Chapter 7:I'm a Villain

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~Timeskip to tomorrow's morning~

Midoriya's POV

I wake up earlier than usual.Why? Because I've a mission today. I'm very nervous and my body won't stop shaking.

If this mission involves killing people...

I can't imagine it. I don't want to murder anyone.

I almost get up from the bed when Tomura suddenly grips my hand gently. "Where are you going?" Tomura asks me sleepily.

"I-I wanna go to the bathroom." I reply in fear. "Why are you scared of me? We're lovers right?" he says sweetly.

Tomura gently embraces me. His hands suddenly try to touch my chest but I quickly stop him.

"P-Please stop. It's early morning. B-Besides, I need to get ready for my first mission right?" I give Tomura the most logical excuse but he never listens. He then kisses my neck. He nibbles on my neck, leaving purple hickeys.

He then lets me go. "These bitemarks I left are the sign you belong to me alone." he explains his intention and smiles warmly.

"Oh yeah, I've been wondering...Why did my Quirk don't work on you?" he asks me with demanding look. "I don't know.I'm confused too." I answer.

"Well,you might be a special case. I'm glad you're my lover,Izuku." he says sweetly and kisses me softly on the cheeks."I love you,my dear~" he says before leaving the room.

I stare at the door in guilty. "I'm sorry Tomura...I never feel the same way..." I mutter.


~Timeskip after finish bathing and putting on her villain outfit~

Midoriya's POV

I wear my villain outfit today that Kurogiri has made specially for me. It resembles my hero outfit except the color is dark blue and a mask to hide my face and also a hoodie to hide my green curly hairs.

"Well,today's mission is we're gonna look for this guy." Kurogiri takes out a picture from his pocket and shows it to everyone. "He's the one who told the police about our hideout. We investigate his background and we found out he's only a good-for-nothing drug addict." he explains in details.

"So,your mission today is..." Tomura pauses there. "You've to kidnap him and bring him here alive." he stresses out the last word. "D-Do I have to go alone?" I ask, starting to sweatdrop.

"Of course not. Dabi will go with you." Kurogiri replies before glancing at Dabi. Dabi looks at me but then turns his head to look at Kurogiri.

I see Tomura glaring at Dabi deadly. Maybe he is still mad about yesterday's incident.

"Oh,okay..." I nod. I'm glad we don't have to kill anyone. "Oh,here is some gifts for you." Kurogiri hands me a few syringes contain purple liquid. "This liquid paralyze Quirk for three hours. In other words, people will be unable to use their Quirk for a while." he explains in detail. I only nod. I put the syringes in my pocket.

"Well then, let's begin your first mission." Kurogiri opens the portal. Me and Dabi walk into the portal but Tomura suddenly interferes. "Take care,sweetie." he whispers to me worriedly. I nod and smile to him.

"I will." I assure.I walk into the portal with Dabi...


Camino Ward, Abandoned Mansion...

Midoriya's POV

We finally arrive at the place. It is an abandoned mansion. Woah...this mansion is huge. "Is here?" I tilt my head. "Well,there is no doubt he's here." Dabi assures.

It feels a little awkward to talk to Dabi after that incident. "Midoriya, do you hate me?" Dabi suddenly speaks out. I stare at him in confusion. "Hate you? Why?" I ask. "Well,because...I kiss you without your consent..." he mutters.

"Well,I don't hate you...It's just...I just feel a little awkward..." I tell him. "Why you did that? That's the only thing I wanna know..." I finally have the courage to ask him

"Because I love you..." he suddenly pins me to the wall. My eyes widen in surprise.He loved me?! Dang, how I should deal with this?

Dabi gets closer to my face and our face are only inches part. His lips are very closed to mine. He stares at my shiny emerald eyes. His eyes darts from my eyes to my lips. He touches my lips. My face turns red and feels hot. "D-Dabi,we're on mission." I remind him.

"Well, they never say we've to go back as soon as possible, right?" his hands touch my shoulder. "So,we can do anything we want. We're both alone now..." he looks at me with begging look.

I don't know why but my body won't move. Dabi slowly kisses me. At first,I wanna reject but surprisingly, I slowly kiss him back. Ever since the first time we did this, I've this weird feeling inside me.

I caress his purple cheeks. Dabi pulls me into a hug. "D-Dabi,please...please stop..." I don't want to keep this on.

"Why? Just now you like my kiss?" he asks in disappointment. "You don't like Handsman right? So why did you've to feel guilty if you cheat on him?" he states.

