Chapter 6:First Mission

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AN-Guys,I forgot to mention this.Izuku's quirk,Darkness will automatically activate if it sense/detect threat or danger.

UA High School,class 1-A...

No one's POV

"That's all for today. Dismiss." Aizawa says with boring tone while pulling the zip of his sleeping bag to go to sleep." there any new report about Midoriya-san?" Yaoyorozu asks with determination.

Everyone turns to look at Aizawa in hope. Aizawa sighs and stares at his students. "Unfortunately,there is no new report about Midoriya." The students let out heavy sigh.Uraraka's eyes begin to tear.  "D-Deku-chan...where are you?" She cries out. The girls are crying while the boys only sigh in regret.

"Besides..." Aizawa speaks up again. "I don't think Midoriya can continue her study in UA since she broke the rules and fight the villain." he says.

Everyone is shocked. "Sensei! Midoriya didn't fight!" Kirishima denies. "What the heck are you saying, Hairs for Brain?! Don't you see she fought back then?! That nerd hurts All Might too!!" Bakugou starts yelling too. He's ready to attack Kirishima. His hands let out small explosions.

Aizawa wraps both of them with his scarf. "Stop fighting both of you! Kirishima,what do you mean by Midoriya didn't fight?" he asks Kirishima.

"Because she is unconscious back then. If you don't believe in me,then ask Iida,Todoroki and Yaoyorozu. They saw it too!" Kirishima points his finger to the other three.

Everyone turns to look at the three. "Kirishima-san is telling the truth,Aizawa-sensei. Back then,Midoriya-san was attacked by Nomu and lost her consciousness..." her voice becomes lower.

"Well then,I'll inform the principal after class." Aizawa says. Everyone only nods.


Villains' Hideout...

Midoriya's POV

"I'll show to you you're mine alone..." Tomura's voice darkens. His voice sends shivers down to my spine. My body trembles heavily.

Tomura pins my hands on the bed. I try to escape his iron grips but fail. "W-What are you going to do?" I ask nervously.

He grips my wrists with all of his five fingers yet my skins don't disintegrate. I shut my eyes tight,waiting for him to torture me.

I'm done for. He is going to torture me.

My breathing become ragged. My heart is beating rapidly. Tomura attacks my lips. He kiss me but I won't open my lips so he bites my lower lips. I finally open my lips in gasp of pain.

His tongue dance in my mouth, exploring every single inch of my interior. My breathing become faster and faster.

He breaks the kiss after a few minutes of passionate kiss."Izuku..." Tomura stares at me with eyes full of lust. He takes off my shirt, showing my bare skins. "T-Tomura,please...stop..." I say with teary eyes. Tomura slowly traces his hands on my half-bottom. He starts taking off my shorts. "T-Tomura...not there..." I cry.

He almost takes off my shorts when we suddenly hear knocking on the door. "Tomura.Come down. Those guys are here." we hear Kurogiri's voice.

Tomura groans in frustration while I sigh in relief. My sanity is secured. "Tch. Damn,Kurogiri. I'll kill him after this." Tomura complains.

I sigh in relief again. I fix my clothes and ready to leave the room but Tomura stops me. He pins me to the walls. "We'll continue this later..." he says before giving me a peck and then leaves the room.

My heart is racing fastly again."Why did you make me feel like this Tomura?" I say in low tone.


Villains' Hideout,first floor...

Midoriya's POV

I climb down the stairs slowly. I take a peek and see an old man and two muscular men. Maybe his bodyguards.

"So,where is the new kid? All For One's daughter I mean." he says while drinking the wine Kurogiri has served.

"She has nothing to do with this.What about the stuff I order from you?" Tomura says with threatening voice.

He really looks scary when he is in his villain mood.

"Oh,don't worry! Everything is settle! I already brought them with me today." the old man replies with prideful smile. His bodyguards take out a few small boxes from a big bag.

The old man opens one of the boxes and takes out a tube containing purple liquids. "This thing for sure will paralyze people's Quirk for almost three hours." he explains arrogantly."Cool. We'll pay only half first.Well, to see whether these things work out or not..." Tomura grabs the tube from the old man's hand and observes it with a happy smile.

What are they going to do with that liquid? Paralyze Quirk? These things may be drugs...

I step back. I don't want to stay here any longer. They may have an evil plan. I don't want to be involved.

Unluckily, the villains notice me and Himiko-chan drags me to the room. The old man smiles at me. I smile to him awkwardly."So this girl is All For One's daughter?" he observes me from head to toe.

Out of the blue, my Quirk,Darkness attacks the old man. I gasp in shock and quickly deactivate my Quirk. "Ouch! What is wrong with this kid!!?" He groans in pain.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening! My Quirk suddenly activated by itself!" I bow to him frantically. The other villains stare at me before burst out their laughter.

"My,my. Now you're daring to attack people I see. I guess you're ready for your first mission." Tomura smirks at me evilly. "F-First mission?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes.Tomorrow,you'll begin your first mission." Tomura says.

The old man gets up and ready to leave. "Hmph. I'll leave now." he says before leaving the base.

"Man,you're awesome. You managed to destroy his pride." Twice pats my shoulder. "Seriously, I hate that jerk. He keeps bragging about himself non-stop." Mr.Compress complains.

I only stay silent. I feel very nervous and scared. Tomorrow,I'll do my first mission as villain.

Heroes... Everyone... Sensei... Please save me quick!


AN-Guys,sorry for the boring chapter!! Next chapter,Izuku will begin her first mission as villain! (I'm sorry Izuku!!!)

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