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I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time before picking up my bag and making my way out of the room. It has been one week to that kidnapping thing. I wasn't allowed to go out of the house in this one week but now I'm perfectly fine so I'm going to college today. I was getting so bored at home. As I didn't go anywhere in this one week so meetings with Laksh were almost nil. My excitement is more about spending the whole day with him like before, hehe.

I reached at the main gate of the house and found my hot and handsome bodyguard waiting for me in his uniform, with the car. He was leaning to the car with his arms crossed around his chest. I smiled as I made my way towards him.

"Good morning." I greeted.

"Morning." he greeted me back as he opened the door of the passenger seat for me.

I rolled my eyes as always and got inside. He moved to the other side and got on the driving seat.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked as he started the car.

"I was fine when I left my room but seeing you, I'm more than fine. Infact, I'm very good." I said smiling at him and I noticed the corner of his mouth lifting up at my words.

"I told my parents about you." he said and I widened my eyes in shock.

"What? What did they say?" I asked nervously.

"I showed them your picture and..." he stopped as he glanced at me.

"And?" I asked.

"And they asked when I was bringing their future daughter in law home to meet them." he said.


"What?" I shouted as I realized what he actually said.

He started laughing at my reaction.

"Oh my god! They want to meet me! Will they like me? What should I wear for the meeting with them? Western or Indian? How should I act in front of them? Laksh! I'm so nervous. What if they didn't like me?" I kept on asking non stop questions to him.

"Relax mera bachcha! They'll definitely like you. How can someone not like my Ragini ha? And there's time in your meeting with them. So don't take tension. First we'll tell your parents about us and then we'll meet my parents. Don't worry!" he said as he kept his hand over my thigh and gave me an assuring smile.

I nodded as I took a deep breath.

I hope they'll not reject me.

We reached the college and he parked the car in the parking lot. I pecked on his lips before we got out of the car. We made our way to my first class.

Half of the lectures passed. As we had a free lecture so me, Laksh and my friends were making our way towards the canteen area when a few of our classmates blocked our way.

"Ragini, come with us!" said Ayushi as she held my hand.

"Where?" asked Laksh as he took a step forward.

"Don't worry, we're not going to harm her." she said to Laksh.

Laksh shook his head in a big no, indicating that they can't take me with them. They looked at each other at that.

"Okay, all of you can come with us as well." said Kapil.

Laksh nodded at that and all of us started walking towards one of the halls in the college.

As we reached the door, Ayushi pushed me ahead and I was the first one to get inside the room. As soon as I got in, I felt rose petals falling on my head. I looked up and then around the room. It was decorated with balloons and roses.

I got confused. I looked around for anyone but no one was there. I was about to turn back to look at my friends when I saw Jai coming out. He was holding a rose bouquet in his hands and was having a nervous smile on his face. I was taken aback when he came towards me and sat on his knees.

"Jai, what is going on? What are you doing?" I asked shocked.

"Ragini, I wanted to say this from very long but today I've gained courage to say it finally. Ragini, I like you, a lot. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked as he extended his hands having the roses in front of me.

Shocked! Stunned!

I heard others hooting and clapping as he said that.

"Say yes... Say yes..." everyone present in the room started shouting.

I looked at my friends who were having neutral looks on their faces which meant neither they were in favour of Jai nor against him. Then my eyes fell on Laksh.

God! He was looking ready to murder. His hands were curled into fists and his jaw was clenched. His eyes were showing rage.

Mummy! This Jai made my boyfriend angry!

"Ragini, say yes yaar. What are you waiting for?" said one of the boys.

"Come on Ragini!" everyone started cheering me up but knew my answer very well.

"No!" I said and everyone stopped hooting and shouting.

There was a pin drop silence in the room.

"Ragini, please..." said Jai.

"Jai, please... I don't have anything for you. Please get up." I tried making him understand.

"Don't say like this Ragini. Please give me a chance. I'll be a very good boyfriend." he requested.

'But I already have a boyfriend and he's the best one so I don't want good one.' I wanted to say but I didn't.

"Didn't you hear what she said? No means no!" Laksh's rage filled voice roared in the entire room.

I jumped up getting scared like everyone in the room. Everyone's eyes turned to look at Laksh. He was at the edge of his patience level. He was looking like he'll burst any moment. He moved towards me and held my hand. He gave a death glare to Jai and pulled me out with him. My friends followed us.

