Explaining this Book

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So, I thought I should probably explain this book since I have been getting a few comments wondering why Wilder is a huge focus on the book and Orchid isn't.

This is not Atticus and Orchid's book. This is Atticus's book, which is why it falls under the Smythe series and is told through Atticus's point of view. Yes, Orchid is his girlfriend, but she isn't his only focus. Remember, Sebastian is Atticus's dad, and you know what Seb did? Seb always put Dax first because Dax is mentally ill. That's one reason why Seb and Lauren's relationship ended, because Lauren didn't understand that Seb had to put Dax first, but Artie did understand that.

Wilder is mentally ill, and he doesn't have a sibling around his age to look out for him. Alec and Giselle are only ten, and they don't know of Wilder's condition. Atticus doesn't have any brothers and thinks of Wilder as one, and just like his dad, he puts his family first.

This book is called My Bad Boy Persona for a reason. It's all about how almost everyone sees Atticus as this bad boy who defies all rules, etc.... But he isn't. He has a huge heart, which is shown whenever Wilder is the focus of a chapter. You all saw him crying when Wilder had the horseback riding accident. You all saw how when the animal shelter needed to find a place for that husky, the first person to come to Atticus's mind was Wilder. You all see how worried Atticus is about Wilder because his little cousin is mentally ill. Wilder plays a huge part in Atticus's character. Without Wilder, Atticus would be this stereotypical and flat character.

Wilder shapes who Atticus is, and this book is about Atticus hiding behind a fake persona. Atticus isn't a bad boy. He's a virtuoso, animal lover, theatre geek, and a softy, all of which is shown through his little cousin.

Orchid isn't a protagonist. Atticus is the sole protagonist, and their relationship has just started. Even then, Orchid knows Wilder has to come first in Atticus's life. Atticus and Wilder are like a second-generation Seb and Dax. All of you know what Dax had to go through. Atticus isn't going to let Wilder deal with that alone because in real life, most people put their family first.

I was talking in the group chat about it and they were pointing out that if this was Orchid's book instead, Nolan would have been a main focus, and it's true. There will be times in this story with Orchid will be putting Nolan first because just like Wilder, Nolan is struggling with a mental illness. The Smythes and the Princes care so much about their family. You (possibly) saw Ryder drop everything to find Orchid when she was missing. You see Alan and Orchid stand up for Nolan all the time. You (possibly) saw Alan call Jerome to get him to come home from Montreal because Nolan needed him. 

Most of my books are about family, because some writers tend to put some of their lives in their books, and I do that a lot. You know what character is most like me? Nolan. His anxiety, his love for writing, struggling to get in front of a crowd, how important his family is. All of that is me. I value my family so much and we always put each other first.

And yes, Nolan is getting more of a focus than Orchid because of the car crash. Atticus was driving and Nolan was the one who got the most injured. You're going to see Atticus struggling more and more with it, because he's blaming himself. He's seeing Nolan in a wheelchair and thinking that it's all his fault.

So, to end this (kind of) rant, Wilder will continue having a huge roll. Once again, this is Atticus's book only. Orchid may be his girlfriend, but this isn't her story.


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