm so lost in thoughts, thoughts of Mithra. After sometimes I blink my eyes and I find no image flashing on the ceiling. It's all dark. I turn to see Mithra sleeping peacefully holding my arm.

I want to let her sleep with me in my arms sharing my bed but I know I can't. Morning when she wakes up & sees herself in my bed with me, she might not like that so I gently pick her in my arms & take her to her room & deposit her on her bed and after covering her body with the duvet & placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I head back to my room and stare blankly at the ceiling till sleep took over me.




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