5. Seed

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 Orion P.O.V.

   BEEP Du An you started spreading mating pheromones.

   "I know, you think I can't feel it happen?"

   BEEB And?

   "And what? I'm trying hard to suppress myself."

   BEEP Are her waves so strong?

   "HA, now that she is so close, strong is an understatement. You know the reason I found her was the strong waves she was emitting.

   BEEP I don't detect any other Vurats releasing pheromones.

   "How could they, when I was detecting Earth, her waves connected with mine."

   "It's been like that since. Strangely, I'm not able to break the connection.

   BEEP She also started to show signs of wanting to mate with you.

   "Impossible! When and how?"

   BEEP Quite a few times. The first time was actually in the white room when saying she hopes you will be her first friend. It was before she saw you. What do you think about this?

   "For the love of the mother! This means she is affected by our wave connection. This should not happen!

   BEEP But it did, it is happening. You forget something Du An, humans had an evolved version in the past, maybe she is a new version of evolution we haven't discovered until now.

   "What other sighs did she show?"

   BEEP My sensors detected a fast heartbeat, increased temperature, shallow breaths, and dry mouth. She follows you with her sight, she feels too relaxed in her situation, in your company even more so.

   BEEP She seems genuinely happy every time you talk and being here in general. Do you know how many humans behaved like this on the first day of being here? None, not even in the first couple of weeks.

   "Maybe she's crazy, both scared and happy at the same time"

   BEEP Du An does she seem crazy to you?


   BEEP Maybe she has a mutation that allows her to feel the wave connection even if I can't find anything different in her genetic code or ... what if she has the seed?

"Impossible, I would know.

BEEP Are trying to delude yourself? Vurats pheromones should only appear in the presence of seed. If it's not a mutation we haven't seen till now then a seed is the only explanation.

BEEP Tell me you didn't feel anything when she touched your neck to look for the device, my sensors dare you.

"I did feel something, but I didn't feel a seed."

BEEP Maybe the seed is very young or is in the process of appearing.

"I don't know, I don't want to get my hopes up again. I thought she was my star flower when I felt her waves on Earth, I was very disappointed when I didn't feel a seed once she was on the ship.

BEEP What will you do?

"I will wait and try to control my pheromones so that I don't affect her too much. If she has the seed then I will feel it eventually"

End Orion P.O.V

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