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I haven't seen Laksh yet. It has been nine hours that I've got conciousness. He's no where to be seen. Even my friends came to meet me in the hospital but not Laksh. Though I didn't ask my parents about him. I asked Yash and Ryan but they're not ready to tell anything to me. Stupid fellows!

God! Where's he? I want to see him.

I looked around my room with a bored expression. I got discharged and came back home an hour ago.

It's night now. I tried calling Laksh many times but his phone is switched off and now I'm feeling scared.

'Did anything happen to him?'

'Or dad fired him for being careless about me?'

'He don't love me that he didn't come to see me?'

So many questions were running in my mind at the same time. I wiped the tears which started flowing from my eyes without my knowledge.

'Why am I even crying?'

I looked at the window as I heard some noises from there. I panicked thinking about any thief being there. I picked up the vase as I started walking towards the window. I opened the curtain only to come face to face with the face of the man I was dying to see. He knocked on the glass window, telling me to open it. I immediately kept the vase aside and opened the window.

I helped him in getting inside. As soon as he got inside, I ensured that he was fine and then hugged him tight to death. I missed him so much. I got confused when he didn't reciprocate. I broke the hug and looked up at him.

"Laksh..." I called his name.

"I just came here to tell you that I'm quitting this job of your bodyguard." he said giving a strong blow to me.

He's quitting the job! He's going, leaving me! No! He can't do this.

"No! Why?" I asked tensed.

"My wish!" he said rudely.

"Laksh! Why are you doing this? What did I do? I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. Please don't go leaving me. Please..." I said and I felt tears running down my cheeks again.

I can't let him go. I love him. I want him.

"What did you do? Seriously? Do I really need to tell you what you did? You tried to take your life! Really Ms Gadodia! If you can think of dying, leaving me then I can atleast think of quitting the job. Right? That's nothing as compared to what you did." he said looking at me with a murderous glare.

And I got him. He was mad at me.

"Laksh, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to do that but I wasn't getting what to do at that time. He was forcefully getting married to me. I didn't want to get married to him." I tried making him understand as I held his hand but he took his hand back.

"You didn't have trust on me? Do you really think that I would have let you get married to him? You didn't think twice before taking that step." he asked with his eyes boring into mine.

I shook my head as I hugged him again.

"I'm sorry Laksh. I'll not do any stupidity like that ever. I swear. Please don't be mad at me. Please don't go. I can't live without you. I'm so sorry. Please Laksh." I said as I started crying badly.

"Promise?" he asked, still not reciprocating.

"I promise!" I said.

Then I felt him draping his strong arms around me and my body immediately relaxed.

"I don't want to lose you Ragini. I got so scared when I saw you like that. It was the worst moment of my life. Please don't try anything like that again." he said as he ran his hand through my hair.

"I'll not. I love you so much Laksh. How could I get married to that villain when you're my hero!" I said tightening my grip around his frame.

"What? What did you just say?" he asked with wide eyes as he broke the hug.

Then only I realised that I said those three words to him. Don't know how they slipped out of my mouth? Damn!

"I... said..." I was stammering.

"Say it Ragini." he said as he cupped my face in between his hands.


God, it was so difficult to say it again, with him looking at me like that. He was looking so excited, so curious.

"I love you." I finally spoke.

His lips curved into a smile and he hugged me again.

"God! I can't believe it. You made me so happy Ragini." he said as he kissed me all over my face.

He then merged our foreheads together.

"I love you too." he said brushing his nose with mine.

It took me a few seconds to confirm whether I heard it right or not.

"What?" I asked to confirm.

"I said I love you mera bachcha." he said smiling.

My heart started dancing with joy as it got confirmed. Butterflies started doing weird things in my stomach. He loves me too. OMG! Someone pinch me please.

"Laksh..." I shouted as I jumped upon him.

He lost his balance because of my sudden attack and both of us fell on the floor with me above him. He started laughing at my childishness.

"Ouch!" I said as I felt a sudden pain in my wrist because of the sudden pressure on it.

He looked at me and then held my hand.

"Is it paining too much?" he asked looking at me with concern.

