I Actually Need A Little Company

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Drew stood by the guest room door as his caretaker was searching for him. He had a plan to get a new baby sibling. He was so lonely and always wanted one but his parents didn't want another child. They were "fine with just the one". But he was going to get one now. He was going to kill the Caretaker and use her blood for a ritual to get his baby sibling.

The caretaker, as Drew mentally called her, finally opened the door and walks in. Drew hit her in the head with the sledge hammer. It cracked her skull and caused enough damage to kill her. He grinned and made sure to drag her close to the pentagram he carved. The blood filled it up quickly. He tossed her body aside as he read the words on the book he stole from the library out loud.

He had a homemade patchwork doll that looked like a little girl with brown hair in a ponytail and brown eyes in the center of the pentagram. She was wearing a yellow shirt with dark blue overalls.

He smiled at the little toy as he chanted until the toy floated, then there was a sudden flash of light. A hulking figure who's skin looked like that of human muscle and bloody stains sat in the middle of the pentagram, holding the doll. Drew watched what was clearly a young demon examine the doll, then suddenly transform into a lookalike of the doll, except human.

She had a few hiccups in the design, like her one eye looked greyed over as if blind, along with a few scar like marks on the arms. Then Drew realized she copied the fact that one eye of the doll was scratched and there were small stitch marks all over its arms. She was copying the doll as best she could. She did a great job in Drew's opinion.

Drew was now smiling away and said one simple word to the demon child.


Fiore, the demon child, smiled at her new brother. She hugged the doll and walked up to him to hug him too. Drew told her everything she needed to know. She nodded along and hugged her brother close. She knew what she had to do and felt protective of her new brother. She wanted to help him in any way she could. She WILL help him and protect him.

Drew and Fiore spent the whole rest of the day spending time bonding and playing like siblings. Fiore revealed that she was just 6 years old in human years. Drew signed his age and Fiore nodded. They even came up with a reason Fiore was blind in one eye.

The excuse was that she was born like that.  A wrong move from the doctors and the mother didn't care. Then Drew's family adopted her. Perfect excuse in their minds. After all, they may be smart and mature for their ages but their brains still weren't developed all the way, even if they were this still would seem like a good idea to them.

They continued playing for a while longer until Drew yawned. Fiore smiled and curled up in his arms as he laid down and fell asleep. She cuddled close and smiled more.  The caretaker's body had been taken care off and ready to be "disposed" of later.

Fiore was just happy to be cuddling her new human brother as he fell asleep. He will now be the most protected human to ever live. Fiore wasn't going to let anything bad happen to him if she could help it.

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