He's right .All this time I reject him because I don't wanna upset Tomura although I never feel the same way. "Izuku,I sincerely love you with all my heart and soul. You always appear in my dream Izuku. You keep showing in my mind. I've never felt like this in my life. You teach me how to love someone,Izuku..." he confesses.

I gasp in shock. This is my first time receiving such a romantic confession from a guy. "Dabi..." I utter his name in low voice.

"I'll wait for your answer. Let's just focus on our mission now." He says and then lets me go from his embrace.

We both walk into the old mansion together. The doors are stucked so Dabi burns them.

The inside of the mansion is a mess. There are a lot of syringes and...

"Is this place...drug addicts' nest?" I ask Dabi in concern. He nods. We look for this guy named 'Saito Kamishiro'. We keep walking deeper into the mansion when Dabi suddenly stops me.

"I heard people talking." he whispers to me. I sharpen my focus. He's right, there are voices of people talking. "It comes from that room..." Dabi points his finger to a huge door.

"Okay,you're ready?" Dabi asks eagerly. I nod and put on my mask and hoodie. We then burst open the door.

There are three guys in this room and one of them is Saito Kamishiro. "Woah,what the--" Saito swears. "P-Police!" his two friends run away as fast as lightning, leaving Saito behind.

"W-Who the heck are you guys?!" he shivers in fear."We're villains." Dabi says before punching Saito in the guts,making the poor guy loses his consciousness.

But all of sudden, we saw slime coming out of nowhere. The slimes restrain Dabi. "Dammit! Midoriya, the paralyzer!" Dabi screams and I nod. I quickly use Full Cowl and dash to Saito. I inject the the syringe into him ane the slimes quickly disappear.

Dabi sighs in relief and brushes off the leftover slimes on his clothes "Well,let's go home." he commands and then calls Kurogiri to open the portal.

I'm glad I don't have to do kill anyone. We both get into the portal.


~Timeskip to nighttime~

No one's POV

All villains gather at the first floor after Kurogiri announces about Saito who just awakes a few minutes ago.

Midoriya sits besides Tomura while the other villains only standing still. Kurogiri takes off the tape on Saito's mouth roughly.

Saito's breathing looks unstable. He looks very nervous. His face turns pale.

"W-Who the heck are you guys?! What do you guys want?! If you want money then ask my old man,not me, you bastards!!" he starts cursing. "Well,we're League of Villains and we just wanna did you know about our hideout?!" Tomura grips his shirt.

"I-I don't know what the heck are you talking about!" Saito denies. Tomura punches him and asks the same question repeatedly and punches him again. Midoriya shuts her eyes tight, not wanting to witness the horror scene. "I won't...tell you..." Saito says weakly. He's very beats up. "Oh, if that's your answer, I guess we just have to do the hard way..." Tomura shows his demonic smirk.

"Izuku." Tomura suddenly calls Midoriya. She quickly stands up."Y-Yes?" She stutters a little."Take a knife and stab him. I want you to get used to killing people." Tomura commands. Her eyes widens in surprise.

"N-NO! I DON'T WANNA KILL PEOPLE!" Midoriya defies. There's no way she wants to do that! Ever!

"Izuku..." Tomura says with commanding voice.


"DO IT OR YOU'LL TAKE HIS PLACE!!!" Tomura starts to lose his patient

Midoriya trembles in fear. Kurogiri suddenly hands her a knife. "Just do it Izuku." he whispers to her and pats her backs.

Izuku takes the knife. Her hands won't stop shaking. She walks closer to Saito. Saito looks very beat up and weak.

"Please...don't do're a hero Miss Midoriya..." he begs. Tears stream down like waterfall from her eyes.

'I don't wanna do this too...' Midoriya's internal voice says in sadness.

Tomura sighs in frustration and then walks to Midoriya. He holds her hands firmly and points the knife at Saito's chest.

"T-Tomura! What are you doing!? STOP IT!" Midoriya starts to panic. Her tears stream down faster. "If you can't do it yourself... then I'll do it with you..." Tomura's voice darkens.

Tomura stabs Saito's chest repeatedly,shocking Midoriya Blood splashes on her face.

Tomura is holding Midoriya's hands because she is the one who holds the knife...

Which means...

"NOOOO!!!" The greenette screams. She falls on her knees. "You're cruel..." She sobs. She keeps staring at dead Saito in regret.

Midoriya's POV

It's over...
I killed a person...
My hands are dirty with blood...
I can't be a hero anymore...


I'm a villain...


AN-hey guys!!!! Sorry if this chapter is boring!!! I do my best to make it interesting and this chapter is longer than I expected! The last part is a bit...dark I think?

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