Chapter 5:I'm His

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Villains' Hideout,

Midoriya's POV

It's night already. Time passes faster than I expected.

All of the villains are hanging out at the bar at the first floor of the building. I only sit at the bar stool,drinking orange juice that Kurogiri makes for me since I'm underage. The other villains are drinking wine except for me and Himiko-chan.

They all are celebrating a party for me. A welcoming party. Tomura is the one who suggests to hold a party for me.

It's strange though. Just now,he's the one who says he won't accept me and yells at me but now he changes drastically. He really does open his heart to me.

I keep yawning. I'm sleepy. I wanna go to sleep but these guys are still partying and drinking. I lay my head on the bar counter, almost fall asleep.

"Oh,looks like the party girl is sleepy." Kurogiri's words startle me and I quickly fix my position.

The villains laugh at me. I cover my face in embarrassment."Well,let's call it a night." Tomura ends the party and everyone goes to sleep. "Izuku,you'll sleep with me." I almost choke on my drink. "W-What!?" I look at him in disbelief.

"You're sleeping with me. Don't waste my time. Let's go to sleep." he pulls my hand and carries me bridal style to his room. I blush a little and bury my face in his chest.

He opens the door with his leg and then lays me on his cozy bed gently. "T-Tomura. I can sleep on the floor." I say.

"No,you'll sleep on this bed with me. And from now on,this is our room." he says with commanding voice. He lays himself beside me. "Good night,Izuku..." he wishes to me before closing his eyes tightly.

Tomura cuddles me in his sleep. He places his hand on my waist. His hand feels so cold. I feel a little scared because he can disintegrate my skin but for some reasons, it doesn't happen. I wonder why. "Izuku...from're mine alone..." he whispers in my ears softly. "I'm yours?What do you mean?" I ask in confusion. "You belong to me and only me.Your heart,soul,body and every single thing about you belong to me,got it?" he answers before kissing my cheek slightly.

Does this mean...!
I'm his lover now?!

"T-Tomura-" unfortunately,
Tomura is fast asleep while I'm the one who is still awake. I just can't believe his words just now. I can feel his breath on my ear and my heart suddenly races rapidly. I slowly hold his hand to give him some warmth.

Tomura.. I wonder what drives him to be a villain. He seems to hate heroes to the point he wants to kill them.

I close my eyes, trying to sleep. I slowly fall asleep in Tomura's embraces...


A week later...

Midoriya's POV

It has been a week and there's no sign of hero coming to rescue me. I watch the news everyday and yes, there is report about me getting kidnapped yet there is no action from Yuuei. Right now, I'm in the living room,watching television.

Could it be Yueei don't care about me anymore? All Might,Aizawa-sensei,everyone...

No way. There's no way they won't care about me.

For a week, wherever I go, one of the villains will follow me,guarding and watching me.

It pisses me off because I have no personal space at all!
They even wait for me to finish bathing!!

I let out a heavy sigh. This is all Tomura's doing. Whether he's being overprotective or just afraid that I'll try to escape. He even sleeps with me every night!

I sigh again. It isn't like I'm allowed to leave this base so they don't have to observe me 24 hours.

I am glad they don't hurt me but I want to go out from this place. I miss my teachers,my friends and Mom.

Tears fall from my eyes. I wipe them away. I don't want any of them notice me crying or if they tell Tomura, he'll get mad at me. He hates it when I mention my friends or my teachers.

But I'm too late. Dabi enters the room and sits next to me and he sees me crying. He's the most troublesome villain in the league. He always teases me but he doesn't talk to other villains that much. He always tries to find opportunity to pull pranks on me.

"Hey,what's wrong?" he sits closer to me and stares at me with worried look. I avert my eyes from his stares. I turn my head to look at the walls. I rather look at the walls the entire days than seeing his face all day.

Dabi pulls my chin and gazes into my eyes. "Hey,I'm asking you, what's wrong?" he asks again in irritation. I stay quiet for a while. "I-I miss my mom..." I reply nervously. I hope he won't tell Tomura.

Dabi suddenly pulls me into an embrace, hugging me tightly yet gently. "E-Eh?" I hug him back in confusion. We stay in hug for a few minutes. "Sorry. Seeing you cry make me want to comfort you." he whispers to me softly. I can feel his warm breath. He's panting. My ears are starting to feel hot. "D-Dabi, let me go please." I ask politely. If this continues, something bad will happen.

He doesn't listen to me instead he tightens our embrace. "No,I won't." he pushes me to lay me down. He is ontop of me. "D-Dabi,please don't do this." I beg. "I won't let this chance slip away. Handsman is not here so..." he smirks at me.

Dabi suddenly presses his lips against mine. His tongue is dancing inside my mouth. I moan lightly between kisses. The kisses become more passionate. He keeps kissing me for a few minutes before breaking it to get some air.

"D-Dabi. Please don't." tears seep from my eyes. I keep begging but he never listens.

He leaves my lips and goes to my neck. At first, he only licks but then he starts sucking and biting my neck, leaving hickeys everywhere. "A-Ah~" My moans become louder. "Oh,you like it,don't you?" he smirks at me.

His hands roam on my body. He almost takes off my clothes. "N-No!" I cry out. He starts taking off my clothes when...

"Hey,Izuku! I'm-" Tomura comes into the room. Dabi positions himself in panic. Tomura stares at both of us. I hurriedly fix my clothes. "What the heck are you two doing!!?" he starts yelling.

Tomura glares at me and he suddenly drags me out of the room and goes to his room. He pushes me onto the bed harshly and slams the door angrily.

"I told you,you're mine! Why the heck are you messing around with other guys?!"
he scolds me. "T-Tomura,I'm sorry." I apologize to him with teary eyes even though it isn't entirely my fault. "I think you're still unaware of your status. Let me show you you're mine..." his voice darkens. I gulp in fear.


AN-Oops,cliffhanger!!! Sorry guys. Next chapter,will be a lot of TomuDeku moments

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