Chapter 14:Goodbye

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Midoriya's POV

"I..." I pause there. The knocking on the door become louder. "Izuku! Please don't leave me again!" Tomura begs. I shut my eyes tightly and take Tomura's hand. He delightly pulls me into the portal.

I open my eyes and see Tomura smiling at me and then everything become black...

Goodbye,everyone.Mom,All Might....


Villains' Hideout...

Tomura's POV

I ruffle Izuku's dark green curly hair affectionately while holding her hand. She is still sleeping. Maybe too tired after a hectic day. We finally get her back.Tonight,we will hold a welcomeback party for her. I dart my eyes from her beautiful face to her stomach. It seems a little bigger. Oh no,I forgot she is pregnant. I rub her stomach.

Am I ready to become a father?

I keep questioning myself but there is no answer. I'm scared...

Can I make both of them happy?

I suddenly feel a slight movement in my hand. I look at Izuku and smile widely.

Izuku is awake!!

"Tomura...?" She calls my name sleepily. She rubs her eyes. "Yes,sweetie?" I call her. Her eyes suddenly widens. "Wait...Am I at..?!" Izuku looks at me in disbelief. "Yes Izuku.Welcome home." I welcome her with big and happy smile.

Tears of happiness stream down from Izuku's eyes. She hugs me delightly. "Oh thanks goodness! I miss you,love!" she says with croaky voice.

I hug her back. I rub her back to calm her down. "There,there.You don't have to worry anymore,Izu. You're safe and sound now." I whisper into her ears. Izuku breaks the hug and gives me a peck on my lips.

"Thanks...for saving me,Tomura." She thanks me with a grateful smile.c"It's okay, Izu.cOf course I will save you after I heard..." I stop there.

"Heard what?" She tilts her head in confusion. "After I heard you were pregnant...of my child..." I lower my voice. Izuku looks surprised. She gasps in shock.

"Y-You knew?" She asks me,stutter. "Yes I knew." I reply. I'm the same as Izuku,nervous.

"T-Tomura...Please! I beg you,please don't kill this child!" Izuku begs. She kneels in front of me.

"I don't want this child to go through the same experience as me! Not knowing his background,his real parents! I don't want to give away this child to foster family! Please Tomura!" Izuku pleads with crystal tears falling from her eyes.

I stare at her in silent."Give me some time to think about it." I reply.

Izuku looks at me in disappoinment but still nods weakly. "I will..." she mutters in sadness.

Midoriya's POV

"Give me some times to think about it." Tomura says. As soon as I hear Tomura said that, I sigh in disappointment but I still nod weakly. "I will..."

Tomura leaves the room in silent,leaving me alone,crying.



I come downstairs after a few hours of sobbing and weeping. Everyone is enjoying their drinks,laughing and joking except for me and one person...

"I~Zu~Ku~" Himiko-chan locks her left arm with my right arm. "I can't wait for the baby!!!~" she sings.

When the villains heard the word 'baby', they turn to look at me. "What?" I tilt my head. "Oh yeah,you're..." Spinner doesn't finish his sentence.

Dabi suddenly gets up,leaving the room in silent but I notice,his expression.

He is sad...

I sigh. I look at Himiko-chan and she looks like she is gonna cry. Oh dear, don't tell me..

Himiko-chan's quickly puts on a smile on her face. She locks her arm with mine and brings me to Tomura. "Sit here! Both of you are the king and the queen for today~" Himiko-chan giggles.

"Here,Izuku." Twice gives me a blue paperbag. I accept it even though I'm confused. I open the bag and what I'm seeing is very surprising.

"Baby's clothes?" I lift my head and stare at him. "I can't wait until you come back,so I sew them right away after I heard you were pregnant." he says with smug look under his mask.

"Thanks Twice! You're the best!" I thank him delightly. He is the best boy in League of Villains. "No thank you." his smile of pride widen.

"This baby will be the strongest person in the world after All For One." Mr.Compress praises my baby with impressive look.

"If sensei is here, he will be very happy to have a grandchild now..." Kurogiri speaks up.

Kurogiri's words make my heart pounding fast. Everyone still doesn't know.

I love everyone in this league. I know they are all villains but they are so nice and kind. I don't want to dissapoint their expectation to see this baby. It's all because.


Tomura doesn't seem like he wants this baby. If he refuses to accept this child.

I can't imagine living my life without this baby I'm carrying. He is the proof of my love with Tomura. I turn my head to look at Tomura with begging look.

Tomura's POV

Everyone keeps praising and talking about the baby. It makes me feel guilty. I've decided to give away this child to a foster family but...

Kurogiri's words shock me.When he mentions sensei...

I can't imagine seeing his sad face if he knew I don't want this child. Well,it isn't like I hate this baby. It is just...

I'm scared...

What if I fail to make Izuku and the child happy? Can we live a normal life?

I sigh. I turn my head to look at Izuku and she is looking at me with begging look. "Tomura..." She calls my name sadly.My heart suddenly pounds rapidly.

Why am I so cruel to my lover?

Sensei entrust her daughter to me! I have to make Izuku happy!

I take a deep breath and gaze into Izuku's teary eyes. I caress her cheeks and bring her face closer to mine.

"I can't wait for the baby,Izuku..." I finally say those words she wants to hear. Izuku's sad face dies and happy look plasters on her face.

"Oh,Tomura-kun~You're so romantic~" Toga teases.

Twice,Kurogiri,Spinner,Compress and Toga applause.They all smirk at me.

"Shut the heck up. How dare you ruin the moment!?" I scold.Dammit,I'm in lovey-dovey mood and they ruin it.

"O-Oh~Sorry,father." Toga teases again. Wait,what!?Did she just call me father?

"Yeah,father.Don't be mad or the baby will cry." Compress too!

"Yeap,Shigaraki. You should fix those attitude of yours or it will affect the baby." Kurogiri says with calming voice though I can feel he is trying to hold back his laughter.

"Hahaha!" Izuku laughs adorably.

"Jeez,you guys are jerks.Let's go Izuku."

"Where to-"

I pick up Izuku bridal style,gently and carefully. I don't want to hurt the baby.

I bring her into our room. I lay her on our bed gently. I lock the door and then lay myself next to her.

"Izuku..." I call her sweetly."Yes,love?" she asks me.

"I can't promise to give both of you and the baby a happy life...I mean,I'm a villain." I confess.

" don't have to promise to give us a happy life. Villain or not,as long as you stay by our side and love us...That will make me and the baby the happiest people in the world..." Izuku says with a satisfaction look and a peaceful smile on her face.

I'm grateful she is my lover..

"I will always stay beside you. I will do my best to make you both happy." I whisper to her sweetly and rub her stomach.

"Thanks Tomura..." She thanks me with a wide smile.


An-Aii guys!!!!!Thanks for patiently waiting for me to update and I can't believe it!1.5 k views!!!! I love you guys!!!!!😘

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