Laksh made me sit in the car and he himself sat on the driving seat.

"Ragini..." said Yuvraaj as he looked at me worried like the other two.

"It's okay! I'm fine." I assured them.

They nodded and Laksh drove away from the college. He was driving silently but his hands were clutching the steering wheel in a tight grip. I wasn't getting any courage to speak. I have ever seen this side of his. He was looking dangerous. I took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"Laksh..." I said gaining some courage but he didn't respond and I didn't try again.

He pulled the car inside the gates of the house. He got out of the car and directly started walking towards his house, leaving me in the car. I pouted as I got out myself and followed him to his house.

"Laksh!" I called him again as he walked to his room.

I got in after him and held his hand. He turned to look at me.

"Laksh, it's okay! He didn't know about us that's why he did that. Please relax." I said as I ran my hand on his arm.

"No, it's not okay Ragini. It's not okay for me to see boys bringing proposals for my girl in front of my eyes! I don't want to tell you what I want to do with him right now. I didn't want to create a scene in front of everyone and make you a topic of gossips that's why I didn't do anything. But they have to know that you're mine, only mine." he said as he held me from my upper arm and pulled me to himself.

"I know I'm yours. And I also know that you're angry that we can't tell others about us now but we have to take the things slow right. We can't rush anything." I said as I placed my hands on his chest.

"I don't know about anything else. I just want everyone to know that you belong to me. I don't want any other man to come near you or to even think that they can get you." he said looking at me with those passionate eyes of his.

"Okay, fine! Two weeks later is my birthday. We'll tell mom and dad about us on that day. When I will ask them to accept us as my birthday gift they will not deny our relationship.. After we'll tell them, we'll tell everyone else too. Fine?" I said trying to calm him down.

"Better!" he said as he caged me in his arms.

This possessive side of his was giving me chills.

I gasped as he picked me up and moved towards the bed. He sat on the bed and made me sit on his lap. I clutched on his suit jacket as he moved his face to my neck and started nuzzling it. I moaned as he licked on my sweet spot and I could literally feel him smirking at his achievement.

I felt goosebumps on my skin as one of his hands slipped into my top and started caressing my waist.

"Laksh, stop!" I said as I pulled his face away.

He glared me and I shook my head.

"I know if you continued then you'll lose control and both of us don't want that to happen right?" I asked running my hand in his hair.

"Hmm... You're right. We'll not cross our limits until you become Mrs Ragini Laksh Maheshwari." he said as he finally smiled.

I smiled back at that. My name with his made me feel butterflies in my stomach and made me blush like always. We kissed. I got up from his lap and sat besides him.

"Laksh, my friends are planning to go to club this weekend." I told him as I remembered about it.

"Hmm... So?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

"You know they'll have a lot of fun there. They'll dance and enjoy." I continued.

"You're not going." he said looking at me with a stern face as he understood where it was getting.

"Pleach..." I tried blackmailing him with my puppy eyes and pouted lips.

"No!" he said adamantly.

"I want to go. I never went to club. I want to go there at least once. Please..." I said as I held his hand.

"Okay! But on one condition." he said sighing.

"And that is?" I asked.

"I'll come with you." he said.

"Okay! But I also have a condition." I said.

"And what's that?" he asked.

"You'll not come in your uniform but in casuals." I told him.

"Condition accepted." he said.

I nodded at that. We then kept talking about something or the other.

Both of us looked at each other shocked as we heard footsteps approaching.

"Shit! Who can be there?" said Laksh as he got up hurriedly.

"You have to hide." he said pulling me up from the bed and making me stand on my feet.

"Hide here..." he said pulling me behind the couch.

"No, you'll be visible from here. Ha, in the cupboard." he said as he pulled me towards the cupboard.

"No, how will you breath in this?" he said as he held his head.

"Like I breathed when I came here to cut your suit." I said giggling.

"Huh... No, do one thing." he said as he pulled me towards the washroom.

"Go inside." he said as he pushed me inside and locked the door from outside.

"Don't make any kind of noise." he instructed.

"Laksh..." I heard Ryan's voice from outside.

"Where are you going?" I heard Laksh asking in a panicked voice.

"I want to use washroom man. Move aside." said Ryan.



What do you think is going to happen next😰😹?

What would you like to say about Laksh in this part😳?

Please ignore any mistakes.
Thank you for reading.

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