"No, not at all. I'm very strong." I said assuring him.

"Yes, you are my strong girl." he said.

"And I love you so much." I said kissing him all over his face.

"I love you more." he said putting my hair behind my ear and kissing my bandaged wrist.

"Where were you from these many hours? You didn't come to see me. I got worried. I wanted to see you so bad." I complained with a pout.

He sighed deeply before starting to speak.

"I was at the police station. Your previous bodyguard tried harming you that's why the police took your present bodyguard for the investigation so that it doesn't get repeated again. They double checked all my documents again and even met my family. I didn't mind it but I knew that you'll not like it. That's why I told Ryan and Yash not to tell anything to you." he said running his thumb over my cheek.

"And also, I wanted to teach you a lesson for your insane stunt. That's why I stayed away from you, even after coming back from the police station but I couldn't control myself more and came here, hiding from everyone. I wanted to confirm myself that you're alright." he said pecking on my forehead.

I smiled at him and buried my face in his neck.

"I'm perfectly fine now. Don't worry." I mumbled.

"Hmm... You know it was so difficult for me to climb till your window because of my height." he complained as he started running his hand on my back.

I giggled at that.


We stayed like that for sometime, feeling each other's presence. Then we got up and sat on the bed with his one hand around me.

"Did you eat something?" he asked.

"Yeah, mom made me eat so much." I said widening my eyes.

He chuckled at that.

"Serves you good." he said glaring me.

"Very funny!" I said glaring him back but it was a fake glare.

"So, when are we going to tell your parents about us?" he asked lacing the fingers of his one hand with mine.

My hands looks like a kid's in front of his hands.

"Uhm... Let's wait for some more time and enjoy being in a secret relationship. I like it alot." I said smiling sheepishly.

He also chuckled at that and nodded. We talked for a while before he decided to leave.

"I think I should go now. It's late and you need rest." he said as he took his hand back.

I looked at him with a sad face. He patted my cheek as he got up from the bed. I held his hand and he turned to look at me.

"Don't go." I said pouting.

"Hey, don't do that again and again. You're testing my patience and I know if I stayed here more than I'll lose control over myself. I don't want that." he said with a serious face.

My face heated up at his words. I was blushing extremely.

"Laksh..." I said shyly.

He smirked as he bent down and kept his hands on the bed, on either sides of me. His face so close to mine.

"Stop blushing. I'm warning you." he said in a serious and warning tone.

"I'm trying but I can't." I told him honestly.

He chuckled at my answer.

"Awe mera bachcha." he said kissing the corner of my lips.

He claimed my lips before I could even react. I felt his right hand snaking around my waist as he pulled me closer to himself. I started reciprocating as I started running my hands in his hair. Our first kiss after our confession of love. Perfect!

We broke the kiss and kept staring each other. I knew my face was all red. I seriously need to consult someone on how to control blush! I bit my lip to control my smile.

"Damn! I should go." he said as he started walking towards the door.

"Good night Mr Bodyguard." I said laughing.

"Good night to you too, Mr Bodyguard's secret girlfriend." he said as he got out of the window.

I moved towards the window and saw him going down. He waved his hand to me as he reached the ground. I also waved my hand and gave him a flying kiss. He caught it with his hand and then kissed his hand. I started laughing at that and he started walking towards his house. I closed the door when he got out of my sight.

He always makes me smile. I'm always happy when I'm with him. Do I need something else now? No, not at all! I've got the best.

I squealed as I started jumping and dancing. I was so happy that I was not getting how to express it.

I'm sure that if there was a machine to measure happiness and excitement then it would have blown up in my case.



I got inside my room without making any kind of noise in the house. I didn't want to wake up Ryan and then get showered with hundreds of questions. I lied down on the bed with a broad smile.

I'm so happy today.

She loves me back!

I should talk to my parents about her soon so that ma stop looking for the alliances for me. She's hell bent on making me married this year. And Twinkle is surely going to freak out!

The worst day turned out to be the best day!


The cuteness of this couple is killing me😍😍😍. What you guys feel?

Next: the possessive side of Ragini's bodyguard😰!

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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