Chapter 15:Here it Come!

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Next day...

Tomura's POV

After a night full of sweet words and romantical action, we both fall asleep. I don't even realize we were asleep.

Izuku looks happier today. She jumps slightly and goes to kitchen to help Kurogiri prepares the breakfast.

"Breskfast is ready!!!" Izuku shouts from the kitchen. All villains rush to kitchen to fill their empty stomach. "Today's breakfast is pancakes~" Izuku sings a little.

"Gosh,you look very happy today, Izuku.~" Toga comes and sits next to me. Spinner sits beside Toga. Mr.Compress in front of Spinner while Twice in front of Toga and Izuku sits in front me. Magne sits beside her.

All villains are here except...

"Where the heck is Dabi?" I ask.He is acting weird lately. All villains shrug except Izuku and Toga. "Well,boñ àpetit!" Spinner is the first to dig in.

Everyone starts eating the aroma-licious pancake. "Damn,thish tash sho ghood! (Damn,this taste so good!)" Spinner says while chewing the food.

"You're a good cook,Izuku.Now I have less burden to prepare meal since you're here." Kurogiri praises Izuku.

Izuku's face tints cherry pink. "I-It's nothing big actually! I love cooking after all!" Izuku says while blushing.

She begins to dig in and me too except Toga. "Himiko-chan?" Izuku calls her in concern. "Y-You guys eat first.I wanna look for Dabi!" She says before leaving the kitchen in hurry.

"What the heck is wrong with those two?" I ask Izuku.Izuku shrugs her shoulder.

"Something..." She replies shortly before smiling widely. Everyone finishes eating and returns to their own room.

Me and Izuku return to our room. Izuku looks quiet on the whole way to our room.

"If there is something you want to tell me,don't hesitate." I speak up. Izuku startles and gazes into my crimson red eyes."Tomura...can I call you by your real name?" she finally has the courage to ask me.

Wait... What...?!

"What did you-"

"I know,Tomura. 'Tomura Shigaraki' isn't your real name.It's your villain name,right? Your real name is Tenko Shimura." Izuku explains. "How did you know my real name?" I ask in disbelief.

"All Might told me. He said you are the grandchild of his predecessor, Nana Shimura, the previous One For All holder." Izuku's explanation makes me drop on my knees.

I've heard this name somewhere...


Father had mentioned her before he was dead. How grandma is a superhero. I remember. I remember the real thing now.

"All For One...killed her in the past..." Izuku says in low vocie.She looks guilty.

What!?Why sensei-

"Tenko,calm down." Izuku rubs my back. "They're all... Lies right?" I stare at her.

Izuku shakes her head in guilty." a great hero. After your grandfather was killed by villain, she gave away your father to a foster family to protect him from villians' threat.She will do anything to protect the world and her family. She is a great hero and a loving mother..." Izuku states.

Izuku hugs me tightly to give emotional support. "Hero is not as bad as you think,Tenko..."

Midoriya's POV

"Hero is not as bad as you think,Tenko..." I say while hugging To-Tenko. Since last night, I've been thinking about All Might's story.

And I've decided to bring Tenko to the right path. I want him to realize about how hero is not as bad as he thought.

I still want to be a hero. The only reason I choose to stay with Tenko is to bring him back to the right path and because...I love him.

I want him to live a happy life not a villainous life. That's why I will stay with him until he wants to quit being a villain. I don't want to force him. I want him to stop being a villain by himself.

" I know you might feel betrayed now since All For One is the one who killed your grandmother. But I think he sincerely care for you,Tenko. So please don't hate him..." I continue. Tenko only stays silent.

All For One is not as bad as I thought. Although he is a terrifying villain, he is a loving father. He protected me in the past and did anything he can to make me happy..

"Tenko, you don't have to force yourself to accept now. Give yourself some time..." I caress his cheeks and kiss him slightly. He looks confused and sad. I know.

I'm sorry,Tenko.I just want you to know the truth..

"I love you..." I mutter.


8 months later...

Tenko's POV

8 months had passed and Izuku will give birth any second from now. Her stomach gets bigger and bigger and it makes me nervous yet I feel excited.

I can't wait to become a father.

For the whole 8 months, I've been thinking about Izuku's story and I've decided...

"TENKO!!!!THE BABY!!!" Izuku screams,shocking everyone.They all rush to my room.

"Water is coming out from my bottom!" she says in panic. "Kurogiri! Gate! To the hospital!" I command. Kurogiri nods and opens the portal. Magne floats her carefully.

"Hey chick! We've got a pregnant lady here! Bring the doctor or I'll kill you!" I threaten the nurse. "W-Wait! I will call the doctor!" She says before leaving in hurry.

"Let's go to the labor room." The other nurse says, trying to hide her fear. The doctor and the coward nurse come with a stretcher. Magne lays the now weak Izuku. She is panting heavily.

They bring her to the labor room and I follow them. "Okay,miss.Calm down and when I say push,you've to push the baby with all your might,okay?" the doctor says calmly.

Izuku nods. I hold her hand firmly, telling her I'm here for her. "Tenko,I'm scared..." Izuku says. "It's fine,Izuku.You'll be okay." I comfort her.

"Argh!!!!" she starts screaming."Okay,now push!" doctor commands.

Izuku nods weakly and begins to push. Here it come...A few minutes of struggling, we hear baby crying.

The nurse takes the cute baby and wraps it with a towel and hands it to Izuku. "It's a girl,Tenko..." Izuku smiles weakly but full of satisfaction. I only smile at her and our baby."Do you want to hold her?" Izuku hands over the baby but I refuse. "I don't want to decay her.." I say in sadness. My Quirk won't allow me to do so.

The door suddenly burst open and the villains enter the labor room. "OOH!!! It's a baby girl!!!!" Toga pokes her soft cheeks.

"She has your eyes, Izuku-chan and Tomura's hair!!" Toga says excitedly. I stare at the baby and she is right. The baby has light blue hairs same as me and a green emerald eyes like Izuku.

"What's her name?" Kurogiri asks impatiently. Izuku smiles and says, "Touka..." she replies happily. "Nice name." Twice says.

I look at Izuku and she looks at me too. Her eyes are asking me whether I approve of the name or not. "It's a beautiful name,Izuku." I praise and Izuku's smile widens. "Thanks,Tenko. I'm glad you like it." She thanks me.

"Crap!Heroes are here!" Spinner informs in panic. "Let'a go back!" Magne lifts Izuku with his Magnetism and we all enter the portal.


An-hey guys!!!!!Thanks for voting and reading my story!!!

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